Alexey Leonov. The first in the universe. Part 1
Alexey Leonov undoubtedly made a huge contribution to the development of Russian and world cosmonautics. For many years he has been actively developing the lunar program. However, after the USSR lost in the lunar race, Russian scientists stopped researching the Earth's satellite, never completing the project …
I am still amazed at my happy fate. The work of an astronaut brought me many tests, many new things, brought great joy and creative satisfaction.
A. A. Leonov
Alexey Arkhipovich Leonov is truly a historical person who became a legend during his lifetime. It was he who, on March 18, 1965, became the first cosmonaut in the world to complete a spacewalk.
Leonov undoubtedly made a huge contribution to the development of Russian and world cosmonautics. For many years he has been actively developing the lunar program. However, after the USSR lost in the lunar race, Russian scientists stopped researching the Earth's satellite without completing the project.
In 1975 Leonov took part in the Soviet-American Soyuz-Apollo flight. At that moment, important for the two world powers, it was Aleksey Arkhipovich who was a member of the team and was the first to shake the hand of an American astronaut during the docking of the ships.
But even after that, he did not stop further space exploration for a minute. While holding the post of Deputy Head of the Cosmonaut Training Center, Alexey Arkhipovich continued to work in the field of astronautics until his retirement. Having written several scientific works and more than a dozen scientific works, Alexey Leonov received his Ph. D. in technical sciences, and also became a professor at one of the Russian universities.
To this day, he actively participates in various conferences, holds meetings with students and advises famous filmmakers making films about space. Who, if not Alexei Arkhipovich, can tell in detail and accurately how a person feels in outer space?
Alexey Leonov is one of those who gaze into the starry sky with special feeling, knowing how this world looks from above. After all, he was the first to go into outer space and saw the stars closer than anyone else on Earth.
Dreams of stars
Little Lesha dreamed of stars since childhood. He was born on May 30, 1934 in the village of Listvyanka. He was surrounded by the Siberian expanses and the endless sky overhead. Father, Arkhip Alekseevich, worked as a veterinarian at a collective farm. Mother, Evdokia Minaevna, was a teacher. In addition, she embroidered blankets to feed a large family, where Alyosha was the eighth child.
As a result of an unfortunate coincidence of circumstances, the Leonov family fell under repression. The father was arrested after a false denunciation when the boy was only three years old. The children were kicked out of school. They took away the house, all property, including clothes. Alexei Arkhipovich recalls how his only pants were removed, leaving him in one shirt. So the Leonov family was left without a breadwinner and without a roof over their heads. But one day they received a letter …

“Mom, come to us. We should all be together"
With these words, Alexei's older sister and her husband invited them to their place in Kemerovo. Evdokia Minaevna's son-in-law was not afraid to host in his sixteen-meter barracks a mother-in-law who was pregnant at that time with seven small children. This impulse is understandable from the point of view of the System-Vector Psychology of Yuri Burlan.
The fact is that Russians are carriers of the urethral-muscular mentality, in the values of which there is mercy, justice and responsibility for others. In Russia, social shame, not the law, regulates people's behavior. And the priority of the general over the particular leads to the creation of a collective form of society. The creation of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the state structure of which was most complementary to our Russian natural mentality, closely united the Russian people and showed the best features in it. Standing shoulder to shoulder with their comrades, overwhelmed with pride for their Motherland and a common dream of a better future for new generations, Soviet people were able to withstand the Great Patriotic War. Each of the thousands of soldiers went to defend their homeland. Each was ready to give his life, sacrificing himself for the sake of others.
It is thanks to the urethral-muscular mentality that Russian society has managed to survive in difficult times for the country. Keeping all together, people gave birth and raised children, helped each other. A whole generation of kind, independent, responsible children has grown up in Russia, among whom were the very first and the best.
One of these was Alexei Leonov - a brave test pilot and a brave cosmonaut who understood the whole danger of space exploration, but never once deviated from his task, doing a great job for the whole country, for the whole world. He is one of the brightest representatives of the people with a heroic urethral mentality.

