The new "Crew" never ceases to collect notices. The locomotive of modern Russian cinema
Late Friday evening in an ordinary cinema, I buy a ticket to the half-filled hall for the "Crew", take my place. The lights in the hall slowly go out, more people come in, more … Full house
The new film from the authors of "Legend 17", director Nikolai Lebedev never ceases to collect sold out. What is the secret of the success of contemporary Russian cinema? We deal with Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology.
Late Friday evening in an ordinary cinema, I buy a ticket to the half-filled hall on the "Crew", take my place. In the hall, the lights go out slowly, more people come in, more … Full house.
On the screen - a story about a young pilot Alexei Gushchin (Danila Kozlovsky), who did not have a good career in the army. His first days of internship at a Russian civil aviation airline. A self-confident young man takes risks, makes mistakes and deeds, falls in love with a colleague - the pilot girl Alexandra (Agne Grudite). He tests his abilities in a flight simulator and tries to live among people with his own special code of honor. And all this under the supervision of an experienced pilot, Leonid Zinchenko (Vladimir Mashkov). Youth, dreams of happiness and a bright future.
New "Crew". The first secret of success
The main character is imperfect, not stereotyped, arouses sympathy for his eccentricity. Their skeletons in the closet are also found in the seemingly impeccable commander in everything. The character of the pilot girl in the film, with all the military severity and outward splendor, is revealed as a living person with her mental pain. It is interesting to observe the changes in the minor characters, who shoulder to shoulder with the main characters, endure the disaster. However, you will find out for yourself when you watch the movie.
It is noteworthy that the film touches upon both the themes of the eternal conflict between fathers and children, and social injustice, with which the heroes are not able to agree. Perhaps this is the main theme of the film, which is also characteristic of Legend 17. This is almost Dostoevsky with "a creature that trembles or has the right", but not in madness, but with the ability to feat. It is almost Hamlet with "to be or not to be", just not a prince, but a simple person, any person - in front of himself and among people. This lack is the desire to get out of the selfish fetters and compromises of everyday life into the realization of something more on the principle of pleasure - the desire to be human.
Director Nikolai Lebedev is shooting amazing pictures. Like Legend 17, Crew speaks about personal freedom of will and responsibility to oneself and to others, about the realization of the highest values of the urethral mentality by the example of the life of passionary personalities.
A bit of history
The term "passionary" was first introduced by Lev Gumilev in his study of the phenomenon of the formation of the Great Mongolian state of Genghis Khan. In a nutshell, a passionate is an individual capable of giving his life for a better and just (as far as possible) future of his people. The Mongol state, united by Genghis Khan, overcame stagnation inside, and the achievements of this civilization still remain unshakable for the whole world (for example, the law on the immunity of ambassadors). In the code of laws "Yasa", compiled by Genghis Khan, the principles of mercy and justice, the priority of society over the individual, the priorities of giving back on shortages, even to the detriment of oneself, were proclaimed. For example, having met any tribesman in the desert, each Mongol was obliged to offer him food and drink. If one of the soldiers lost a bow or a quiver with arrows,then the one riding behind had to pick up and return the weapon.
According to Lev Gumilyov, it is passionarity that is the property that guarantees the preservation of society and ethnic group. A sufficient number of passionary individuals is the "core" of the state, towards which all other individuals naturally gravitate, wishing to receive the security and safety necessary for each person.

Are the Mongolian principles of bestowal the source of the formation of the urethral mentality on the endless steppes of Russia? - you can get an exact answer to this question at the training on System-Vector Psychology by Yuri Burlan.
For now, let's return to the theme of the film. Undoubtedly, the image of the famous hockey player and pilots in the corresponding films is passionate personalities. In Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology, such people at the call of the heart are people with the urethral vector, whose nature is designed for bestowal. Such people are born with the priority of society over the individual and the innate ability to take responsibility in a critical situation. It is they who find themselves in a profession that corresponds to their spirit - to be a leader for a group of people (at the helm, in the hockey arena and not only), to lead, to guarantee the survival of the team.
The second category of people who take on a passionate idea are people with a combination of skin and sound vectors, leaders, ideologists. People for whom the idea is their top priority. The idea for such people is above their life. A pilot with a skin and sound vector will give odds to any other. In the skin vector there is a fast switchability, self-control, the ability to precisely control movement, trajectory, so important for the pilot. And also the conscious ability to concentrate, which allows you to separate false sensations (like the Giant Hand) from the real state of the aircraft in the air. Such people find happiness only in a conscious understanding of their lives.
New "Crew". Second secret of success
What is cinema and why do we go to watch movies at all? We can say that cinema is entertainment. It can be mentioned that this is an emotional release that is beneficial for psychological health. Also, cinema carries a moral function, the behavior and attitude towards the life of its heroes become a kind of reference point for us.
The hero of a modern film can be talented or simple, a loser or a scoundrel, a swindler or a maniac. In Hollywood films, the hero is often promoted as a successful person - one who has taken place in the value systems of the skin mentality. In a sense, cinema offers modern young people examples of who to be like, who to take an example from. However, for all the propaganda bombardment with a Hollywood product, “successful heroes”, like transplanted organs, do not take root for Russians with a urethral mentality, they are rejected.
This film shows how the urethral mentality manifests itself in a critical situation, in a natural disaster. The main characters of the film are ready to sacrifice themselves for the sake of others, even to the detriment of their affections, despite the difficulties and losses. This is the real heroism that people with a urethral mentality are capable of. This is also the point of self-identification of Russians as a people transmitted over generations. Heroes for us are our grandparents, who liberated Europe from fascism in the Great Patriotic War, people who gave their lives so that future generations could live.
With all the endless stream of a variety of films and plots, the Russian heart is always dearer to its own, therefore, to the mass of other stories, the Russian viewer prefers a story about people who have taken place at the highest level in the value line of our mentality.

New "Crew". The third success secret
In the 90s, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russians received collective overstress - they lost the state and the guarantee of security and safety. In search of a better life, we took on a skin social form - a consumer society. However, for the vast majority of us, it turned out to be impossible to live under the slogans of consumption. The feeling of security has not increased, there is a lack of a new direction, a new understanding of how we will continue to live.
Against the background of general despair, confusion, disorientation in false value systems, such films show that it is possible to realize oneself in one's mental values. It is impossible to feel safety and security outside the categories of personal responsibility for the future.
The success of the films Legend 17 and The Crew lies in the cinematic response of culture to the mass demand of Russians about their path, about the choice of ideals and priorities. Realizing their destiny in the wake of the urethral mentality, people with a visual vector experience states of euphoria of love, when there is a place for support of the weak and empathy. Realizing the meaning of their life in the mental values of bestowal, people with a sound vector get rid of the "curse of life in an egoistic cell."
It is possible to pull the country out of stagnation only by a concentrated effort of the passionate part of the people. In our time, this choice is in the conscious realization of one's assigned potential for the benefit of the future of one's country. How to create a better destiny for yourself and for everyone who is around, how to leave depression and fears behind and acquire a conscious and sensual fulfillment of your life - about this and much more at the training on System-Vector Psychology by Yuri Burlan.