Panic attacks do not give a normal life. Is there a way out?
Having happened once, these terrible states roll over again and again, more and more often, with an ever stronger amplitude. You gather with the strength of mind and bypass all the necessary doctors, and as a result, you do not find physical diseases. Instead, they make a mysterious diagnosis of "panic attacks" and, at best, prescribe you an antidepressant or a strong sleeping pill …
You are well aware of the state when, for no reason at all, it begins to darken in the eyes, throws you into chills, and your heart pounds as if it is about to jump out of your chest. You gasp for breath and with the last of your strength you start to gasp for air. It seems that another second - and you will die. This feeling of dread of death further exacerbates panic attacks.
Panic attacks come to you one day, unexpectedly and unexpectedly. You, terrified of your condition, call a medical ambulance and are sure that now you are being diagnosed with a terrible diagnosis. As a result, an ambulance doctor arrives, conducts an initial examination and says that it's okay. He just drips a few drops of validol under your tongue and leaves. And you are afraid to be left alone, silently shouting goodbye to the doctor: “Please, just don't leave! Now you just walk out the door and everything will start again! I'm so afraid of dying!"
Escape from fears
Having happened once, these terrible states roll over again and again, more and more often, with an ever stronger amplitude. You gather with the strength of mind and bypass all the necessary doctors, and as a result, you do not find physical diseases. Instead, they make the cryptic diagnosis of "panic attacks" and, at best, prescribe you an antidepressant or a strong sleeping pill.
Treatment with antidepressants significantly affects your wallet, physical condition, and most importantly, your self-esteem. After all, God forbid, who finds out that you are taking an antidepressant - this is a stigma, a white ticket for life. You have a new fear - to carry the status of a psycho all your life. And no one cares that panic attacks are a neurological disorder, very far from psychiatric pathologies. Nobody cares about this. Turned to a psychologist or psychotherapist - it means that he is a psycho and socially dangerous. Unfortunately, this stereotype still lives in our modern society.
It is worth taking a break between the course of taking antidepressants, and attacks of fear accompany you absolutely everywhere. You become unable to live a normal social life.
I want to stay at home for good, in my favorite bed, and hide with my head under a soft and warm blanket. And at the same time, it is advisable that someone reliable would quietly sit next to you and guard your sleep, watch your breathing, so that if something suddenly happens to you, he immediately called an ambulance.
Some people go through the dreaded state of panic attacks their entire lives. Is it really forever? Is there really an effective medicine or method to get back to your old happy social life?
Modern treatments for panic attacks
In modern medicine in an outpatient setting, it is usually prescribed:
- Antidepressants.
- Sedatives and tranquilizers.
- It is recommended to avoid situations that can provoke an attack of panic attacks.
- Inpatient treatment in specialized neurological clinics with the advice of a psychologist and psychotherapist is recommended.

In the first days of taking the strongest psychotropic drugs, you become like a plant. Your diction resembles that of a person with disabilities, and it seems to you that you speak the same way as before - the fact of inhibited diction is noticed by your loved ones. At the beginning of the drug intake, you can walk to your destination, which you usually reach in 5 minutes, within an hour. Then your body adapts to the new drug and lethargy gradually goes away, but you become dependent on antidepressants and tranquilizers.
You are forced to avoid the usual rhythm of life and the usual cheerful company of friends due to the increased sedative effect of drugs and their incompatibility with alcohol.
In addition to antidepressants and tranquilizers, during panic attacks, doctors usually recommend avoiding places and people that can provoke a new attack. Great advice if you have a couple of servants, preferably invisible, and a stable, passive source of financial income. But what if you have to, at least, get to work, and you are scared to death to go down the subway alone? After all, under the ground, your ears immediately fill up, your head is spinning, your hands begin to sweat, your face becomes crimson-red, you are suffocating, your heart is about to jump out of your chest and it seems that at any second you will lose consciousness!
Treatment in a specialized clinic
In a specialized medical institution, the following methods of treating panic attacks are usually used:
- Initial consultation with a psychotherapist.
- General diagnostics of the state of the whole organism, and especially the patient's brain.
- Prescribing potent tranquilizers, sedatives and antidepressants.
- Group psychotherapy sessions.
- Exercise therapy.
- Yoga and other breathing practices.
- Acupuncture.
- Physiotherapy sessions (electrophoresis, magnetotherapy, darsonvalization, pressotherapy and others).
