I Get Tired Of The Noise. How To Survive In A Modern Office And Beyond

I Get Tired Of The Noise. How To Survive In A Modern Office And Beyond
I Get Tired Of The Noise. How To Survive In A Modern Office And Beyond

I get tired of the noise. How to survive in a modern office and beyond

Nobody takes my conditions seriously. They don't understand what I mean. I feel somehow inferior, constantly haggard and tired. What to do? Maybe it's some kind of illness?

Working in a modern office with its constant "movement" is absolutely unproductive for me. I can hardly stand eight hours. At home for two hours I just come to my senses in conditions of absolute silence. To recover, it takes 9-10 hours of sleep in complete silence and darkness. Otherwise - in the morning a headache for 2-3 days.

Noise is my curse. My work is intellectual and requires concentration. Any sounds are distracting - be it a quiet background melody when a colleague is listening to music on headphones, or a loud discussion. After 20 minutes of such a conversation, the feeling that my battery is completely dead, I am absolutely exhausted.

Nobody takes my conditions seriously. They don't understand what I mean. I feel somehow inferior, constantly haggard and tired. What to do? Maybe it's some kind of illness?

The most sensitive ear

At the training System-Vector Psychology of Yuri Burlan, we learn that the owner of the sound vector has an increased sensitivity to sounds, to noise. This is due to the peculiarities of his mental and physical structure.

First of all, the most sensitive area of his body is the ear, which perceives any, even the most subtle, sound signals many times stronger than the ears of owners of other vectors. He can hear the quietest sound, sensitively and accurately perceive the false note in a piece of music. That is why loud, coarse sounds give him almost physical suffering, akin to pain.

In a sound child, for example, the constant screams of parents, incessant noises in the place of residence can cause a desire to close, withdraw into oneself, which can lead to a loss of the ability to learn and even the development of autistic disorder.

I get tired of the noise
I get tired of the noise

Not realizing innate desires

The second feature of the owner of the sound vector is the need to concentrate thought. As a spectator gets pleasure from communication and emotions, a representative of the anal vector from studying, a skinner from making money - a sound engineer likes to think. And for this, he simply needs to periodically remain in silence and solitude, because in these conditions it is easier for him to concentrate.

If for a long time he is not able to do this, he begins to feel dissatisfaction. He does not fulfill his innate needs, which means that he suffers from shortages in the sound vector, which, in such a person, gradually result in a loss of interest in life, a loss of desires and joy, as well as painful sensitivity to sounds, headaches, and prolonged sleep that cannot be filled strength, or, conversely, into insomnia.

What can be done?

Man is the realization of the pleasure principle. If he does not realize his innate desires, then he experiences suffering. Filling the desires of the sound vector reduces the sound person's sensitivity to ambient sounds and noise.

What does filling mean for a modern sound engineer? This is not only an opportunity to think, to concentrate - first of all, it is an opportunity to get to know oneself and the people around. Understanding yourself - why he is like this and what is his place in this world - is extremely important for such a person. When these desires are realized, noise ceases to be a factor determining a person's state.

Find your place

Of course, sound ecology should be taken into account when choosing a profession and place of work. A sound engineer is strictly contraindicated to work in a noisy workshop, in construction with piling, on laying asphalt and other work on which only people insensitive to noise "survive". However, if the sound engineer was properly developed in childhood, he will not get to such a place, because in potential he has a huge abstract intelligence, which will sooner or later require application.

But there are more difficult choices. For example, working with children. Children are noisy and very mobile creatures that require constant concentration on themselves, which can be prohibitively difficult for an introvert sound engineer. Of course, concentration on other people helps him to overcome the constant focus on his conditions, prevents depression, but the question is in the dosage and a meaningful attitude to work.

For example, it will be difficult for a sound engineer to work as an ordinary teacher in a kindergarten group. But a teacher-psychologist who works individually with children or in a small group is quite good. Or a teacher of mathematics, physics, foreign languages - that is, work on the development of the intellectual abilities of children.

I'm getting tired of the noise
I'm getting tired of the noise

In the office, you also need to do everything so that the necessary conditions are created for the work that sound specialists usually do - that requires concentration of thought: silence and solitude. You can read about how HR system managers solve such problems here.

So the problem of excessive sensitivity to noise is quite solvable if you understand yourself, your characteristics and desires. And the first step towards this occurs at free introductory online lectures by Yuri Burlan. Register here.
