Life Without A Goal: How To Find A Goal And Is It Worth It, If You Are Tired Of Looking, What Is Your Dream

Life Without A Goal: How To Find A Goal And Is It Worth It, If You Are Tired Of Looking, What Is Your Dream
Life Without A Goal: How To Find A Goal And Is It Worth It, If You Are Tired Of Looking, What Is Your Dream

Life without a purpose: why am I here and who needs it all

It's hard not to understand the purpose of your own life, when inside you feel like more than just a piece of biomass, but you don't know for sure - where it is, your personal path. Where did this question come from in me? What are the true reasons for seeking a justification for your life?

Heavy autumn sky full of rains and the first grains of snow. So low that it seems you can reach it with your hand. And with my whole body I feel how it presses on my shoulders. It peers into me, showing on its canvas, like a movie projector, what my life is, a life without a goal, without a route, while even migratory birds have reasons for their migrations.

At this time of year, nature resonates so uniquely with what is happening inside that it seems like I was turned inside out. And this rain drumming on the windows is actually my tears, if I could still cry. It's hard not to understand the purpose of your own life, when inside you feel like more than just a piece of biomass, but you don't know for sure - where it is, your personal path. Life without a goal is very similar to serving a prison term: a series of indistinguishable from each other movements according to a given scenario, devoid of purpose and meaning.

Find your goal

Where did this question come from in me? What are the true reasons for seeking a justification for your life? The desire to find my place under the sun and understand why I am here, to identify and realize the reasons for my own search for the purpose of life has been my main driving force for a very long time. It does not give rest and rest, it is exhausting. But the answers have never been found.

It is difficult and almost impossible to think about something else. I constantly return to the questions: why does a person need a purpose in life, what should those who cannot define it for themselves do?

A person comes into this life, no matter a man or a woman, and most often since childhood dreams of happiness, about what its purpose, and hence the purpose of existence, determine its further development and direction of movement.

But what to do to someone who, for reasons he does not understand himself, have no dreams and goals in life, who moves as if on autopilot, taking the position of an outside observer in his life? How to determine the sphere of his interests, if nothing was ever able to capture his thoughts for real, except for the inner search for something that he himself could not understand?

A life without a goal or a goal without a life

One of the first discoveries of such a person, who first came to the portal of System-Vector Psychology of Yuri Burlan, will be that, it turns out, he is not alone in his search. The purpose of life as something that would fill it with a deep meaning is sought by thousands of people with similar properties of the psyche, namely, the sound vector.

Each of the eight vectors endows its owner with desires that push him to different ways of realizing himself in society. This means that each desire also determines the presence of the necessary properties in order to achieve everything that a person longs for. It's like cause and effect: we can't want to jump with a parachute without wanting to get adrenaline, for example. And we cannot have a passion for learning foreign languages without a desperate desire to find meaning in a word.

Each of the representatives of 8 vectors has its own list of goals in life. But the situation when you feel yourself in a special way opposed to the world is possible only with a sound engineer. The state of search, a feeling of inappropriateness for this mortal life, an acute feeling of being different from the majority, from the “dumb crowd, blindly following instincts” and, perhaps, therefore, not asking any questions, causes an acute desire to understand: what is the purpose of my life specifically, why a person needs a goal in life and what can become a goal for me?

The correct formulation of the question is already half the answer.

Life without purpose picture
Life without purpose picture

When the goal is to find a goal

At Yuri Burlan's training "System-Vector Psychology", we learn that the sound engineer has the largest volume of psyche. This means that for its filling, that is, for the feeling of inner satisfaction, joy and harmony with oneself, it is necessary to make great efforts. And their quality is different from what the other seven vectors need to be successful. The sound engineer cannot find his goal where he finds the absolute majority of other people. That is, indicators such as -

  • study ("I already know everything, what can you teach me?");
  • work ("meaningless, useless mouse fuss");
  • career (“in any case, I surpass all of you and ahead of you by hundreds of light years, why all the fuss?”);

  • family ("there is nothing more painful than being alone in a couple")

- are not highly significant for him. He cannot find in them a worthy stimulus for his own movement in life.

In fact, even having a job and being successful in it, having a family, prosperity, the sound engineer often feels that he is living his life without a goal. He does not understand why this is all. Because his main desire, which determines his psyche, remains unsatisfied and unnoticed.

Find a goal - find yourself

What the psyche of the sound engineer is striving for is cognition of oneself and others, awareness of one's place and role in the ongoing process of life, comprehension of one's own presence in this world. Disclosure of the root cause, design, deep processes that drive and control everything around. This search for meaning is often not realized and is felt by the bearer of the sound vector as living life without a purpose.

It is difficult to be aware of yourself and clearly separate your desires from those imposed by advertising and media in the modern world. In order to define yourself, you need to get to know yourself.

The paradox and the main problem in the sound vector is that the less meaning the sound engineer sees around him, the more he focuses on himself. And then the circle closes without a hint of a way out, because within yourself there is no way to find what you are looking for. If only because you do not see the differences, there is nothing to compare with. Then life without a goal, which for a sound engineer is equal to “without meaning”, is felt most acutely.

When the geography of searches narrows to one point inside one's own skull, it is difficult to see the full scale of what is happening. Therefore, an incredibly important step is to change the focus of attention, a kind of switching from oneself to those around. And it is impossible to imagine how this happens until you feel it yourself.

I see a purpose, but I do not see obstacles

As soon as the sound engineer suddenly begins to understand that, in fact, everything that happens to him is not devoid of meaning, begins to see clear causes and effects, his life without a goal finally acquires a long-awaited trajectory, direction instead of shaky chaos.

The energy that went nowhere, inside, for endless pondering - what could be the purpose of my life - is released outside, bringing the owner of the sound vector colossal content, tranquility and the long-awaited feeling that everything is not in vain. The training "System-vector psychology" by Yuri Burlan is able to give this knowledge to those who need it. A huge number of results of people who have touched it indicate that life is divided into before and after.

A life without a goal is an illusion that our brain shows us when we do not fulfill what we are here for. And it is possible to change polarity only when you know in which direction to work. After all, if there is a desire to understand the purpose of your life, then there are resources for this. Then why waste time?
