How to beat panic attacks
Having passed all the tests and having visited a dozen doctors, you were left with the conclusion: "no pathologies were found." And only a neurologist diagnosed VSD and, in order to somehow relieve panic attacks, prescribed sedatives or even antidepressants. At the training "System-vector psychology" Yuri Burlan reveals that only people with a visual vector are susceptible to panic attacks and phobias. When they do not use their psyche properties for their intended purpose, the unconscious arranges for them a "strike" in the form of repeated attacks of panic. But first things first…
Once again, the ambulance doctor ended the visit with the comforting phrase “cardiogram is normal” and gave me a Valocordin pill. But this does not comfort you at all, because attacks of animal terror are happening more often, and the symptoms of panic attacks only get worse. At first there was just dizziness, slight disorientation and shortness of breath, then nagging chest pains and increased sweating were added, and now every new panic attack is like a farewell to life - you do not know what to do, where to run and how to escape.
Panic attack - disease or state of mind?
When this happened for the first time, you decided that the nerves were acting like that, because there are constant deadlines and stress at work, and somehow not everything is smooth at home. The second time, you were already on your guard, since the panic was longer and therefore even more frightening. Having passed all the tests and having visited a dozen doctors, you were left with the conclusion: "no pathologies were found." And only a neurologist diagnosed VSD and, in order to somehow relieve panic attacks, prescribed sedatives or even antidepressants.
Rejoice or despair at such a diagnosis? On the one hand, you received the medicine, but on the other, it is not entirely clear whether it is a disease, how effective these drugs are in panic attacks, and how long the treatment will last. But do not despair, because today it is quite possible to overcome panic attacks on your own.
At the training "System-vector psychology" Yuri Burlan reveals that only people with a visual vector are susceptible to panic attacks and phobias. When they do not use their psyche properties for their intended purpose, the unconscious arranges for them a "strike" in the form of repeated attacks of panic. But first things first.
Or / or - fear or compassion is in the balance
Each person comes into this world with his innate set of properties that determine his life values, landmarks, talents, desires, aspirations and all other personality traits. These properties (vectors) are given by nature only so that a person can realize himself in society, after all, whatever one may say, but a person is a social being. If, for some reason, this condition is not met, then the "violator of the laws of nature" experiences suffering, which manifests itself differently in each vector.
Panic attack and fear are the burden of the owners of the visual vector. These people are very emotional, sensual and impressionable, with a subtle soul and a kind heart. They are able to find beauty in everything - in nature, in appearance, and in souls. Their eyes are much more sensitive than those of other people: they are able to recognize thousands of shades of the same color, notice the smallest details, and get aesthetic pleasure from the play of light. Therefore, visual people often find themselves in photography, painting and other forms of art, become models and actors, prefer activities related to communication, travel.
In addition to seeing the beautiful, the owners of the visual vector are endowed with the ability to empathy, thanks to which they are able to deeply empathize with other people, create spiritual connections with them on an emotional level and help those in need. This is their highest realization and great joy - to give love to all living things.
If such people hide their emotions from prying eyes, cannot express them, move away from the world around them, do not build connections with other people, do not empathize with them - they literally fear and avoid "bad" experiences, then all kinds of negative states arise - from fear of spiders to sudden fear. You can read more about this in the article Emotional amplitude of the visual vector.

Lack of implementation can be associated with various reasons: childhood trauma, a hard-lived break with a loved one, the death of a beloved relative, over-stress, etc. In any case, the psyche always reacts very accurately: panic attacks are a signal that a person is on the wrong path. You can fight the problem on your own, you can involve specialists, but until the real cause of the "system failure" is identified, the attacks will repeat again and again.
Why conventional methods of dealing with panic attacks don't work
People suffering from panic attacks, over time, reduce any communication to a minimum, give up their favorite activities. For them, this decision is already suffering in itself, because the visual vector requires emotions, impressions and bright colors. Finding a way to get rid of panic attacks is vital. Most often, these methods are:
1) Sedatives and antidepressants
The first aid kit is filled with valerian, valocordin and other drugs that migrate to every handbag and pocket. From now on, without pills - nowhere. Their very presence already brings relief to some extent. But it is important to understand that there is no universal pill for panic attacks, and any medications affect only the physiology. They do not help to cope with emotional disorders, but only temporarily weaken the manifestations. The true cause of fears and anxieties is hidden in the psyche, and until you understand it, the impact on physiology will not give guaranteed results.
2) Treatment of PA at home: meditation and breathing practices
Observing the balance and serenity of yogis, visual people naturally decide that they themselves need to comprehend this wisdom. From this point on, meditation becomes a daily ritual. For a while, these exercises are really capable of stopping a panic attack, since the owners of the visual vector are hypnotizable and self-hypnotizable. Thanks to this property, visual people can convince themselves of anything. But another stressful situation can again cause an attack of uncontrollable fear.
3) Treatment of panic attacks with folk remedies
Recipes for decoctions from the collection of medicinal herbs, soothing teas, relaxing baths with the addition of pine needles have come down to us centuries from the best healers of those times. The advantage of these methods is that they are harmless and non-addictive. But, as practice shows, in the treatment of PA, folk remedies are still ineffective, since the cause of the unstable condition has not been found and has not been eliminated.
4) The combined method of treating panic attacks - a psychotherapeutic sanatorium
An atmosphere of kindness and participation reigns here. Around there are people with the same problems and friendly staff, and also chamomile tea, confidential conversations and instructions from a psychologist who teaches how to calm down during a panic attack. During group psychotherapy, a natural empathy for their neighbor develops between the participants - after all, this is inherent in the nature of the visual vector. Fear is carried out and the panic is no longer disturbing. It really can temporarily get rid of panic attacks. But as soon as you leave the "life-giving oasis" and return to the previous rhythm of life, panic reappears on the horizon.

Can panic attacks be permanently cured?
Can. The training "System-vector psychology" by Yuri Burlan is a wide-open door to the unconscious. You look where fears and true desires are hidden, where value systems live and where life guidelines are formed. As soon as you begin to understand yourself in the present, to realize what drives you, what motives your mental pursues, you are freed from the burden of psychosomatic disorders.
For visual people, the occurrence of a panic attack is a consequence of the fact that they have overly focused on themselves, that they do not realize their talents. Possessing the largest amplitude of emotionality, they do not know how to let it be realized.
To finally defeat panic attacks, you need to understand your nature. When the language of the unconscious opens up to us, we begin to clearly see the deep signals of the psychic and interpret them correctly, which means that in time to change the direction of movement along the road of life towards joy, pleasure and happiness.
Hundreds of people who got rid of panic attacks on their own and forever, having completed the training "System Vector Psychology" by Yuri Burlan, share their results with those who are still looking for a solution to this problem:
System-vector psychology helps to identify the very knot in the subconscious, which became the reason for a series of panic attacks and fears, and to unravel it once and for all. Start your own transformation from a fearful person into a happy person already with this free online training.