“Wolf cubs, earners. If you don't get yourself what to eat, you will remain hungry. The Law of Survival"
Alexei's father returned from prison two years later. He was released in gratitude for saving the cattle from mortality, and later fully acquitted. At that time, the state began to give money to families with many children, and the Leonovs were helped to adjust two more rooms to the barracks. At that time, there were already eighteen people in the family. Their apartment has become the largest in the entire region, and it seems that life has begun to improve.
But one day little Alyosha heard the voice of Molotov on the loudspeaker, announcing the beginning of the war. He was seven years old, and he already understood that a difficult time lay ahead of them. His father was left in the rear. He was the sole breadwinner of a large family, and his age was approaching fifty.
The war trial became part of Alexei's childhood. I had to go barefoot to the first grade. Later he inherited the girls' brown shoes, which his father repaired more than once.
There was not enough food, and with the onset of spring, they went to the taiga as boys on a hike for three or four days. They knocked down thrushes from a slingshot and immediately cooked them at the stake. Little hunters, endowed with a skin vector, have already learned to get their own food.
The skin vector gives a person a natural ability to extract, to earn money. Little Alexey painted carpets to order and received three loaves of bread for this. To begin with, he took a sheet, which his father fixed to a stretcher, and primed it with a mixture of chalk, glue and drying oil. And then he began to draw landscapes, realizing his visual vector. Sensitive from birth, the visual sensor captures every detail of the external image. Taking pleasure in the beauty and bright colors around, Alexey strove to express everything he saw on canvas.
I devote all my free time to painting
The boy showed his talent for drawing very early. Lesha drew illustrations for the books that his sisters read to him, and then he began to design the stories of Jules Verne that he had already read. Alexey's anal-visual father always supported his son and happily looked at and commented on the works of the novice artist. After graduating from high school in Kaliningrad, Leonov could easily have entered the Riga Academy of Arts. But after learning that he would not be given a hostel, and that he had to pay five hundred rubles for a room, Lesha chose another educational institution.
However, Alexey never gave up painting. It was he, endowed with a visual vector and drawing skills developed from childhood, who, like no one else, was the first to appreciate the true beauty of the Universe. Alexei Leonov made his first space sketches while observing space infinity from the Voskhod-2 porthole. In the USSR, postage stamps depicting paintings of the first space travel by Leonov himself, in collaboration with the artist Andrei Sokolov, were very popular.
To this day, he paints magnificent pictures with cosmic and earthly beauties. He donated several of his works to the Tretyakov Gallery, and now everyone can appreciate the talent of the great cosmonaut and artist.
Dreams of the sky
Alexei wanted to become a pilot when a young pilot in a beautiful military uniform came to visit them. Little Lesha everywhere followed on the heels of an important guest and asked him about everything. And after watching the movie "The Fighter" with Mark Bernes, the dream to see the sky up close was forever fixed in his heart.
The sky and space, like everything unknown, attracts people with a sound vector. The innate desire to know the meaning of life attracts sound scientists to the study of the Universe, which is what the great astronaut is doing to this day. "Who am I? Where did I come from and what is the meaning of my life? " - such questions always unconsciously push the bearer of the sound vector into an eternal search, dragging him beyond the edge of the Universe.

Sound scientists read a lot, often being carried away by science fiction, because they hope to find meaning in other realities and on other planets. Among his favorite books, Alexei Leonov singles out "A Space Odyssey 2001" by Arthur Clarke, in which the author names his ship in honor of the famous cosmonaut. Clarke's unusual sympathy for the Russian people, which is clearly visible in the novel, is very deeply felt by Alexei himself. Being a true patriot, he always speaks with special pride about the achievements of Russian scientists, writers and directors.
Alexey Arkhipovich himself has written more than one book. And this is also a manifestation of the sound vector. The desire to convey his thoughts in a written word developed in Leonov for a long time. He described all his feelings after going into outer space in his works "Space Walker" and "Solar Wind".
Continuation: Part 2. Heroic everyday life