I don't know what I want from life
I don't know what I want, but I have the right to know how to become a happy person! This is not "mad with fat" and not a neurotic problem, as they say in smart books. What if I don't know my desires? How do you know your desires? These and other questions will be covered in this article …
“I want a FAQ, but I don’t know the
FAQ!.. The floors are not swept!.. Shake the rug, perhaps?”
- What is it with him?
- And this is our Kuzenka mad with fat.
This happens to everyone when there are no problems.
- We need to look at people, they are full of problems, and help someone.
Brownie Kuzya
I don't know what I want, but I have the right to know how to become a happy person! This is not "mad with fat" and not a neurotic problem, as they say in smart books.
Man is created for happiness, like a bird for flight (Korolenko's "Paradox"). And what constitutes that very happiness? Filling desires! Created as a receiving being, a person wants to embody his desires and for this to receive a reward in the form of pleasure from life … And if I do not know my desires?
What to do for those who do not know what to fill themselves with and turned off the wrong path? Who does not know how to become that very person living in joy and happiness? How do you know your desires? These and other questions will be covered in this article.
Mistakes when looking for my desires, or I don't know what I want in life
Finding answers to pressing questions, what to do with your life and how to find a job to your liking, sometimes takes half your life. Often this path to oneself is strewn with a series of obstacles and mistakes. And it happens that these moments plunge a person into an unpleasant state: you want to be sad, then whine and complain, and sometimes to diagnose everything - meaninglessness.
How does it work?
She wants to become a music teacher, and her father discourages her, arguing that it is not prestigious, unprofitable.
- What to live on? Who needs your intelligentsia? And how to live on the pennies that a representative of the intelligentsia gets? Daughter, be practical! The world is material! You can't earn money for an apartment in Moscow, nor for the "buns" that a well-to-do life gives. So put this nonsense out of your head! Do you want my business partners to think that I am a rogue and cannot study my daughter in a prestigious place? Resolved. You will enter the Faculty of Business and Management.
“Why is that? Why is he not interested in what I want in life! she sighs softly. However, being an exemplary and obedient daughter, she, swallowing tears, cancels herself for the umpteenth time, following other people's desires. But how else, if such important people in your life do not hear you?

As Yuri Burlan's system-vector psychology describes, such mistakes in the process of searching for their purpose tend to be made by people with the anal-visual ligament. People with an anal vector are very diligent, diligent, obedient, medalists and class leaders. And the visual vector endows a person with the highest emotional amplitude. These are people who have sparkle, love, joy, warmth in their eyes. Such people are drawn to people. They create emotional connections with them: with a grandmother, a child, a man. These are people-magnets to whom everyone is drawn.
Combining both vectors adds up to a golden baby! Since childhood, obedient, strives to do everything impeccably. The little owner of the anal vector really needs the praise of his parents. “I did everything very well and my mother praised me” is a pleasure for the child. Sometimes these qualities are subject to manipulation by parents. "Do this, otherwise I will not love you", "If you do not do this, you are a bad girl, you will upset your mother."
Such manipulation can form a good girl (boy) complex in a child, which will affect the whole life. Instead of realizing his natural talents, such a person will do everything so as not to “upset”, “not offend”, in order to remain “loved and good”.
Let's look at another example
"Take risks!" - wives shout to husbands
The wife drives her husband to the success training "How to make a million", and he goes. Sits, jotting down Robert Kiyosaki's money quadrant word for word exactly, ruled to ruler. She tries to study perfectly well, as always.
He promised his wife to get a new job this month. But quite recently he was a furniture maker - a master of goldsmiths. The wife insisted on his leaving. “Stop humping for a penny! she said. - You have such potential! You will go to training tomorrow. I've even bought you a place. Go listen. This is where real money can be made."
The man sighs. He is unhappy: I myself do not know what I want, but my wife knows. Does the wife know the desire of her husband, or does she push him to where she herself likes?
What to do if you don't know what you want from life
Considering systematically both of the above examples from the life of a person with an anal vector, one can find out that the person does not know himself. And our parents, loved ones, people around us look at the world through themselves. They evaluate it according to their value system. So that you do not have to complain later, accumulate resentment, get stuck in the past or follow the lead of other people's desires, you need to get to know your true self.
Asking yourself, what is the joy for me, the meaning of life? I have a right to know. What do I want in life? What business should I devote myself to? Answers can be found to these and other questions, you just need to risk looking into the depths. To cognize your psychic, which lives as a person, and to find an inner answer. Sometimes it is very useful to play a game of why - this is not a question for a psychologist, it is orders of magnitude more productive. Understanding mental properties - what talents are given to a person, what he is predisposed to - makes his life better, more interesting, fuller. A person gets the ability to realize himself as much as possible. A person becomes more confident in making decisions, and no one is able to lead him away from the correct path that suits him.
So in the case of a wife who, through the prism of her properties, drove her husband into business, but he cannot enjoy it. The properties are different. People with anal vectors are not businessmen. Another thing makes them happy - these are the best masters, teachers, husbands with golden hands, the most loyal and devoted. Or a girl who dreamed of becoming a music teacher - doing a family business, she is unlikely to experience pleasure. After all, her talents will remain unfulfilled.
Understanding your properties allows you to find a job that makes a person happy.

What to do to start wanting something
And it happens so. He is such a mysterious silent … a gaze directed to infinity. Such depth! He is worried about the questions: “What is the meaning of life? What's behind it all? Where does everything come from and where does it go? Who is running all this? There must be an answer! Otherwise, what is all this for?"
“Sometimes it seems that I do not know what I want from life, because everything that is in this world, I have tried and I am not interested. Yachts, villas, family, love, sex. These are all some kind of stupid desires. I myself do not know what I want …”In my head, someone beats a fake melody with a hammer, and it seems that there is no salvation. Hell in which the body is forced to be. The body that holds him in a grip on this Earth and still holds him … For a short time helps to forget the dream.
For days he can lie face to the wall, so that no one touches, does not talk to him … They just left him alone with himself, where no one bothers him to immerse himself in himself and his thoughts. You can finally think about it!
It is unbearable to live and not find an answer to the question - what am I living for? What is the sense of life? Is there even the slightest sense in my forced stay here?
The carriers of the sound vector say - I don't know what I want, I don't want anything - because their desires are outside of material values. They are aimed at cognizing the metaphysical world, which cannot be touched and touched. But you can learn, reveal. After all, sound specialists, without realizing it, want to expand their consciousness, where there are no time and space frames. They want to know all the governing power, the creator, God. What laws of nature rule over everyone. Even the question - what exactly do I want? - they have a completely different order, the abstract intellect longs to receive what is hidden in the unconscious. In order to satisfy the mental hunger, the sound engineer goes from one "teaching" to another, trying to reveal the meaning of life.
It is a person with a sound vector who is given to find answers in the process of cognition. But the answers do not lie within him, but in all people, connected by invisible threads of a common eight-dimensional matrix of the psychic.
How to change your life
According to system-vector psychology, each person is a whole palette of desires. Our thoughts serve the very same "I WANT" that come from the unconscious. It lives by us and rules the ball.
The task of each of us is to realize our innate desires. The more we are able to understand ourselves, our desires and take the right actions to fulfill them, the brighter and more joyful our life is. Thousands of people report such results after the System Vector Psychology training.
We invite you to a date with yourself. Get to know your own Self and find out what it is like to live life, filling every day with meaning. Register for the free online training "System Vector Psychology" by Yuri Burlan.