Emotional addiction or love? The misery of unfortunate love
You like absolutely everything about him! As he speaks, he smiles, the way he moves. I even like to just sit next to him and look at his back. But why did nothing happen between you for several years of acquaintance?
It happens that you love a person, breathe him, but for some reason the relationship does not work out. You don't know how to tell him about your feelings, how to avoid mistakes, you are afraid to look ridiculous in his eyes, you cannot overcome insecurity, timidity, shyness in yourself. What if he has another? You are not together anyway. And the further you go, the more you realize that you are captive to your feelings - a painful emotional dependence occupies all your thoughts.
You like absolutely everything about him! As he speaks, he smiles, the way he moves. I even like to just sit next to him and look at his back. But why did nothing happen between you for several years of acquaintance?
When he is around, you feel good, and you cherish a timid hope for your common future. You are in high spirits, you smile, you want to look good. But then, when you are left alone, it becomes sad, melancholy. It seems that all your efforts are in vain. But you still cannot forget him and imagine your future with another.
Emotional addiction: I need you like air
It seems that all your happiness is concentrated in this particular person. You like to dream about how you will be together. You can't imagine life without him at all. As if, if he is not there, you will find yourself like an astronaut who went out into outer space in a spacesuit: suddenly the spacesuit burst through, and all the air instantly came out, and the astronaut was left suffocating in a complete vacuum. As if, if he is not there, your whole life will become meaningless. No, it's better not to think about it.
You are so afraid of losing him that you don’t notice that you have lost yourself long ago. You walk as if dropped into water and cannot rejoice at anything. Why? Because he is not there. And this is not life, but continuous torment. And this state is more like an emotional dependence than a happy love.

How to get rid of emotional addiction? How to avoid new pain, return the joy of life and meet true love? The training System-Vector Psychology by Yuri Burlan will help you find answers to these questions.
Ranges from emotional addiction to love
The problem of emotional dependence does not arise in every person. People with a special psyche suffer from it - super-emotional people with a visual vector. Their range of feelings ranges from fear to empathy, from emotional dependence to unconditional love. They are the ones who are able to experience and live the strongest feelings! To embody in paired relationships that Great Love, sung in songs and poems, about which they dream. After all, any person with a visual vector dreams of love.
Emotional addiction. Where Dreams May Come
But sometimes dreams remain just dreams for a long time. After all, happy relationships do not suddenly fall on us like manna from heaven, they need to be built. And this requires some effort from both the woman and the man. You can't be cute, and sometimes people really don't fit together. But in the overwhelming majority of cases, whether a pair relationship will develop or not depends only on us. And dreams of a handsome prince and unreasonably high expectations for a partner can cause a woman to remain alone for a long time.
The reason for emotional dependence on a man is that a woman is all the time focused on herself and on her own emotions - on what she feels, often on her fears. “I'm afraid of losing him,” - this is how women with emotional addiction voice their problem.
That is why such relationships turn out to be untenable. The woman herself does not allow them to develop into something more. After all, with her constant fears, she pushes the man away and makes the process of emotional rapprochement difficult.
Emotional addiction. Only he
In addition, when she closes all her feelings and emotions only on this person, the relationship with him becomes super important for her. She cannot share her emotions with anyone else, and emotional dependence arises. A woman can literally choke a man with her emotions, demand self-love. A man is uncomfortable in such a situation, but the woman herself does not understand this.
A woman with a visual vector has a very high emotional potential, so it is disastrous for her to lock it on one person. The way out of such dependence can be more intensive communication with people, new impressions, communication of interests, creative realization.
Treating emotional addiction with love
What should a woman do if she is infected with a heavy emotional dependence on a man, perhaps even on her husband? How can she get rid of love addiction?
System-vector psychology explains that emotional dependence is treated by realizing why feelings suddenly began to bring pain, by understanding the nature of love. After all, this is the most natural realization for a person with a visual vector. And not only love for a man, it is generally love for people. Pay attention to your household, parents, brothers, friends, give them your kindness. When you are busy all day with some kind of joint affairs, solving current problems, you do not have time to suffer from emotional dependence, you have no time to remember this man and problems in relationships with him. Plus, when you share your emotions with your loved ones, your emotional life is balanced and you don't have any fears.

Fears appear when a person with a visual vector remains without communication for a long time, alone. When he or she does not realize his or her natural ability to emotionally engage in communication with people. Such a woman sits and winds herself up: “I am so good, but why does no one need me? Why doesn't he love me? Why is the world cruel to me? However, feeling sorry for yourself is not the best way to get rid of emotional addiction.
Getting rid of emotional addiction. He who loves is loved
To get rid of emotional addiction, you need to truly love. This means creating a deep and lasting emotional connection with a man. This emotional connection starts with simple communication. Spend more time with him, share your emotions, tell him your little secrets - something that only you two will know about. Focus on his reciprocal revelations, try to better understand and feel him. This is what makes love and closeness. From everyday little things, from the manifestation of care for each other. Forget about yourself, think about him. What does he want, what is he thinking? How does he feel? Then no emotional dependence threatens you!
Gradually, you will begin to understand him perfectly, you will be very comfortable together, you will get to know him so well - his habits, his hobbies, his whole life - that you literally get in touch with him, you will become one whole. The trust will be established between you, which is so necessary for a relationship in a couple. And you will be able to tell him about the most intimate, share your most secret thoughts. You will be able to tell each other about any problems and solve them together. You can also share your fears with him, and he will dispel them like smoke.
From the anguish of emotional dependence to the happiness of mutual love
Systemic Vector Psychology says that the secret of treating emotional addiction is to focus on the partner, on his needs, his needs, his problems and his interests. True love is when you always try to please him and forget about yourself. Any man will appreciate your care, loyalty and dedication to him. An emotional connection is not built in one day, it is a long process. Therefore, do not expect that if you once ask how he is doing and whether he is tired at work, he will immediately come running to you with a bouquet of flowers and tell you about his love. But be prepared to invest all of yourself in your relationship and be sensitive to the emotional state of your partner.
A woman sets the tone in a relationship. It is she who begins to show the man that she is not indifferent to him, to attract his attention, to flirt with him. It is she who initiates long heart-to-heart conversations, correspondence on the Internet or in SMS messages. This she does everything to be desired for the man, and he responds to her call.
After the Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology training, you get rid of any, even the most difficult and long-lasting emotional dependence on a man. And it allows you to breathe new life into your relationship as a couple, or to meet new love and create a truly strong relationship.
Here are the testimonials of the people who received the training: