Job Change: A Difficult Choice Between The Familiar And The Best

Job Change: A Difficult Choice Between The Familiar And The Best
Job Change: A Difficult Choice Between The Familiar And The Best

Job change: a difficult choice between the familiar and the best

After the second stage of the interview, as expected from an honest and responsible person, the candidate goes to the management to admit that he has started negotiations about a job change. And since no one wants to part with a good employee, and even more so those who clearly see the benefits and benefits of a reliable and capable employee, Nikolai receives a counter-offer. There are also prospects for development, and an increase in wages to market. So what else does a person need?

From the practice of a system recruiter

Nikolay, a Muscovite, 25 years old, an electronic engineer of the 2nd category, has been working for more than four years at a state research and production enterprise, is studying in graduate school. There are publications in scientific journals, speaks at conferences, already has a registered patent. I applied for a vacancy of an analyst-trainee with a small salary in a system integrator company.

At the interview, he explained that he decided to change his profession, because he does not see any prospects for development in the field of electronics in Russia, and he does not want to move to countries where such specialists are needed. But the automation of the production and sales process is becoming more and more in demand, and Nikolai as an analyst could succeed.

We discussed in detail the seriousness of the intention. Losses in wages for the next three months would account for a third of the small income that Nikolai has in his fifth year at the NPP. But after three months, having completed the internship and passed the exam, he would have reached the current level, and in six months he would have been preparing for the transition to a new one.

The company has a grading system, which is the system of dependence of wages on professional growth. Importantly, this growth can be different, depending on the abilities and desires of specialists. You can follow the path of increasing the status from setting tasks to 2-3 colleagues to managing a project or projects. Or you can delve into the expertise of a specific platform or several products, architecture, one of the economic sectors, or mentoring. For example, an analyst-trainee, inclined to delve into processes, has a roadmap for the sequential build-up of competencies at the Junior, Middle, Senior, Lead Analyst or Expert levels, with accompanying salary and bonus growth at each stage.

We talked about all this, I made sure that the candidate has all the necessary properties to meet the probationary period and in three months master the curriculum, pass the exam and reach the salary level of his company as a junior analyst. Why was I so sure? I saw in the resume, and then confirmed at the interview the presence of all the signs of a thorough approach to the process of work and study, conscientiousness, responsibility, the ability to bring the work started to the end. Nikolay possesses developed analytical thinking, which is so necessary for an analyst's work. In a natural way for himself he is focused on details, in a conversation he does not hesitate to ask clarifying questions, clarifies the essence, has a good memory, is inclined to seek new knowledge and, under the guidance of an experienced mentor, will quickly feel his strength in a new profession.

We're perfect for each other, but will we be together?

The only thing that bothered me was Nikolai's separation from the place where he worked for more than four years. All of the above qualities indicate that for such a person, new is always stress, and replacing the old with a new one is doubly stress. It will be difficult for him to decide on such a step, and only the promised perspective, albeit very attractive, is not enough here. There must also be an incentive from the rear, an impetus to leave the old company. It can be resentment at leadership, reduction, drastic changes or the need to support a family, or inspiration and support of a loved one.

For such people, the past has more weight than the future. Fast career growth, high salaries, bonuses for achieving results are not about them. Sounds good, but that's not the point. Memories of the first place of work, the first experience, of colleagues with whom they ate half a pound of salt, gratitude to the mentors, who have invested so much in a novice specialist during this time, are warm in my soul. Incomplete processes also cause special internal pain. And our candidate still has unfinished postgraduate studies related to work at the enterprise. Termination of work entails resignation from graduate school. All this together causes a feeling of betrayal, guilt, and dissatisfaction with oneself.

Job change
Job change

A difficult state for a person, within which there is a struggle of two forces: rational, moving forward, and inhibiting, justifying and preserving the past. Indeed, in reality, there is a lack of money, and a feeling of unrecognition, stagnation, because around people get much more for their work, create something new, important for society, realizing the value of their contribution. And at the same time, there is a feeling that the main thing is the stability of what is available, the fear of change. What will prevail? We decided to check.

Treacherous treason or progressive change?

After the second stage of the interview, as expected from an honest and responsible person, the candidate goes to the management to admit that he has started negotiations about a job change. And since no one wants to part with a good employee, and even more so those who clearly see the benefits and benefits of a reliable and capable employee, Nikolai receives a counter-offer. There are also prospects for development, and an increase in wages to market. So what else does a person need?

When I was invited to the third, final meeting, I was refused with an apology, but I did not give up. She again talked about the possibilities of immersion in projects, about training, about how we can professionally develop our specialists, realizing that Nikolai, out of politeness, will agree to come for an interview, but the power of attraction of the past has already won.

In the end, this is what happened. The meeting went well, we made an offer to the candidate and were refused. The door remains open, Nikolai knows it. I think that after graduating from graduate school, we will definitely return to discussing the transition to a new profession.

System-vector psychology. Unique vacancies for their place in life

What conclusion can we draw from this example? Do I need to organize repeat interviews or is it easier to refuse such candidates right away? Do I need to convince and persuade them? How to work with them later so that you do not regret the transition? And what should a candidate do himself, who finds himself from time to time into a state of choice between the familiar old and the frightening new?

Everyone who works in recruiting needs to learn to distinguish people with a similar mentality from others, to understand their properties and desires, the ability to adapt new things and overcome stressful conditions. Then it will be easier and more effective to interact with candidates, who are in the majority in the IT field. Once we have already brought up the topic of multi-page resumes.

And for the candidates themselves, unfortunately, such stories can develop into a life scenario, and in 15 years no one will promise such employees a salary increase or interesting projects, because they will not go anywhere anyway. But this does not mean that there is no way out or that you will have to break yourself up and put up with stress all your life. There is an opportunity to reveal for themselves their natural properties, professional potential, to see the real state of affairs with the help of Yuri Burlan's online training "System-Vector Psychology". To begin with, you can familiarize yourself with the results of the trainees in the professional and other fields.

There is confidence that high-tech industries are beginning to develop at a rapid pace in Russia, where such reliable employees with bright minds will be in demand and with care.
