Man And Woman Psychology Of Relationships: New Discoveries In Psychology On How To Build Relationships Between A Man And A Woman

Man And Woman Psychology Of Relationships: New Discoveries In Psychology On How To Build Relationships Between A Man And A Woman
Man And Woman Psychology Of Relationships: New Discoveries In Psychology On How To Build Relationships Between A Man And A Woman

Man and woman Relationship psychology

Man and woman - the psychology of the relationship of such different representatives of humanity worries, probably, everyone. Many novels and poems, scientific works and psychological bestsellers have been written about them. But the question remains. And over the past thousand years it has not become clearer how they can understand each other and find a common language. An exhaustive answer is given by the System-Vector Psychology of Yuri Burlan.

History of gender relations = history of the world

From time immemorial, a man, growing up, became a useful unit of society, fulfilling a role according to his natural properties - vectors. Each person, unlike animals, nature has endowed with additional desires. Not enough - to eat, drink and leave offspring, I want more. The enterprising owner of the skin vector found opportunities to get more and keep the prey longer. A man with an anal vector, having a good memory and golden hands, taught children and developed a craft.

Who does not work shall not eat. It was not easy to get food. Yes, and food - I want more. And you want a woman more often than necessary for reproduction!

The woman was also assigned an important role - to preserve the race. If a man wants to continue his family, he is obliged to provide for a woman. No other way. A man gives a woman, in addition to food, a sense of security and safety, which she, in turn, transfers to the child.

Nature is wise. At the pheromone level, a woman chooses the most worthy man. And then he makes his choice, being sure that he was the first to notice and achieve it. This choice occurs naturally, uniting in pairs the owners of opposite properties of the psyche. This makes it easier for a cell of society to survive.

And in order to ensure the safety of the family and exclude deadly "battles for the female", the behavior of men is limited by social shame and taboo, and the woman in her actions is unconsciously guided by her natural bashfulness. Everything, it would seem, is elementary …

Men, Women, Love

All cards were mixed by a skin-visual woman. She "invented" love.

Fragile, over-emotional. She is not able to offend even a flower and is terribly afraid of a spider. Neither live nor die is about her. She is too far from animal nature, in love with the bright colors of life and is afraid of death. Death is her strongest natural fear.

In a developed state of the visual vector, she is compassionate, able to sympathize and empathize. When she “fears” for others, her own fears go away.

Being by nature not giving birth, she is not limited by shyness in sexual behavior. But a man who provides her for the time of bearing and feeding a child is not provided. Survive the way you want.

It doesn't belong to anyone, and all men want it. Like a bright fragile flower, giving her scent to everyone, she envelops those around her with her emotions, her sensuality. It attracts and excites. With his dance, he inspires men to win. With her singing, she soothes the boiling blood of the warriors who have returned home.

The emotionality of a skin-visual woman, of course, extends to relationships with men. For a short time, receiving the much-needed feeling of security and safety at the moment of intimacy with a man, she gives him, in addition to orgasm, an incredible bouquet of emotions. Creates the deepest emotional closeness, confidentiality of these short relationships.

In our time, without this emotional component, relations between a man and a woman are no longer built. This is no longer basic reproduction, but sexuality. Love.

man and woman relationship psychology
man and woman relationship psychology

Do women want to "catch up" with men?

The highest pleasure is orgasm, which allows a man to comprehend himself, provides the creation of new neural connections. It is the desire for a woman, according to system-vector psychology, that pushes a man to development, makes him fulfill a specific role, to strive for something.

The female orgasm has never been considered necessary. Most women were content with the sense of security and safety received from a man. This is an important component of relations even today.

But the woman has ceased to be dependent on the man. The skin-visual beauty sets the tone. New forms of relationships, attempts to rethink the role of women. Little natural attraction - give in love. Little love - give a bright orgasm. Today it is available to everyone.

The relationship within a couple between a man and a woman is still based on natural attraction. The choice is made unconsciously and sometimes it seems unexpected. But this attraction lasts no longer than three years.

It is during this period that two must build a trusting relationship, a real family. If this does not happen, the couple breaks up or continues to cling to annoying obligations, fear of loneliness and other artificial "family bonds" factors.

Where does the misunderstanding come from? System-vector psychology shows that all the discrepancies arise not because of a misunderstanding of the relationship between a man and a woman, but because of the difference in the natural desires of different people, their mental properties - vectors, regardless of gender.

Understanding the differences allows you to take a fresh look at relationships. This is proved by the numerous results of people trained by Yuri Burlan:

At the free online training on systemic vector psychology by Yuri Burlan, you can learn in detail about the vectors and the peculiarities of the relationship between them. Register using the link.
