Consumer society. Are we strangers at this celebration of life?
Why is the majority of the population of our country practically unable to earn enough money? Indeed, in the 90s we all thought that now we will live like in America, at least the way we imagined their life …
The consumer society provides life's benefits in a huge assortment: there is everything that is needed, and everything that fantasy suggests. If you want a country villa - please! If you want an apartment with a swimming pool, it's easy! In addition, they offer luxurious cars and even planes! Why not?! Anyone can get whatever they want. The only barrier between desire and its fulfillment is money, or rather, their insufficient amount.
Why did we find ourselves strangers at this celebration of life? Why is the majority of the population of our country practically unable to earn enough money? Indeed, in the 90s we all thought that now we will live like in America, at least the way we imagined their life.
However, after a few years it became clear that we were unable to be like the Americans. It turned out that we see the world differently and we evaluate everything that happens in it differently. This is because we have different mentalities.
Mentality is a community of life values inherent in a large group of people, people, nation, which determine the characteristics of behavior and a way of thinking, which shape the worldview and worldview of an individual.
The mentality is formed by the habitat of the people, including climatic conditions play an important role in this. Under certain natural conditions, people with the properties most suitable for life in this territory survive. Properties are fixed, passed on to the next generations and become a mentality.
The conditions for the formation of the Russian mentality were determined by the cold climate, which did not allow obtaining guaranteed harvests: it would freeze, then it would get wet, then it would be beaten by hail, then a drought. Hence our famous "maybe" - one could only hope for a good result! They lived in communities, survived through mutual assistance, and therefore a double mentality was developed - urethral-muscular: communal muscular and urethral collectivist.
So it turns out that we are collectivists squared! Helping others, living on giving is natural for us, this is what was necessary for survival. Therefore, the socialist system was completely natural for our people. They did not work for themselves - for the Motherland, and the general was always more important than the personal. Accordingly, material goods were not a value and money, too, they existed only for calculations. Received moral satisfaction from the realization of themselves in society, participating in socially useful work for the common good.
We did not have personal property, everything around was created by social labor and was common property, therefore we do not distinguish between where ours and where others are. There was no competition between us, who would get more, there was - who would give more. In such conditions, there was no law - to give, the law is not needed, it is needed only to protect private property. In our conditions, mercy and justice were more important, and relations in society were built on them.
Being rich was somehow embarrassing even. We have other values: "Friendship is more valuable than money", "Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends", "Do not boast in silver, boast in good." Money was perceived as something vile, and it was not accepted to talk about it. Such an attitude to money appeared in ancient times, when those who did not disdain to appropriate someone else's got rich.

Actually, this happened before our eyes in the dashing 90s, when a small handful of people appropriated the country's wealth created by the labor of our parents and grandparents. How can you respect the money received by deception, fraud, or even at the cost of someone's lives ?! Oh, it's not for nothing that they say in Russia: "You cannot build stone chambers by righteous labor."
The attitude towards money in the countries of Western Europe was quite different. Their climate is much milder than in Russia, which made it possible to get a guaranteed good harvest.
Such a harvest was enough for everyone: those who grew, and artisans, and even scientists who appeared in cities. From the income received, everyone voluntarily paid taxes, because they understood that this money would be used to build and strengthen fortress walls, to maintain soldiers who protect from external enemies, and inside the walls the law protects from all encroachments on personal property. It was possible to live in peace and make good. Everyone was protected by the law, and for this the law was honored and respected.
Everyone worked for himself and knew that everything depended on him: how much labor he put in, he received so much. A society of individualists was created, where everyone is for himself, where mine is mine, and yours is yours, and “what do I care about all of you and you to me!”.
I wanted "mine" to be bigger and allow to live better. There was a desire to compete in order to have more money, which provided material superiority. The possession of such money earned the respect of others, and money was perceived as something very good, as good.
With such a life, the properties of the skin vector were most in demand as the most necessary in this territory. This is how a skin mentality developed in Europe, which the settlers brought with them to the American mainland.
The opposite of mentalities
Such are the mentality of us and Europeans-Americans, not just different, but directly opposite. They are individualists, everyone is a person, they think rationally, are responsible for themselves and their lives, clearly distinguish between their own and others', they live by the law.
We are collectivists, we do not distinguish between ours and others, we are not able to respect private property, we love "freebies", we live in justice, as we ourselves understand it, and we treat the law with disdain.
We have completely different perceptions, that is, when looking at the same, we and they see different pictures, understand and evaluate events in different ways.
I want money, but it's a shame to admit it even to myself
After the collapse of the Soviet Union, we were aimed at new landmarks. Now we want to consume, as in the West, to be successful, to do business. We all want money, but money in our unconscious understanding is evil. Therefore, we make excuses, we hide behind rationalizations: “I don’t want money, I want to have decent housing, to educate my children” or “I want to see the world”.
However, all this is impossible without money. We want to have money, but since we do not know how to make money, we want them to appear by themselves, like in a fairy tale. Adults are not stupid people, but attend trainings on raising money with all sorts of affirmations, mantras, using Feng Shui and other esoteric tricks.
The trainings of success that our Russian skin guys see in the West and try to copy are very popular. More or less successful fakes are obtained, but they are of little use, otherwise everyone would already be millionaires. Mainly those who conduct these trainings make money, borrowing other people's ideas.
Such a concept as "intellectual property" is not at all peculiar to us. How does it feel to pay for music, a movie, or some program if you can download it for free? It is considered special chic for us to deal with the code or activation key and put it on the Internet for general use. We're smart! Only for some reason they are poor.
In Europe, torrents are banned, giving them away is regarded as a sale, and they often go to jail.

