No Strength To Live. How To Live On If You Don't See The Future And Don't Want Anything

No Strength To Live. How To Live On If You Don't See The Future And Don't Want Anything
No Strength To Live. How To Live On If You Don't See The Future And Don't Want Anything

No strength to live

When there is no strength to get up in the morning, nothing pleases and does not want to live - this speaks of depression. By itself, it does not go away, but seek advice from friends, go to a psychologist and drink antidepressants - like injecting lidocaine into a healthy leg with dizziness …

I don't want anything. Just sleep. Weakness, and hands have long since dropped. Constant thoughts in the head or a complete vacuum. What is the use of me in this world if I cannot do anything, even with myself? Anyone who is familiar with the state of hopelessness, when there is absolutely no strength to live, will understand.

It's hard to explain why it's bad. I would like to get out of this quagmire in any way. Or to end everything, there is no strength to suffer …

It saves sleep, you forget there from problems and pain. Lucky if there is no insomnia. And in the morning … it is unbearably hard to pull yourself out of bed. You live as if you are serving time in this body. For what?..

How to live on if there is no strength?

Fatigue from life is often accompanied by loneliness, such an inner state when no one understands you. There are no friends, no beloved, but sometimes even the presence of such does not get rid of the oppressive emptiness and meaninglessness.

Despair and powerlessness to live life occurs in a person for various reasons. Endless health problems, in personal life, work, can also be the cause of fatigue, but all this is particular. They are all the tip of the iceberg, slightly visible above the water. And below the water column, a lump of pain invisible to the eye, many times higher than anything on the surface. This lump filled everything. It cannot be moved, no matter how much you cut the top, no matter how much you change the external circumstances.

When there is no strength to get up in the morning, nothing pleases and does not want to live - this speaks of depression. By itself, it does not go away, but looking for advice from friends, going to a psychologist and drinking antidepressants is like injecting lidocaine into a healthy leg with dizziness.

The problem lies in a different plane. In this article, we will help you understand the causes of despair and get the first portion of strength for life.

Depression. How to find the strength to live on?

I don't know what will happen next. I wake up, eat, read, do something … And inside is gnawing black melancholy, I do not know where to put myself and how to shorten the time of this joyless existence. I feel about 80 years old, I don't know where to find the strength to live.

Depression is pain, a cry from the heart. She eats a person from the inside. A feeling of total helplessness in the face of circumstances, there is no strength to overcome oneself and one's condition. Weakness, headache, sleeplessness, or sleeping for days is what goes hand in hand with depression.

One word is spinning in my head: "Tired."

It's hard to get up in the morning, there is no strength to cook and take care of yourself.

A person in such a state cannot make the effort to change the way of life himself. The reasons for the lack of energy and meaning in everything, the incentive to live have deep psychological roots.

No strength to live photo
No strength to live photo

Why are we depressed?

A person wants to enjoy life so that everything works out, but does not work out. He is struggling to get out of trouble: financial, personal, internal, but it turns out even worse. And all would be fine if you could see the light at the end of the tunnel, know how to get out of this quagmire …

How depression feels:

  • Lack of meaning in everything. You do not see the prospects and the future.
  • There is no way to get out of the vicious circle.
  • I just want to stop existing.
  • The desire for everything to end as soon as possible.
  • There is no incentive to live and there is no longer any hope for something good.

What is true life-threatening depression? This is when there is no condition in the surrounding world, changing which, you can level the state. You don’t understand why all this is, you don’t see the point.

If, nevertheless, such conditions exist - for example, I have adjusted my personal life, adjusted my financial affairs and again you can enjoy life - then the way out of despair is much closer than it seems. The goal to get out of a bad state is already a goal.

It is the meaning that a person puts into his life that is fuel, energy, he gives strength to live. After all, there is something for …

When the problems are internal and there is no strength to live on - what to do?

No strength to live - what to do?Beyond material desires …

Depression can also be crippling during periods of complete prosperity, when there are no objective reasons for suffering. No one has died, the beloved has not left, everything goes on as usual. And you want to howl into your pillow from a state of black burning melancholy. You hate yourself, the world, God. You lie buried alive under a concrete slab and cannot get up. How to find the strength to live and where to look for meaning?

Only a person with the desires of the sound vector is able to be in a real severe depression, for which, it would seem, there are no reasons. It seems that no one can answer his question: why am I so bad?

The sound engineer wanders like a restless person, overcome by depression because he does not know how to fill his “want”, and, moreover, does not know “what I want,” because sound desires are immaterial.

He wants to understand the causes and consequences of everything that exists in the Universe, in nature, in himself. Without understanding how everything works, and most importantly - why, the sound engineer wanders like a lonely wanderer in his thoughts and on the Internet landscape. That is why it hurts so desperately inside, because it seems that life has no meaning. That is why there is no strength to live, hopeless fatigue from everything pulls to the bottom like a stone: because there are no answers to unasked questions.

Sound desire is greater than the desires of other vectors, it bursts out with a dumb cry to the entire Universe and requires filling. It's huge. Therefore, the pain of the lack of meaning is felt as an unbearable burden. It seems that you can cope with everything, with any difficulties and problems, but not with the emptiness inside …

And somewhere nearby … there is a train of misunderstanding of others …

And the sound person pulls there, beyond the limits of the physical body, to God, as to his cradle. And it seems to him that it is there that he will find peace and liberation from the clutches of an unbearable life …

Spiritual search: the path to yourself

It is strange that we ask God to change the situation, not knowing

that he sent it to us to change us.

author unknown

If a person does not find meaning in anything at all, then he is looking in the wrong place. Ignorance of oneself and one's nature forces one to choose the wrong path through life, other people's desires. And then the person meets more and more obstacles. But all this is only in order to finally take the right direction, having come to a certain impasse.

A series of sufferings, when there is no longer the strength to live, are given to a person not so that he suffers from pain, but only so that he does not stray from the path of spiritual search - the path of realizing his destiny. As the only opportunity to inform a person that the connection with the root cause is broken and it is necessary to make certain changes in oneself. As a kind of beacon, illuminating the special path of the sound engineer in knowing himself.

The meaning of the life of such a person, completely different from others, is to reveal the essence of being, the universe, psyche through self-knowledge. Open the laws of the universe to others.

When at the training "System-vector psychology" the sound engineer realizes his desires, finally understands who he is and why everything is so … When he finds the Meaning … Then he gets an unprecedented surge of strength. Indeed, for the realization of great sound desires, for the realization of the Purpose, maximum energy is given.

Suffering moves the sound engineer on the plane, brings him to the line, and further, from this point, his Path opens …
