How To Become Rich And Happy: Folk Wisdom Vs Common Sense

How To Become Rich And Happy: Folk Wisdom Vs Common Sense
How To Become Rich And Happy: Folk Wisdom Vs Common Sense

How to become rich and happy: folk wisdom vs common sense

To make money come into your life tomorrow, let's start working right now! Leave the philosophical reflections “happiness is not in money” and “health cannot be bought” to dull thinkers - why turn on the brain ?! Let's work differently!

This article is loaded! Read to the end, and wealth will overtake you in the near future!

(The effect is enhanced by repeated reading.)

Wealth, in the sense of money, is everything today. Everyone knows it's better to be healthy and rich than poor and sick. The blessing of accurate instructions on how to become rich and successful is a dime a dozen! A little effort - and here they are, the long-awaited money, flowing, and with them, respectively, happiness and health! Is not it?

To make money come into your life tomorrow, let's start working right now! Leave the philosophical reflections “happiness is not in money” and “health cannot be bought” to dull thinkers - why turn on the brain ?! Let's work differently!

Money to me! Step march

Do you still treat money like pieces of paper with the faces of dead people? Surely money has its own country, where they live and multiply, but they do not want to come to you, because you have not yet loved them, you have not made friends with them and have not provided them with a decent living in your pocket or wallet.

Rather, take all your money, put it in bills on the table and confess your love to them! They should know for sure that you love them, wait, you will be friends with them! If you want money to be always, just say: "My beloved money, beloved ones, come soon, fly to me soon!" - well, or something like that. Show your imagination, otherwise you will not become successful and rich!

The image of money greatly enhances the effect. Hang a framed portrait of your favorite banknotes, let them know how you value them! And daily application of lips to the image generally does magical things! I will not say exactly which ones - you do it, and the effect will be!

Eurostandard for wallet

Take care of a beautiful money house - a wallet - preferably red. Why exactly red? Do not argue, this is folk wisdom, it has been the custom from time immemorial. So, buy a beautiful red wallet, preferably an expensive one - well, who will go to a cheap wallet not equipped according to the European standard? There is a house for money! And you don't have to look there right away and wonder why no one is at home, it's not time yet!

To make housing for some money cozy, you need to put a coin, copper or, in extreme cases, "white" in one of the pockets, but then let the year of its issue coincide with the year of your birth! Think you won't find it? Look in old children's piggy banks or at the flea market, they often sell coins of various years of issue.

We move in the apartment further. Place a folded dollar (or other favorite bill) in another pocket, and a leaf of dried thistle in the next compartment. How, you don't know what a thistle looks like? If you want to be rich, read an encyclopedia or other herbal literature! There will definitely be a picture of this plant!

We are affirming! "I'm getting rich!"

Repeat this phrase as often as possible, repeat it at night looking, before going to bed and early in the morning as soon as you wake up. In order not to forget to repeat this, hang flyers with this phrase in the most prominent places in the apartment. Do not worry that someone will see them, let them know that they are entering the house of a rich man!

Make yourself a photo collage with your photo in the middle and riches around - bills, gold bars, diamonds. Looking at this picture, you will understand what happiness awaits you when you have such an environment!

How to become rich and happy picture
How to become rich and happy picture

In addition to personal settings, do not hesitate to contact the above - the Heavenly Office should also know about your dream! Raise your hands to the sky and cry out: "Money, send money quickly!" Better yet, order boomerang money - you spend it, and it comes back to you right there! Surely, rich people have just that kind of money, because they spend large sums every day, and they don’t transfer money!

Chandelier panties - money for the house

On the new moon, exactly at midnight, you need to go out into the field and, waving bills in front of the young month, say: "Lunar month, dear, send me a gold penny." Do not be afraid to go out at midnight in the field with money, the ritual must be performed! What does it mean to get up early for work, want to sleep at night? You will become rich, you won't have to go to work at all!

Another sacred ritual with the deepest meaning - take your red panties and throw them over the chandelier! As long as they hang, you will turn into a rich person. You already know that red attracts money, so quickly open your underwear drawer and run to the chandelier! All questions about the new surroundings of the lighting fixture can be answered briefly and clearly: "The rich have their own quirks." Remember that the more often you say this cherished word, the closer the result!

We clean the channels, open the chakras, improve the energy of the house

And how to become rich when your energy channels are so dirty and your chakras are half closed? Buy incense that cleanses the aura, fumigate the apartment and yourself regularly. Meditate, chant mantras.

Well, just a little more work - and you will become successful! Wealth will flow like a river! And for this, collect what you have left in the money house and go to the store. Wealth and money are attracted to the house by a toad with a coin in its mouth (the larger the toad, the more money it will bring), a money tree, both a living room tree and decorative made of plastic or ceramics. Be sure to consult with the seller, he knows exactly how to become wealthy, placing a variety of statuettes, souvenirs and other symbols around the apartment.

Summing up

Wipe the sweat from your forehead - such a job is done! Do not worry that the last money was spent on the purchase of a wallet, symbols, incense. From this you can become successful, rich, beautiful and forever young (underline the necessary)!

Now let's face reality. Chandelier briefs are fun. Coins, trees also decorate the interior, but for some reason there is no more money. What is the reason? Yuri Burlan's "System-Vector Psychology" will help to understand this delicate issue.

How to become a rich person: a systematic approach

The attitude towards money and wealth is formed from childhood under the influence of society and largely depends on its mental characteristics. From a young age, each of us absorbs those attitudes that exist in society, and many of them, as it turns out later, are false.

How to become a rich man picture
How to become a rich man picture

One of the most common attitudes is that wealth and money must be sought in some special way and most often in dishonest ways. People with great material wealth are often called ugly words "thief", "speculator". It is also believed that you can become rich as a result of some spontaneous actions - “lucky”, “got into the stream”, “muddied”, etc.

How to become rich and happy in an honest way? Or will it fail? According to Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology, each person can achieve the state when he has enough money and pleasure. And the secret of wealth lies in our unconscious, which, in fact, guides all our actions.

A look behind the scenes of the unconscious

If you turn your gaze into the depths of your soul, that is, to the part where unconscious processes are hidden, you can reveal both your natural characteristics and desires, and find there a warehouse of unnecessary and interfering attitudes. So the recipe is simple: if all the inner desires that nature has laid down are realized for the benefit of oneself and society, then wealth will come by itself. Moreover, a person who acts in harmony with his internal processes begins to enjoy life, receiving benefits from it - both material and non-material.

Today there are many examples of how to become rich and happy without any affirmations, frogs and other "gadgets". You need to realize yourself and your natural abilities in full.

Good money is made by programmers who create programs, artists who paint stunning pictures, doctors who honestly and conscientiously do their duty. Even educators, who in society are considered an unprotected category of workers with low wages, are able to earn big money by developing new teaching methods, publishing textbooks and scientific works.

100% option how to get rich

Tired of spending money on bells, frogs, new wallets and other gadgets? Great, turn on your brain! It is in your thinking, in your ignorance of yourself and your abilities that the cause of poverty lies. It is worth dealing with false attitudes, changing your internal program, and that's it - the income will surely go up. For this to happen, you just need to attend the training "System Vector Psychology" by Yuri Burlan. Hundreds of people have already corrected their financial situation, have become much richer materially and spiritually.

100% Option How To Become Picture Rich
100% Option How To Become Picture Rich

So take off your panties (from the chandelier, of course, and what did you think about?) - and go to the training! Register for an online lecture here.
