I work, but I don't earn. Where to get money?
A small fuse of hope still suggests that there must be a way out of this situation, it only needs to be found, and then everything in life will change. There is sure to be an answer to your main question: "How to make money so that there is enough for everything?"
“Where can I get the money? Where do they all get them? Definitely steal somewhere! Eh, at least I'll go buy a lottery ticket, maybe I'll be lucky to win a million this time!"
Such thoughts visit you throughout your life. And you seem to consider yourself an intelligent person. He studied well at school, in contrast to many of his classmates-poor students. Then he entered the institute and there he gnawed on the granite of science, while the same poor classmates graduated from a vocational school or technical school and went to trade on the market.
And now, having received a higher education practically with a red diploma, full of hopes for a wonderful comfortable future, you have embarked on the working path. A year passed, two, then a few more, and already the working five-year plan has rushed by. Several jobs changed, because for some reason you were not paid very much on each of them. There was always enough money for minimal expenses, but there was not enough money to fully satisfy their own desires.
There is intelligence, but no money
At first it seemed that this was just the beginning of your career and you need to gain experience, and the minimum wage is quite natural when you are at the very bottom of the career ladder. One job changed, then another, you had enough experience to make good money. But, alas, the money did not increase over the years and even began to be lacking more and more.
At the same time, your former poor classmates built their own business, bought apartments, cars and summer cottages. And at that moment you began to wonder what you were doing wrong. After all, you are so smart, you were an excellent student at school, graduated from the institute and received a diploma, you have sufficient charisma and an almost ingenious intellect, but there is still no money.
Of course, you immediately tried to justify yourself by the fact that, most likely, everything that these same classmates gained was obtained in a dishonest way. And you are not at all like that, you will never steal, as this violates your moral principles - honesty and justice above all.
Time continued to fly at a catastrophic speed, and the state of your financial affairs did not change absolutely. The thoughts began to come to my mind that, most likely, some kind of evil fate befell you, or you were definitely jinxed, and, most likely, the same classmates who always envied your mind and intellect.
As a result, you continue to sit by your broken trough, waiting for the goldfish. A small fuse of hope still suggests that there must be a way out of this situation, it only needs to be found, and then everything in life will change. There is sure to be an answer to your main question: "How to make money so that there is enough for everything?"

Reasons for the emergence of "superstition of money"
Yuri Burlan's training "System-vector psychology" reveals that the main reason why we have problems with making money lies in the peculiarities of the Russian urethral-muscular mentality, the properties of which are justice and mercy, mutual assistance.
For many centuries, the Russian people worked very hard, made a lot of efforts to get a precious harvest, but often lost it due to the harsh climate. Constant floods, frosts, etc. have engendered in us a desire to help the weak and those in trouble, because it is never known how the circumstances will turn out next time. Today you will help someone, and tomorrow someone will help you. Without this, in our conditions, the people would not have been able to survive.
The same circumstance gave rise to the so-called "social laziness" in us. We are never sure of the results of our work, and therefore it can be difficult for us to force ourselves to work. In contrast, for example, from Western countries with a skin mentality, where work is individualized and everyone takes responsibility for themselves, not relying on someone else's help.
But it should be noted that their mentality was formed in completely different conditions. The West has a favorable climate and good harvests. The result of the effort was guaranteed. There, everyone understood that the more efforts were invested, the greater the result would be. Of course, in the West, people do not have the expectation of help from others, which is inherent in us.
By the way, often an unconscious hope for help and a lack of clear confidence in the results of labor make us "superstition in money" and hope that it will fall from the sky. We do not think about how to make money, but think about how to get money. We dream of winning the lottery, getting an inheritance … Sometimes we even turn to fortune-tellers who show how to attract money, or we fall for the bait of scammers who promise to teach us how to get millions without making any efforts.
Money is evil
Without realizing it, we perceive money as a real evil. It can be difficult for us to both receive and give. We are ashamed to take payment for honest and high-quality work, because we unconsciously perceive it as help and free return. When a friend offers us money for help, we take it almost as an insult.
Why is this happening? In Russia, ordinary people, namely the peasants, always worked hard, but at the same time lived poorly. And the royal power and the upper classes collected tribute from them, often taking the latter. Those who lived richly and idle had a lot of money, and those who worked hard were poor.
Hence our unconscious perception that money is evil, and rich people are scoundrels and bastards who take the last away from those who work hard and live idly at their expense, having all possible benefits. We hate money and those who have a lot of it. Sometimes it even occurs to us that it would be better to return the natural exchange altogether, because it is much easier for us to accept payment with anything, but not money.
Nevertheless, we deliberately still want to receive money. And neither more nor less, but a million. Not to make money, because in our hearts we feel that it is impossible to make wealth through honest labor. To get it in a miraculous way, often without understanding what we will do with this million. Rather, if it happens that we still get what we want, then we will quickly spend it anywhere, just to quickly get rid of what we consider evil in our hearts.
It is unpleasant for us to associate ourselves with evil, because man is the principle of pleasure. And unconsciously, we reject everything bad from ourselves. And on the outside, this manifests itself as an inability to earn. We unconsciously choose the job where the pay is low, we avoid the opportunity to earn money, because we are ashamed to be rich.

Psychological anchors
We believe that the state and the authorities owe us, and therefore taking from the state what does not belong to us is not theft in our feelings. Rather, it is perceived as a return of what has been "unjustly taken away."
The Soviet past also plays an important role, where all the benefits that people had were provided by collective labor, and not private. Everyone worked, invested in their work for the common good, and collectively, collectively created what they used: free education and medical care. Today we do not really want to invest in a "common pot", but out of habit we demand free education and medicine.
Life has changed, we want to earn more. But we are still not ready to pay, we want to receive it for free, because in our feelings everything is in common: we download free music, programs and books on the Internet. And even if we buy, we put it on torrents to “help” others, without thinking that all these “products” were created by someone, wasted their efforts. Imagine, we all do this, but how then to make money? In the same way, other people want to receive the result of our labor for free. So our false attitudes prevent us from solving the problem with money and making money honestly.
The situation becomes more complicated if, in addition, we have any negative attitudes and anchors from childhood regarding money.
For example, people with an anal vector, the property of which is equality and a good memory, may feel guilty for accepting money all their lives if their parents reproached them in childhood that they spent too much on them, that they ate too tasty or that they were too bought a lot. And people with a skin vector can be captured by false attitudes if their parents unwittingly interfered with the manifestation of their natural properties, did not direct them in the right direction. For example, they hung anchors with the phrases “Why are you bargaining, unfortunate huckster!”, “Nothing will come of you” … This can hinder further development and implementation, the ability to make money.
People with a sound vector are generally interested in the intangible side of life. From childhood they are drawn to the knowledge of themselves and the world. They want to know the boundless expanses of space, unknown meanings and undisclosed secrets. Hence, a certain dislike for money and everything material may arise, when it is perceived as things too "low" for their level of intelligence.
Can everyone learn to make money?
At the training "System-vector psychology" Yuri Burlan reveals that the problem of inability to earn money is hidden in our unconscious, in which there are certain attitudes and anchors. Realizing the psychological characteristics of a Russian person with a urethral-muscular mentality, we change the way of thinking.
Instead of rather scanty schemes "where to grab a little money?" thoughts of a completely different level begin to come. There is a realization that money is not evil, does not come from nowhere, but is earned when we invest our own labor for the good of society and get a return from it.
Changing attitudes towards concepts such as free, “freebies” and “cut the dough” changes our entire life scenario. And instead of eternal lack of money, life at a broken trough comes the opportunity to earn as much as is necessary to realize our desires.
The results of people who have undergone training seem at first glance to be something incredible and impossible, but this is a fact:
You can take the first step towards changing your life for the better right now. Register for the free online training by Yuri Burlan "System-vector psychology".