Haruki Murakami. Part 2. "Listen to the song of the wind"
The worlds of Murakami are mysterious, fascinating, attractive for those seeking meaning not in gray everyday life, but within themselves. Can reading novels by Murakami or other talented writers give us a sense of fulfillment?
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"The world is so huge, and you need very little to hide - nothing at all, but this tiny piece of space is nowhere to be found"
Murakami creates his own recognizable hero who passes through many works. His collective hero is a young man under 30. Lives alone. Cooking food, listening to records, running, sitting for hours in the library, having sex, swimming in the pool, THINKING. To this is added some kind of task of the hero, which goes beyond the usual reality. He's looking for something. Somewhere beyond this reality.
And it would seem nothing special. Jonah? Outcast? Abnormal? But many sound musicians, due to the similarity of internal states, want to visit this hero for his intricate (at least for Russian perception) dinner or sit down in the library. What for? To be silent together, finally feeling that you are not alone.
Stories on the verge of reality
It is this close and up to a burning pain in the chest with the familiar feeling of loneliness and isolation from the reality of interest to everyone else that attracts Murakami his sound audience. The author himself in one of the rare interviews argues:
“Apparently, I have the ability to grasp and convey those feelings of anxiety, discontent, frustration, those ideals, those joys that people live”
System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan argues that there are about 5% of such seekers as “outsiders” in all of humanity. They seem to be outside the material world, outside the canons of comprehension of reality. They want to find the meaning of their existence. They want to recognize the soul. It is the sound people who, reading about similar states to their states, find a temporary filling of their ever aching emptiness inside.
But a stable feeling that you are not alone arises only when you understand a person in all his mental facets. Otherwise, neither a book nor a conversation with a friend will mend a hole in the heart. You kind of shared, received a portion of understanding, but stayed with yourself, and the pain comes again.
"When you have no one to share lonely thoughts with, thoughts begin to divide you among themselves."
"The Darkness Within a Man" is a favorite theme of Murakami. The plot is, as it were, driven by the energy of the subconscious. Eastern philosophy says that there is no evil, there is something incomprehensible. And the heroes dig this incomprehensible inside of themselves.

Some critics of creativity note that Murakami manages to create an alternative ethics based on Buddhist philosophy, but trying to answer the questions of our time about how not to lose yourself when everything that was customary to believe disappears from under his feet.
The lifestyle of Murakami's heroes is described as something between "Zen and jazz" - "jazzen", "jazz Zen".
They are therapeutic for sound-visual perception of stories on the verge of reality and fantasy, logical conclusions and illogical actions, mixed feelings and an incessant search for something in the world where you can see two moons in the sky, where the key to eternal love is Symphonietta Janacek, where from meaninglessness being, you can hide in a well.
“A world without love is like the wind outside the window. Neither touch it, nor inhale it"
Every novel by Murakami is riddled with love stories. It seems strange and incomprehensible, but the author accurately and systematically captures the essence of this feeling at the modern stage of human development.
Hugging each other, we share our fears
Sight people have a root emotion of fear. And their desire is for someone to fill this fear with love. This is the picture of the most emotional vector in system-vector psychology, which, instead of developing the properties of sympathy and empathy, is fixated only on itself and continues to be afraid outside the embrace.
Sexual theme in Murakami's novels takes not the last place, sensually weaving into the narrative. For some, this helps to better grasp the states of the hero. And someone turns away from reading a book. But you need to understand the reasons for the phenomenon. After all, the availability of sex has become an acute social issue for Japan.
Girls are handing over their used panties for sale. Men read pornographic manga on the subway trains, go to doll brothels, watch hentai (anime with a bright erotic focus). At the same time, more and more people abandon real sex, calling themselves neutral. What is behind the seeming perversity?
And again, the reason lies in the peculiarities of the psyche and in the mental superstructure of Japanese society. The inward-facing skin mentality is combined in the Japanese with the sound orientation of their culture.
But sound, too, does not acquire the skill of using its potential outward. From this, a person experiences colossal frustrations. You can remove them through the awareness of the nature of man, his I, which is cognized only in comparison, through a deep understanding of other people. In other ways, you can only get temporary relief from depressive sound states.
For example, unfilled sound in an attempt to relieve tension leads to the proliferation of pornography, which, in turn, makes the skin vector with an already low libido almost asexual.
“I squinted at her chest. Plump rounded hillocks slowly rose and fell in time with the breath, reminiscent of the waves of the sea … I am a lonely navigator on deck, she is the sea … And you cannot tell where is the sea and where is the sky. You cannot tell where the navigator is, and where the sea itself is. And it is just as difficult to draw the line between reality and the movements of the soul"
Numerous erotic scenes in Murakami's novels also relieve tension from the hero, and from the reader. Such a special Japanese therapy of a sound-visual person lost in the labyrinths of their own consciousness. At the same time, philosophical reflections are also interwoven into sensual descriptions of sex scenes or fantasies.