It's the opposite with us! When the social network VKontakte decided to protect intellectual property, no one bought anything. A community was immediately organized, which figured out how to do so not to pay. This was not done by swindlers, but by our ordinary normal people. A good deed should be free - it's in our heads!
But we are not comfortable taking money for our work. Well, how to take money from good people for changing their pipes or repairing a door? We do not perceive our labor as a commodity to be exchanged for money. We perceive it as giving away from ourselves. For our mentality this is the norm, and if after that we take money, then the return is crossed out, and therefore we experience stress, we say: "Inconvenient!"
How to change your attitude towards money
In contrast to the skin of the West, we have an irrational attitude to money: we love to receive the fruits of other people's labor for free, and it is hard for us to take money for our labor, we experience stress. Such is the interdependence, which is the reason for our lack of money.
Since our unconscious is structured according to the principle of pleasure, we subconsciously avoid what is stress, we do not create situations associated with receiving money. Money just stops getting into our lives.
And at the same time, we all want money. We are constantly building archetypal schemes in our minds, trying to figure out where to get money. At the same time, the schemes are born small, miserable, they simply do not fit creative thoughts that can lead to the opportunity to earn really decent money.
To get out of this vicious circle, you need to learn to separate your own and others. Do not take someone else's! For starters, don't download anything that costs money for free. After all, when we take everything on the Internet for free, then it costs nothing and has no value to us.
It turns out that I downloaded a “cracked” program in order to create my own product with its help, but it turned out to be more difficult than I hoped. It's okay, tomorrow I'll download the second one and try to create another product. And so you can endlessly download (after all, it's free!) And, as a result, do nothing of your own.
If money had been paid for the program, then there would be a completely different attitude to one's work, and there would be a different result. After all, the decision to purchase the necessary program for a large amount is made only if it is really needed, without it it is impossible to do what was conceived, that is, a plan of further actions is thought out, the goal and the path to it are determined. A person understands what he wants, how to do it, and finally creates his own wonderful product. But here another trouble awaits him: no one wants to pay, everyone is trying to download it for free. No money left! You have to pay to get something!
Plus, when you pay for someone else's work, you create an inner justification for getting paid for your work. The stress goes away, and the unconscious ceases to resist receiving money, and they gradually appear.
How to learn to make money
To have money, one must learn to live among other people, to arouse sympathy in them.

Sympathy, that is, the internal disposition of other people, benevolence, arises if the smell of a person is pleasant to those around him (meaning the smell perceived at an unconscious level).
A good state of mind produces a pleasant smell and pleasant sensations, people want to do business with you in those areas where relationships are governed by money. Consequently, they will want to conclude an agreement with you, become your client or raise your salary.
Thus, in order to become attractive and successful, you need to bring your psyche into a balanced state. At the training "System-Vector Psychology" by Yuri Burlan, this happens in a natural way, as evidenced by the thousands of reviews of people who have undergone training and have noticeably changed their lives for the better.