America. Part 4. A Systematic View Of The Formation Of American Society

America. Part 4. A Systematic View Of The Formation Of American Society
America. Part 4. A Systematic View Of The Formation Of American Society

America. Part 4. A systematic view of the formation of American society

After World War II, unprecedented changes took place in people's lives, associated with the transition to the skin phase of development. Humanity now (in developed countries) lives in conditions of supranational standardization and laws and is divided not into nations and states, but into individuals.

Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3


After the Second World War, unprecedented changes take place in people's lives; in system-vector psychology, we call this the transition to the skin phase of development. In the history of the New World, these changes occurred earlier than in many countries of the world. What are its features and differences from the previous - anal phase? The fact that humanity now (in developed countries) lives in conditions of supranational standardization and laws and is divided not into nations and states, but into individuals.

The technocratic industrial civilization has developed to such a level that it has provided people with their vital needs - food in sufficient quantity and safety. Nuclear weapons have made the world non-military. Equal chances of annihilating each other ensured security on the planet for the entire 20th century, no matter how strange it may sound at first glance. But the modern world order system is based on deterrent weapons.


The world has changed dramatically, and the United States led this process, they united the countries of Western Europe and Japan under their leadership, thereby creating the "Western world", or "golden billion". All of these countries have a skin mentality and were either already industrially developed powers, or were quickly becoming so (Japan, Southern Europe). A unified system of division was created with the United States at the head, the dollar became the international currency. The interdependence of these countries from each other appeared, which made it possible to ensure incredible economic growth and material well-being of the citizens of these countries.

The state in the United States was concerned about improving the quality of life of its citizens, because this was a victory over another economic system - the Soviet one. There was a competition between the two economic models. It should be noted that the "socialist camp" initially possessed fewer human and production resources than the "golden billion". We will not dwell on this rivalry in detail, this is beyond the scope of this article. The fact is that the competition between the two systems has contributed to the development of the United States in all areas of life.

Now, having understood the reasons and the foundation of the transformations, with the help of system-vector psychology, we will analyze what is happening at this time with people, with their mental state and worldview? Why are there so many people today with mental disorders, neuroses, internal shortages? Why was the well-fed and safe life that people yearned for turned out to be not so happy?


We will try to differentiate the main changes and modern problems occurring in the skin phase, using the example of events in the history of the New World. It's no secret that modern society has problems in almost all spheres of life. Having identified the main processes taking place in developed countries in the cutaneous phase, we will try to connect them with problems in society using a powerful tool such as system-vector psychology.

What are these processes? This is the development of information technology and the Internet (global communication), the withdrawal of industrial goods production to China and the countries of Southeast Asia, crediting and emission of money, the sexual revolution.


And what are the problems? I think everyone knows very well about them: they are depression, suicide, drugs, homosexuality, pedophilia, violence in society. Human civilization faced these phenomena in full only in the cutaneous phase. The sexual revolution began in the middle of the 20th century and continues to this day, introducing freedom of relations and thereby abolishing the institution of marriage. Family and children are the values of people with an anal vector. They are the ones who have suffered the most from the changes. They have a large undifferentiated libido directed at only one partner.

Another blow to the anal vector is the flight of industry to countries with cheap labor. They are no longer in demand to the extent that they used to be professionals and craftsmen who have been working at the same job all their lives and improving their skills. As a result, we have a lot of unrealized and frustrated people with an anal vector. Knowing from the materials of system-vector psychology about libido and the characteristics of their psyche, we can connect these phenomena in the life of society and such problems as homosexuality, pedophilia, violence. As strange as it may sound, homosexuals and pedophiles could be the best professionals and family men in their potential.

Knowledge of Yuri Burlan's system-vector psychology makes it possible to recognize these states and control them, through this science people with an anal vector can solve their problems and become successful and realized in life.

In the USA, they are trying to fight almost blindly with the lack of the anal vector. By legalizing same-sex marriage, lifting the ban on pornography, they are trying to "redirect" in this way their attraction to each other. But with the advent of system-vector psychology, the problem can be solved completely, through realizing the root of the problem, and not by fighting the manifestation of shortages.

Also today the state of the sound vector is far from ideal. In the era of development of information technologies and means of communication, people with a sound vector received great opportunities for implementation, however, with the opened opportunities, serious problems also came: depression, drug addiction, suicide, autism, schizophrenia. These phenomena are typical for people with a sound vector, and they have become widespread in recent years.

The fact is that the desire for the sound vector is non-material, it is aimed at searching, revealing meaning, new discoveries. But in the consumer society, all this turned out to be unclaimed. The era of great discoveries and research has ended, the outside world is now well studied, there is nowhere to go further. Having solved the problem of survival, Western society no longer needs breakthrough ideas and technologies that change the world. Most people are fine with satiety and safety, but not sound people. As a result, the carriers of the sound vector, not finding themselves in life, run away from it with the help of drugs, alcohol, computer games. Shooting in schools, which has become a systematic phenomenon, is also a manifestation of deficiencies in the sound vector, complemented by the frustrations of the anal vector. But there is a way out, the only way out is to move deep into the inner world,comprehension of your unconscious, this is the area where the opening has not yet occurred. And this opportunity is given to us by the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan.



What conclusion can be drawn after analyzing the above facts? Historically, the New World, or the United States of America, is a state based on the principles created by people with a skin vector, it was simply doomed to lead in the skin phase of development, during which it will remain the world hegemon. And a guide for the rest. However, there is an impending systemic crisis of humanity. It manifests itself in all spheres of life - in economics, in politics, in science, in management, in ecology, in relations between people.

This is a natural crisis of the end of the cutaneous phase. Humanity can no longer live according to the old principles, the system of social and state relations cannot cope with the increased needs of humanity. Exactly the same crisis occurred at the end of the Middle Ages in Europe: the economic structure of feudal society became ineffective, and it was replaced by the capitalist one. And the world for 500 years has been developing towards globalization and integration in the 20th century under the leadership of the United States. The Welfare Society and the American Dream have been the leading targets of technological progress.

However, today the situation has changed radically: it turns out that people need something more than just material well-being, and the pursuit of the golden calf does not bring true happiness. And the economy can no longer grow, there are no new sales markets and will no longer exist, and the capitalist system must constantly grow to maintain stability. Natural resources are becoming more expensive, the population in developed countries does not reproduce itself, but in backward countries, on the contrary, is growing rapidly. The US national debt exceeds the country's annual GDP as a result of rampant financial emission - this has not been observed in the history of the New World.

All this does not add stability to the world. Technocratic civilization, which reached its peak in the cutaneous phase, has hit the ceiling of growth opportunities. Today humanity is preparing for the transition to a new phase of development. System-vector psychology calls it urethral - by definition of the urethral vector, its values will correspond to the properties of this vector.

In the XX century, there was already an attempt to build the society of the future - the Soviet Union, which will act as the prototype of the urethral society, just as the Roman Empire served as the prototype for the skin one. We will not talk about the rise and fall of the USSR now, this is a separate big topic. In conclusion, however, it is worth noting that it will be extremely difficult for the United States to move into the urethral phase of development, with its cutaneous mentality and formation contradicting the urethral vector. People with a skin vector will be the main contour of resistance during the transition, they will hold on to private property and social status to the end. But the transition will still happen, with more or less losses. The amount of losses and suffering from the transition can be reduced only by understanding the processes taking place in the world, in which the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan can help us.


Previous parts:

America. Part 1. A systematic view of the formation of American society

America. Part 2. A systematic view of the formation of American society

America. Part 3. A systematic view of the formation of American society