Sound output to other people
Murakami lived in the United States for several years, teaching at Princeton. He liked it there, "nobody touched him" there. But the shocking news comes from home. First, about the earthquake in Kobe, which claimed more than five thousand lives, then about the explosions in the Tokyo subway, organized by Japanese sectarians.
Murakami admits that then he clearly felt: before that he was just a selfish writer. Now he felt responsibility for his people and an acute desire to help him, to deal with the origins of acute problems in society. He returns to Japan and has been working on the documentary book Subway for several years, trying to clarify the reasons for the cataclysms in Japan.
This is an example of a sound engineer going outside, to other people, in an attempt to recognize what guided them, what led to such consequences and how to avoid it in the future.
Murakami conducts interviews with both victims of terrorist attacks and their instigators. The writer is amazed at the readiness of sectarians to place their “egos” at the disposal of the guru, so that he thinks and makes decisions for them.
"You gave up your" I ", you gave up the original, and as compensation you will receive only a shadow."
It amazes the writer that the victims themselves admitted their readiness to do this if ordered.
“It's in the psyche. This is terrible"
Conclusion - you need to think with your own head. Can not argue. But who would know how? System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan shows that many in our time are still guided by primitive visual-effective thinking (which I have shown, I will do it). After all, thinking yourself is so energy-intensive!
The problem is also that we simply don't know how to make decisions for ourselves, because we don't know ourselves either. With the understanding of the vectors, awareness comes in the daily, every second choice that a person makes for himself and bears responsibility for him.
Murakami does not blame either side for what happened. Realizing the general painful state of Japanese society, he regards it as the collapse of the system from within, entailing such consequences.
System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan adds that the cause of all cataclysms occurring to humanity is, first of all, an echo of the internal bad states of people. Thus, a particularly painful mass sound unsatisfied desire leads the Japanese people to serious tension within each person, within the entire society. Moreover, this process is ubiquitous, with some differences due to the difference in mentality of different countries.
“There is nothing outside, nothing outside your head. Everything is inside her. All realities are in your neural synapses"
The worlds of Murakami are mysterious, fascinating, attractive for those seeking meaning not in gray everyday life, but within themselves. Can reading novels by Murakami or other talented writers give us a sense of fulfillment? Certainly. But for a while. In this passage you recognize yourself, in this - you understand something about your friend, in this - the hero seems to be asking his own inner questions, and he has a very familiar pain.

At the level of sensations, Murakami manages to very accurately convey the wanderings of the soundman without a flashlight and a guide through the back streets of the subconscious with many unanswered questions. At the conscious level, the feeling of loneliness and finiteness of existence passes only when we, in our understanding, accommodate the entire spectrum and volume of the diverse, but natural human psyche.
This understanding is provided by the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan. To get out of the painful labyrinths of the subconscious, in order to understand your inner individual and social characteristics consciously, in order to read all layers of artistic text and reality, register for a free online training in systemic vector psychology here.