- Hydrotherapy (Charcot shower, cedar barrel, spa capsule and more).
- Good nutrition.
- Massage sessions.
- Occupational therapy.
Treatment of panic attacks in a hospital setting is effective in the short term. During a hospital stay, in isolation from the usual emotional stress on the human psyche, panic attacks go into a state of remission. This is due not so much to the methods of therapy described above, but to a greater extent with the ability to communicate with people who have the same problems. The context of this conclusion will become clear a little later.
When a person returns to their usual habitat, under the influence of stress, attacks of fear return again. The return of panic attacks after a course of treatment is also explained by the fact that, unfortunately, treatment in specialized neurosis clinics is aimed at eliminating the consequences of this ailment, but the unconscious cause of panic attacks is not being worked out. This mechanism becomes clear when viewed at a deeper level. With the help of Yuri Burlan's knowledge of System-Vector Psychology, we have the opportunity to more deeply and substantively consider the problem of panic attacks.

Looking for the root of the problem
System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan explains the causes of our states through our innate mental characteristics. A set of such characteristics, desires, talents and inclinations is called a vector. There are eight vectors in total. Each person from birth has one or more vectors inherent in us by nature. Each vector has its own manifestations of behavior, innate desires and needs to get satisfaction from life. And representatives of only one of the eight vectors can suffer from panic attacks. These are carriers of the visual vector.
What is a visual vector? These are, first of all, emotions - in a positive and negative way. The owners of the visual vector have the widest possible range of emotional amplitude: from visual hysterics to feelings of deep empathy and love. They, like no one else, are able to deeply empathize with someone else's grief, and may even cry over watching a movie because of their heightened sentimentality. It is these people who are called sympathetic and kind.
The carriers of the visual vector have tremendous imaginative intelligence and the best learning ability, since we read the main information through our eyes.
People with a visual vector have the most sensitive visual analyzer and are able to read the slightest visible changes in the external environment that other people may not notice. They see the world around them in the brightest and most multifaceted color shades.
Depending on the degree of its realization, the properties of the visual vector can be both a source of real pleasure - spiritual intimacy, deep emotional connection, vivid feelings of love, and a source of mental pain in the form of endless suffering, hysterics and fears in various forms. Including in the form of panic attacks. The fear of death in its various manifestations is an innate property of the visual vector. To explain why this is so, we need to look back.
Once upon a time, the owners of the visual vector performed the function of day guards. It was their keen eye, observing the beauty of nature, that caught the slightest changes in the landscape. They instantly noticed a potential threat that was capable of causing damage to the entire flock. So, having seen a creeping animal, they experienced fear, an instant vertical rise of the emotional amplitude upward, cried out their visual "oh" - and the whole flock fled. Thus, the fear of death was given by nature for salvation.
In the process of evolution, such people gradually learned to take the feeling of fear for their lives outward - to direct their emotionality towards creating emotional connections with other people, empathy and empathy. It is thanks to these properties that culture was born and developed.
Visual vector today
System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan explains that fears, phobias, panic are manifestations of the root state of fear of death in the visual vector. The key point here is that fear is always turned inward - we fear for ourselves.
As, developing historically, the visual vector passed from a feeling of fear to compassion, so an individual person goes through this during his development. Born with a sense of fear for his life, as he grows up, he develops the ability to bring his properties out. The ability to direct your emotional potential to other people - compassion, empathy - this is the skill that allows the bearer of the visual vector to realize their innate qualities.
Changing the direction of our attention from ourselves to another, we switch the charge from minus to plus, from fear to love.

Sometimes the insufficient level of development of the visual vector does not allow people to notice other people's suffering and empathize with them, they are doomed to minimal "pleasure": fears, hysterics, emotional swing with the demand for attention to themselves. However, more often we simply do not understand our innate desires and do not use our sensual potential, constantly sliding into fears. Often a person replaces the normal realization of properties with visual swings in the range "scary - not so scary." For example, he himself looks for horror stories and stories, watches horror films, and then exhales that "this is not all with him."
Trigger for fear
Even if the fear is outwardly provoked by a specific situation, the roots are always rooted in the fear of death. Events can develop in two scenarios:
- Fear appears under the influence of severe stress, at the moment when we feel the greatest threat to our lives. Any dangerous situation can become such a "trigger": a car accident, the death of a loved one, childbirth, and so on. At such moments, even a developed owner of the visual vector can be frightened. How quickly a person cope with his fear depends on the development and realization of his properties in the visual vector. A person who has the skill to shift the focus of his attention from himself to others will soon switch to those who need his help and support. Thus, he directs emotionality in the right direction and does not allow fear to take possession of it.
