Everything Is For Happiness, But There Is No Happiness

Everything Is For Happiness, But There Is No Happiness
Everything Is For Happiness, But There Is No Happiness

Everything is for happiness, but there is no happiness

It's like hitting a closed door, behind which happiness appears. Over time, the strength runs out, the soul, tired of an ineffectual search, seems to shrink, the person closes in on himself, becomes gloomy and irritable. The knowledge that I received during the training turned out to be the key to the very cherished door behind which happiness was hidden. Now I know that it is within my power to open it …

Some people lack only happiness for happiness.

Lets S. E.

Another clinic, corridor, door, hope …

How many of them were there already - doctors, psychosomatics specialists, psychotherapists, psychologists?

I always doubted that they had answers to my questions, but my relatives, seeing my suffering, insisted that I go for help. And I walked, told again and again that something incomprehensible happened to me, something broke inside. Like a clock that has stopped. The mechanism is in order, but the wheels do not turn, and there is no force to set them back in motion.

The feeling that I have not lived for some time at all, but from the side watching how my body makes desperate attempts to convince me otherwise. "As long as I feel, I live!" Paphos, bluff! What I feel? Pain, discomfort or fatal weakness - and these are signs of life ?!

Somewhere in the depths, I know this is wrong. I still remember the irrepressible childish curiosity, the joy of anticipating adult life, full of interesting discoveries and vivid experiences. I remember dreams of happiness, the desire to leave some kind of trace after myself, to live for a reason. Like many girls, I dreamed of true love, I wanted a family and two children - a boy and a girl. It would seem nothing unusual - a normal child, normal desires.

I seemed strange to them

I was quiet, obedient and withdrawn. She preferred books to live communication with peers. It always seemed to me that I knew some secret. That the children will not understand me, and I will be bored with them. They felt it and did not like me. I seemed strange to them, and what is incomprehensible often causes hostility.

Wherever I was, I felt like a stranger, rejected, alone. It hurt and hurt, but at a distance I felt more secure than in the middle of events. The noise and vanity frightened and tired me. Therefore, I lived all my dreams and emotions virtually with the heroes of the books, reading all night long.

As a teenager, I couldn't shake the feeling that something important was slipping away from me. The mystery, the solution of which seemed very close in childhood, began to grow and move away. And emptiness grew in my soul, sucked all thoughts into its quagmire, confused me.

There was youth, beauty, health, but there was no happiness. Life has turned into a movie where I am only a spectator. Well, give me a role at last! I can, I will play! I see how happy faces of men and women who are making a career, falling in love, having a family and having children are flashing on the screen. Really, while I considered myself the smartest, they solved that very secret, found meaning and happiness ?!

Like a captive bird, the thought beats in the brain that there is a catch somewhere, but the consciousness whispers tiredly: “Be like everyone else - and you will be happy. Probably…"

Everything is for happiness, but there is no picture
Everything is for happiness, but there is no picture

Doctor, what's wrong with me?

I'm not used to giving up. Gold medal, honors, prestigious position … A good man, love, wedding, children …

Hurrah! I passed the casting, I did it! I will play the role, its trace will remain on the film of life and …

…So what?! One morning I just couldn't get up. It was as if the light was turned off in me, the current was cut off, the engine was taken out. Sleep became my only salvation and consolation. Close your eyes, forget yourself and feel nothing.

The body lived its own life, throwing out new tricks every day. Everything collapsed. There are almost no specialists left who would not try to find the causes of my many ailments. But they did not find anything, shrugged their shoulders and advised to treat the nerves. Their fellow psychologists tried to get from me revelations about a terrible childhood, unhappy love, problems in the family and at work. And after the phrase: “Doctor, I have everything that a person needs for happiness! … Only there is no happiness! - I received a prescription for the next portion of antidepressants.

Solving the mystery

It turned out that the secret, the presence of which I have always felt, really exists. And I found the answer at the training of Yuri Burlan "System-vector psychology".

The secret is that people are born with certain sets of mental properties that determine their character, values, and aspirations. And happiness is found by the one who manages to realize these desires and realize them.

Depending on the congenital mental characteristics (vectors), for some, this is success, career, material well-being. For others - family, children, respect in society. For others - earthly love, kinship of souls, emotional closeness. Realizing his natural aspirations, a person feels comfortable and joyful.

Only the desires of the owners of the sound vector do not find fulfillment in the physical world. All their lives they have been trying to understand themselves, to understand the structure of the universe, to comprehend the purpose and design of our stay on earth. And without this they are not able to feel happiness, live and enjoy every day.

A sound person, in addition to a sound vector, always has at least one more vector, therefore, the sound person is not alien to ordinary earthly desires inherent in his other vectors. They are simple, understandable and on the surface. Therefore, in search of happiness, just like other people, he can strive for career growth, dream of love or having children.

But until the puzzle of life is solved and the meaning is not found, everything else does not please, there is nothing to rely on. And life without the main core becomes unbearable. The gaping hole in the soul only grows, absorbing all the forces and energy to move forward. “Why live if nothing pleases? I have everything that makes others happy. But not me."

How to open the door behind which happiness

It's like hitting a closed door, behind which happiness appears. Over time, the strength runs out, the soul, tired of an ineffectual search, seems to shrink, the person closes in on himself, becomes gloomy and irritable. Life passes by while he racks his brains over its meaning. It also happens that this request is not even realized by a person, and nevertheless he lives his life with a feeling of complete meaninglessness of existence.

Happiness no picture
Happiness no picture

The sound engineer suffers, unable to "grope" the question itself, not to mention the answer to it. He is lonely in his search and is not understood by others, especially if he managed to take place in other areas of life. "You have everything, what else do you want?" Sometimes the body is the first to surrender. As a result of the suffering of the soul, it begins to hurt. These can be very diverse, often unexplained, symptoms.

Some of the most common are unbearable headaches, insomnia, or fatal fatigue. "Earthly" ailments are understandable to everyone. They are confusing, confusing cause and effect. Instead of "I feel bad at heart, therefore I am sick," we get "I am sick, therefore I feel bad."

Physical suffering not only exhausts, but also supports a dangerous thought that comes to the mind of a sound person who loses contact with the world around him: that it is the mortal body that is to blame for all the torments, that having got rid of it, one can find eternal happiness.

I was lucky: being on the verge of despair, I got to the training of Yuri Burlan "System-vector psychology". The fact that I am not the only one, that this is not a fatal disease, not a breakdown of a vital microcircuit, gave me hope.

The knowledge that I received during the training turned out to be the key to the very cherished door behind which happiness was hidden. Now I know that it is within my power to open it. Already at the free introductory lectures, it became clear that happiness is a relative value and is measured by the degree of fulfillment of our natural desires. The desires of the sound vector dominate the rest and are given in order to reveal the haunted secret of the structure of the world, not only for oneself, but for the whole species. And the search begins not in the depths of one's soul, but in the knowledge of the psyche of other people.

If earlier I avoided people and got tired of communication, now meeting a new person, like the discovery of a new star, causes delight, releases some unknown energy, awakens interest in life. Physical existence no longer seems empty and meaningless, it acquires great significance in comprehending the world of infinity. No more time for sleep and illness! So many want to be in time, learn, do!

Like many participants in the training, I finally realized what I needed to be happy, realized the cause of my ailments and found answers to the questions that tormented me. Our stories have a lot in common:

What the picture is missing for happiness
What the picture is missing for happiness

If you, too, lack only happiness for happiness, click here!
