How To Teach A Child To Read - Advice From A Psychologist, The Most Effective Methods

How To Teach A Child To Read - Advice From A Psychologist, The Most Effective Methods
How To Teach A Child To Read - Advice From A Psychologist, The Most Effective Methods

How to teach your child to read easily and with pleasure

The most "reading" vectors, according to Yuri Burlan's system-vector psychology, are anal, visual and sound. For their owners, the book can really become a source of real pleasure for many years. This becomes possible only when the child himself feels the desire to read. How can this be achieved?

Does your child know all the letters, find and show them correctly in the alphabet? So it's time to learn to read. Many parents are interested in how to transfer this skill to the child in the best way, how to teach the child to read, so that the book becomes a source of pleasure for many years.

Many questions arise about the choice of method. Today there are many techniques to teach your baby to read. How to choose the best one? Reading by syllables or choosing a warehouse technique? Or maybe your child will learn the global reading skill more easily?

To determine how to properly teach a child to read, it is necessary to rely on accurate knowledge of how his psyche works. What desires, aspirations and inclinations are inherent in your child, what are his naturally strong sides. Based on his innate abilities, you will be able to find a way for your baby to teach him how to read, so that a new skill will enter his life easily and with pleasure.

My child is slow and persevering

Well, we can only congratulate you! Nature itself has rewarded such a child with the desire to learn and accumulate knowledge. He prefers leisurely fidgeting in the sandbox to outdoor games, and at home he enjoys spending time with you on the couch reading his favorite book.

Children, whom Yuri Burlan's system-vector psychology defines as carriers of the anal vector, are characterized by a thorough approach to everything. Such a kid seeks to delve into the subject of study in detail, an analytical mindset is inherent in him from birth.

To easily teach this kid to read, it is enough to follow a number of simple recommendations:

  1. A child with an anal vector should never be rushed and interrupted. He is not one of those children who grasps quickly and on the fly. Just give him more time and he will do more than many others. According to his properties, he is the future bookkeeper by nature.
  2. Often the parents of such a baby are worried about how to teach a child to read by syllables. Don't worry, he'll learn how to make syllables from letters later. For a long time, before pronouncing the entire syllable, he can first repeat the letters one by one. This is due to his analytical mind: analysis requires "to put everything on the shelves, break it into components."
  3. In the same way, he may later begin to perceive the whole word and break it down into syllables for a rather long time. The reason is the same - the tendency to analyze and isolate the components. Give the anal child time - and he will definitely learn to smartly and with pleasure connect any syllables, performing the necessary analytical actions in his mind. Then it will become much faster to read aloud.

Don't skimp on praise for your anal baby. The approval of his elders, especially his mother, is very important to him.

My child is a nimble fidget

It's great when your baby is not averse to sitting on the couch with a book! And what about those who have no children at all for a moment? Agile and flexible, agile and fast, the owners of the skin vector require a completely different approach to training.

The dermal child, according to the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan, is by nature endowed with the ability to think logically and design. He thinks exactly the opposite from the owners of the anal vector and is determined not to analyze (break down into components), but to synthesize (assemble the whole from parts).

how to teach a child to read
how to teach a child to read

This natural feature must be taken into account when the dermal baby is learning. He really won't sit on the couch. But building from cubes or collecting puzzles is a pleasure.

Use special cubes, which are marked with individual letters, and then syllables or warehouses. You can choose puzzles or cut pictures, which also show syllables or letters. Learning to read through construction - building words from syllables or warehouses - will be much easier for a skin child.

You can get these kids interested by using puzzles or tasks. They are naturally good at counting skills, so you can choose tasks where letters or syllables correspond to certain numbers.

It is vitally important to educate skin babies through discipline and rules. It is difficult for them to sit still and concentrate for a long time. To gradually develop this skill into school, use a daily regimen.

Teach your skin baby to read strictly at a certain time, he will get used to the routine, and it will be much easier for him to hold attention.

From childhood, the skin child is well-versed in the relationship of benefit and benefit. You can rely on this and offer him a certain reward for successful studies. For example, a Sunday trip to an amusement park.

In active games on the street, you can start a maze of syllables with a skin child, arrange a search for a lost or missing letter or syllable on a pre-drawn map. The presentation of knowledge in the form of active play is perceived by the psyche of such a kid much easier.

Who is Global Reading for?

The text is perceived in a special way by children, who are naturally endowed with vectors from the quartet of information - visual and sound.

A visual child can quickly learn the so-called diagonal reading. As Yuri Burlan's system-vector psychology explains, this is possible due to the special natural structure of his visual analyzer.

A visual kid thinks in images, his imagination draws a picture. Therefore, it will be useful to draw and dream up with him on the topic of the story he has read. Choose subjects for empathy and compassion, this will help the viewer to maximize his naturally enormous sensory range.

The tendency to perceive a holistic image helps such a kid very quickly "grasp" syllables, he simply remembers their image, operating with syllables as visual images. Breaking down the text by syllables will also not last long if the child really wants to read. With a visual baby, you can also try the global reading skill, when a whole word is associated with a visual image.

Children with a sound-visual combination of vectors are most adapted to global reading. These are the owners of not only figurative, but also abstract intelligence. They seek to find meaning behind the printed word. They ask early questions about the meanings of complex words, for example: "Mom, what is gravity?"

Therefore, in addition to the method of composing syllables, a sound-visual child can also be offered cards with images of short words. Such a child is able to immediately correlate a whole word and its meaning.

how to teach a child to read correctly
how to teach a child to read correctly

Book as a source of pleasure

The most "reading" vectors, according to Yuri Burlan's system-vector psychology, are anal, visual and sound. For their owners, the book can really become a source of real pleasure for many years. This becomes possible only when the child himself feels the desire to read. How can this be achieved?

As you read your kid a bedtime story, stop at the most interesting place and explain that you will finish tomorrow, and now it's time to sleep. Of course, he will ask you to continue. Here it would be appropriate to say this: "Soon you will learn to read yourself and you can take any book without me before going to bed!" Provoke this situation several times.

Wait for the kid to systematically ask when he will be taught to read. Then you can set a specific date - for example, Sunday.

Throughout the week, you can tell your relatives and friends with your child: "Can you imagine, this Sunday Vasya will learn to read himself!" Thus, you form a joyful anticipation of the upcoming event in the baby.

With these systemic guidelines, you can create a burning desire in your child to read on their own. And then, at the appointed time, the baby himself will surprise you with how quickly and with joy he can master this skill.

The book as a source of family unity

The amazing world of literature is capable of not only developing incredible imaginative and abstract thinking in children. The book can become a source of incredible emotional closeness between family members. This is especially true for families raising several children.

Create a family habit of reading together before bed. The family members can take turns reading and the little ones take part too. The general empathy for the main characters creates the strongest emotional connection between family members for many years. Brothers and sisters, having already become adults, will maintain a special spiritual closeness.

Successful learning guarantee

A systematic approach has helped a huge number of people find answers to numerous questions about raising and educating their child, listen to what some of them have to say:

Already at the free online lectures on systemic vector psychology by Yuri Burlan, you begin to realize the peculiarities of the psyche of your baby. This understanding provides a guaranteed opportunity to easily and with pleasure transfer any educational skill to him. Register here.