- Sometimes fear is the result of prolonged, accumulated stress. We can “hold” a potentially dangerous situation with our psychological properties for a long time, but at some point we can not stand it and fall into full-fledged swings of fear, up to panic.
The human psyche is designed in such a way that it must provide us with all the necessary internal resources for survival in times of extreme conditions. Severe stress causes gradual changes in our body:
Stage I - We have an additional charge of energy and the internal resources of the body are activated.
Stage II - The excitability of the nervous system increases, the intensity of information processing and the sensitivity of sensory systems increase.
Stage III - Psychological exhaustion occurs.
Stage IV - The body's reserves are depleted. The person begins to experience severe psychological exhaustion, quickly gets tired and becomes unable to maintain the previous social activity. Being at this stage, the carrier of the visual vector can become a victim of fear.
How to beat panic attacks forever?
To get out of the state of fear, a person with a visual vector needs strong emotions of compassion, directed outward to other people. By starting to focus on the experiences of other people, and not on ourselves, we sublimate the feeling of fear into a feeling of compassion, and thereby fill the need for feelings of our visual vector.

Remission while in the hospital is explained, among other things, by this: we easily make new acquaintances among the same people suffering from panic attacks. After all, these people are also carriers of the visual vector and are very conducive to emotional contact and closeness.
Getting to know and communicating with them, learning about their suffering, we automatically switch our attention and pity from ourselves to empathy for others. Therefore, temporary relief comes naturally. And it can be temporary because, after being discharged from the hospital, we return to the usual circle of contacts and concerns, and panic attacks return with them.
Knowing the underlying causes of panic attacks made it possible to get rid of them. Panic attacks are on the list of psychological problems to be solved today. System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan is a real practical tool in the hands of those who want to understand the causes of their states and find an effective method for solving psychological problems.
Together with a deeper understanding of their reactions, their desires, which are looking for fulfillment, the psychological state is gradually changing in a positive direction. And along with this, the problem of stress is also solved: fears go away, panic attacks go away, strength is restored, pleasure and joy from life return.
More than 16,000 thousand results of people who have already attended Yuri Burlan's training confirm that there is a way out of psychologically uncomfortable situations. And there is no more need to hide under the covers from the whole world and be addicted to antidepressants!
I had panic attacks. Most often, they began closer to the night, although they could occur at any time of the day. Nightly panic attacks were accompanied by an ambulance call. A panic attack began with a sudden feeling of fear of death, acute lack of air. The limbs became icy and wet, the pulse went off scale for 140-150, often reached a fainting spell. After each panic attack, I recovered for a long time.
All visits to specialist doctors ended with the appointment of antidepressants. I was afraid to go to bed in the evening, I was afraid of the dark, I was terrified of dogs. The feeling of fear came up suddenly. This could happen in transport, in a crowded place, during work or leisure. Panic attacks became more frequent.
I underwent a brain examination, MRI diagnostics was performed, I visited an endocrinologist, a neurologist, a cardiologist - no violations were found. Not a single specialist could answer my question, what should I do, how to live with it further?
I was completely desperate. I began to look for answers to questions on the Internet, came across the portal on system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan, read articles and soon attended free lectures by Yuri Burlan.
After attending free lectures on systemic vector psychology, I was able to fall asleep without antidepressants. Without delay, I signed up for the full course. Already at the level 1 training, I suddenly remembered that I had not been scared for a long time and had not attended panic attacks, for a long time I had not felt a sudden panic fear of death.
The panic attacks are gone and this is a lasting result. I live without them, I'm not afraid of the dark and dogs for 3 years now.
Anna Vinevskaya Read the full text of the result Gradually I learned to cope with sudden panic attacks - a feeling of acute fear for my life, when you are suddenly thrown from the heat into cold sweat and then shakes for a long time with a large tremor, it darkens in my eyes, and my hand itself reaches for phone to dial "03" - help, I'm dying! Now it's just ridiculous to remember this! Nina Belyaeva Read the full text of the result
Panic attacks can be defeated, and it's up to you! Sign up for a free online training on Systemic Vector Psychology by Yuri Burlan at the link: