How To Become Rich And Successful - Get Rid Of False Attitudes And Make Money

How To Become Rich And Successful - Get Rid Of False Attitudes And Make Money
How To Become Rich And Successful - Get Rid Of False Attitudes And Make Money

How to become rich in Russia, or the answer to the mysterious Russian soul

Every our compatriot asks himself this question at least once in his life. Unfortunately, it is we, the Russians, who often have internal barriers to becoming truly wealthy and financially independent. It's all about the “mysterious Russian soul”, in other words, our special Russian mentality. He sets us attitudes that affect our attitude to money, including preventing us from earning it.

A bag of money with the words "$ 1,000,000" jumped in front of my eyes.

- You won't catch, you won't catch! Smoke on a second-hand foreign car, live in a rented apartment. Still thinking about how to get rich? Ha ha!

- But this is BMW, German quality!

- I believe! Judging by the state, your grandfather drove her from Berlin back in 1945!

- Wow, I love you!..

I lunged towards the bag, but it quickly flew up. My hands gripped the air helplessly, and I lost my balance and fell to the floor.

- Do you want to be rich?.. Easy! Get rid of false attitudes that prevent you from doing this!

The talking bag rose higher and higher and disappeared into thin air. Instead of him, the face of an unfamiliar man appeared in front of me more and more clearly.

- Young man! I am taking my time to give you this incredible success training! My book How to Make a Million in 60 Seconds became the bestseller of the month! Do you allow yourself to sleep, wasting precious time ?!

- Sorry, I was thinking so hard about how to get rich that I dozed off.

“Well… that's commendable. So, back to the basic rules of the rich! Write down rule number four: "If your left palm itches, scratch, imagining that you are combing coins and banknotes that are tightly filling your pockets." The next rule …

The success coach mumbled, but I didn't listen. The voice of an impudent bag of money continued to sound in my head: "It's easy to be rich - just get rid of false attitudes that prevent you from doing it …"

Three false attitudes of the average Russian

So - how to become a rich person?

Every our compatriot asks himself this question at least once in his life. Unfortunately, it is we, the Russians, who often have internal barriers to becoming truly wealthy and financially independent. It's all about the “mysterious Russian soul”, in other words, our special Russian mentality. He sets us attitudes that affect our attitude to money, including preventing us from earning it.

There are three questions that every resident of Russia who dreams of how to become rich should answer to himself:

  • What's more important to you - coolness or money?
  • What do you do more often - save or earn?
  • Is it true that the righteous cannot earn stone chambers by labor?

In this article, we will break down the main psychological traps that prevent us from making real money. So let's go!

False setting # 1. Coolness or money?

Any Russian appreciates "toughness" and swagger more than having money. Even if he doesn't admit it to himself. Don't believe me? Look around at the incredible number of "cool" jeeps and foreign cars, which are often bought on credit or with the last money. It comes to the ridiculous: a man, trying to pass for a rich man, drives a BMW with the cheapest Kama tires.

System-vector psychology explains the reasons for this phenomenon. This is due to our special, urethral, mentality. It is he who is called the “mysterious Russian soul”. We all have a urethral attitude towards property and money: the desire to make a feast for the whole world, generosity, scope in everything, etc.

The urethral man is by nature a leader, he has the highest rank from birth. Men envy him and women adore him. Everyone wants to become like him.

This is the first trap for any Russian - striving to become "cool", acquiring status items, we try to resemble the leader in form and spend all our energy and money on it. In these false landmarks, we simply do not realize the potential that we have.

False setting # 2. What is more profitable - saving or earning?

In the economy, both at the household and at the state level, the key to success is the ability to earn money and rationally save. This is an objective factor: when we don't have a lot of money, we decide how to spend it. We often make mistakes and make the wrong choice. In the search for how to become rich, we make the most common mistake of the skin vector - we save on little things, and lose big. We buy cheap shoes for the winter, which will fall apart in the middle of winter, and we are faced with the situation of "a miser pays twice." In business, we do not always make adequate decisions on budget allocation. For example, we spare money for good advertising, in the end we have no sales, etc.

A similar mistake can be made by any skin person, not only in Russia, but in Russia it is especially prevalent. Due to the fact that we have an irrational urethral mentality, skin abilities, on average, develop and are implemented less than, for example, in capitalist countries. Indeed, for the development and implementation of the properties of the skin vector, you need to be able to obey the rules, law, discipline, but we perceive any rules not as a tool in achieving a goal, but as a restriction of our freedom, which we do not want to obey.

As a result, we are not always able to adequately assess the situation and make a rational choice of what, where and when to save money so that it does not harm.

how to get rich
how to get rich

False setting # 3. Money is "evil"

The harsh climate and harsh living conditions led our ancestors to work hard to feed themselves, but the harvests were so scarce that they were hardly enough to survive, not to mention some kind of wealth and luxury. Ordinary people had practically nothing, and all the money cream went to people who were less burdened with the desire and ability to earn honestly, that is, archetypal leather workers (thieves, corrupt officials).

We are accustomed to the fact that righteous labor cannot make stone chambers, that after hard exhausting labor and struggle for survival, the latter is taken away from us. We have a mixture of dislike and envy towards all the rich. In our understanding, only thieves and crooks have money - because they stole. And in general - the grave will fix the rich! A simple worker, by definition, is incapable of earning, for "honest work is not in our price".

Later, in the era of the Soviet Union, money, in fact, ceased to function as a means of exchanging labor for goods and services. When, as a result of the installation of the urethral formation "from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs", each person was de facto provided with his basic needs, and there was no objective need for possessing big money. Possessed by them again all the same - criminal layers, representatives of archetypal skin. We were so inspired, and we felt it, that "money is evil."

Having such an attitude in our head and not even realizing it, we do our best to get rid of "evil", that is, from money. You have a lot of money? So he stole! Admit it - are you also uncomfortable taking money for your work, even if you are a super professional? Easier to take with alcohol or some other gift so you don't feel ashamed.

Not surprisingly, with such an attitude towards money, it is simply impossible to become financially independent and rich. Is this a verdict, and the question of how to become rich in Russia will remain unanswered?

Say No to False Attitudes

Yes, we love cool, save on matches, and hate the rich. Yes, the Western business model does not fit the urethral soul. But this does not mean that a Russian person is incapable of becoming successful and rich. Moreover, armed with a deep understanding of their mental values and peculiarities of the psyche, our person in Moscow has more opportunities to earn money than a New Yorker.

The main thing is to make your features an advantage. System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan answers the question of how to become rich and successful in Russia. How to get rid of harmful psychological attitudes that do not allow earning from your head.

More than 18,000 people received the result at online trainings in systemic vector psychology - including financial ones. Hear how they talk about their success in earnings, careers and business:

Tired of driving a credit car with a Chinese copy of an iPhone in your pocket? Huddle in rented apartments and dream of a mortgage? Burn out in business over and over again? Just get rid of the false attitudes that push money away from you year after year. And learn to use your qualities to your advantage. Register here.
