He Is Married. But Does It Really Matter?

He Is Married. But Does It Really Matter?
He Is Married. But Does It Really Matter?

He is married. But does it really matter?

He is married. But does it really matter when such indescribable happiness suddenly falls upon you in the form of feelings that you did not even know existed? Feelings that easily and simply made you give up your inviolable principles and system of values …

He is married. But does it really matter?

Warm summer evening. You sit in complete silence in the kitchen, now and then glancing at the clock. It's almost nine, and despite the fact that he promised to be an hour ago, it doesn't surprise you at all. And it doesn't even seem to upset. You just got used to waiting patiently for five years and have long ceased to pay attention to such trifles as time. It doesn't matter that your affairs, meeting with your friends, your favorite hobby were sacrificed to these endless expectations - it was worth it.

He is married. But does it really matter when such indescribable happiness suddenly falls upon you in the form of feelings that you did not even know existed? Feelings that easily and simply made you give up your inviolable principles and system of values. You could not help but come to terms with the format of your relationship, simply because there were no forces that would force you to abandon it. You really fell in love, and gradually your world began to revolve around the source of love, completely obeying it.

You are my drug

Now you were living these short meetings, when all you needed was to feel, touch, see and hear him next to you. Even sex didn't really matter, because you knew that you were bound by something much bigger, inexplicable and invisible, so powerful and maddening. You were ready to just hold his hand and listen to everything he says, and these minutes were much more valuable than a physical act.

Sometimes you have had real physical breakdowns. Therefore, you came up with a special code that forbade you to bother him in moments of your acute despair, because he could get tired of it, and you were not ready to lose him. Sometimes, however, these torments were so unbearable that you broke all your taboos and rolled down to humiliating tantrums and some crazy antics.

Every such time you reproached yourself for incontinence and weakness, because you can endure. In the end, your life took on a meaning that was centered on yourself. You didn't even need to see him, the main thing is to know that he is. Although even the thought of a possible separation took away the desire to live, turning everything around into a viscous impenetrable vacuum. At the same time, you understood that continuing in the same spirit is fraught with disastrous consequences - emotional outbursts occurred more and more often, and it was harder and harder to restrain them.

For some time, it was possible to drown out such states by writing poetry and letters all night long, where you tried to explain to him your selflessness and eternal love.

You can't leave to stay

You automatically looked at your watch and sighed wearily. Such bitter thoughts acted depressingly, and you did not want to meet him in a bad mood. There was a long and impatient bell, you rushed to the door and froze for a minute, calming your pounding heart. The unpleasant obsession vanished as if by hand, its appearance acted as anesthesia for your tormented soul. Now you were ready to live again …

A vicious circle … How to break it? How to end a destructive relationship when the mere thought of parting is tantamount to death?

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Deadly love

Not every person is inclined to experience emotional or love dependence. This feature is predetermined by a set of properties given to us from birth, which, according to Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology, are called a vector. We will try to figure out which vectors are involved in our particular case.

If we are talking about violent emotions, then this is always a visual vector. Its owners literally live with feelings, experiencing any event in their life through a huge emotional amplitude. They need to draw emotions from anywhere, be it relationships, interactions in society, knowledge of the world around them, or just beautiful things. And these emotions are not always positive. The fact is that at one peak of the emotional amplitude of a person with a visual vector is love, and at the other - fear or longing.

Why does it happen that with emotional dependence, the object of love turns into the only source of emotions, to which the visual person literally sticks, unable to tear himself away? He begins to live in this relationship, completely devoting himself to his feelings and expecting to receive at least the same return in return. The presence of a loved one becomes necessary, like air: he demands more and more attention to himself, breaking into tantrums and arranging scenes of jealousy if he believes that he does not receive enough love.

As Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology says, the root of the strongest emotion, which is the basis of all emotions, is the fear of death. In primitive times, a person with a visual vector, experiencing the strongest fear for his life at the sight of a predator, helped the whole flock to survive in a dangerous situation. Now this emotion no longer carries a positive load, but the viewer is still born with it. And if his feelings do not develop in childhood or do not find application in adult life, fear lives in him, taking various forms.

As a rule, a visual person who is initially in fears falls into a situation of love addiction. In this case, he does not even fall in love, but “fears” his chosen one, feeling next to him the release of his fears, peace, a sense of security and safety. When a loved one is not around, fears flare up with renewed vigor, forcing the visual person to feel a constant dependence on his presence. From the very thought of breaking off a relationship with a loved one, he can begin to have attacks of fear and even panic attacks.

Please, just live, you see - I live by you …

There is another vector, the owner of which can turn another person into the meaning of life. This is a sound vector. The properties of this vector are completely opposite to those of the visual. Emotional outbursts are rather alien to sound specialists. They are focused on their inner world, are in search of meaning in everything that surrounds them, answers to intimate questions about their purpose and the structure of the Universe. Only they are characterized by such desires, which distinguishes the sound vector from all the others, oriented towards more mundane, material and everyday things.

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Sometimes it happens that a representative of the sound vector, as a result of his spiritual search, can find the meaning of life in another person. In Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology, this is called sound transfer. In this case, the chosen one will personify the apotheosis of spiritual search, which will be felt as unearthly and all-consuming love.

At the same time, being sometimes indifferent to intimacy (higher meanings are higher than any physical attraction), the sound engineer will only need to realize that his object of love exists. Physical presence or emotional connection is optional.

Sound transference is most often found in women with a sound vector, because a woman has always been dependent on a man, including in her spiritual search. A man, as a rule, knows the world directly, and a woman until recently did this only through a man. That is why sometimes it seems to her that he can become for her a guide to what she unconsciously seeks - to the meaning of life.

In the modern world, the combination of visual and sound vectors in one person is far from uncommon. Therefore, we can often observe both emotional swings and sound transference at the same time. This complicates an already difficult situation doubly, making life absolutely unbearable.

Getting rid of emotional addiction with a guarantee

Only by understanding the causes of emotional dependence and sound transference can we finally get out of the control of obsessive states and gradually turn life on the right track. Systemic Vector Psychology helps to do this.

At Yuri Burlan's training, you will learn that today for a visual person to live happily, you do not need to fill your emotional amplitude with fear. For him, the state of being in love, of love is as natural as breathing. This ability is given to him by nature in order to realize it constantly. He can give his love to the whole world.

A painful emotional break for the viewer who is aware of their truly limitless emotional potential will not feel like tragedy or the end of life. He will know that after going through a period of bright sadness about the lost feeling and gratitude to the person who helped him experience the most delightful experience in his life, he will be able to love and be happy again. And the power of love and compassion for a neighbor will forever rid him of any fears, phobias and emotional dependencies.

Today a woman strives for equality with a man in everything, including in spiritual search. Today, a woman with a sound vector can independently come to answers to her sound questions "Who am I?", "Why do I live?", "What is the meaning of life?" through knowing yourself. For this, she no longer needs a man who will lead her into the spiritual by the hand. And there is no need to loop your entire search on one single person. Thanks to the knowledge of Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology, hundreds of people have already got rid of their love addictions. Here are the results of some of them:

The reason for any negative dependence lies in the lack of realization of those desires that are given to a person by nature. You can understand what these desires are and how to fulfill them correctly at the free online lectures on System-Vector Psychology by Yuri Burlan. Register by the link:
