Secrets Of Successful Management: How To Become A Good Boss

Secrets Of Successful Management: How To Become A Good Boss
Secrets Of Successful Management: How To Become A Good Boss

Secrets of Successful Management: How to Become a Good Boss

They don't really become bosses, they are born. For whether a person is able to lead, his natural properties are responsible. If they are not there, write - it's gone …

The most important formula for success is

knowing how to deal with people.

Theodore Roosevelt

Any bosses can be divided into just two categories: those who are born bosses and those who never become bosses. There is a third type that successfully manages people. More precisely, he does not manage, but leads him, but this is no longer a boss, but a leader.

Theodore Roosevelt was absolutely right. Success is knowing how to manage people. But only, not a single management manual has written about it. They don't really become bosses, they are born. For whether a person is able to lead, his natural properties are responsible. If they are not there, write - it's gone. You cannot be a successful leader, how not to see your ears without a mirror. You simply cannot manage.

Who is a boss and what makes a person so? Skin vector. It is one of the eight types of psyche, whose natural tasks include extraction and control. The rest have other tasks, and hence other properties. It's simple.

Boundaries and limitations

The skin vector endows a person with the ability to subtly feel the border between external and internal, one's own and another's, to determine the framework and establish laws. Skin, as a means of limitation, sets the ability to feel the boundaries of any space. In the developed state of its properties, it limits not only its owner, but also gives him the opportunity to guide, limit, introduce a framework for other people.

No one is as capable of controlling their desires as the skinner. Forbid yourself to eat too much, set a limit on waste, restrain any of your own desires - all these are the abilities of a person with a skin vector. His psyche, aimed at limiting, allows the skinny to feel pleasure from it.

Any vector in any person can show itself from its best sides, when it is developed, when the properties before puberty received the development they needed. Knowing from childhood what discipline is, the skinner acquires the ability to limit himself and at the same time control the actions of other people.

This ability is unconsciously felt by others and also unconsciously builds a person's behavior with a skin vector in relation to them. He does not need to shout, scandal or prove his ability to force someone to obey. People obey, sensing his rank.

Bad boss - scandalous boss

A good boss can be easily distinguished from a bad boss by the degree of subordination of his team. Since the desire to manage and organize people is given to all owners of the skin vector, everyone seeks to manifest it. But if the desire is not provided with the appropriate level of development of properties, then management of such a boss will be given with great difficulty. They will not obey him, they will not feel the leader in him. Such people, in order to prove their right to control, go over to screaming and scandals, which, however, still does not turn them into good leaders.


But even in words, a developed leather man also limits himself, as in everything else. It is short, does not spread in thought along the tree, but gives instructions in a laconic and clear manner.

Responsibility for yourself and others

The success of the entire team depends on how well developed the properties of the skin vector are. The ability to manage alone is not enough, you also need an inner understanding that by caring for the benefit of the whole team, you can get much more than thinking about the momentary benefit for yourself.

The skin vector is always guided by only one desire - to get benefit. At first, it manifests itself in the child as an archetypal desire to take without asking, even to steal. And only in process of development does he come to understand the distinction between his own and someone else's. Then the desire to receive only personal benefit can be transformed into a more developed ability to benefit, thinking about everyone.

The one who rules is at the same time responsible. A real developed skin leader is a person who not only effectively manages his team, but also a boss who is responsible for the actions of the entire team and for the result of their work, which, under such leadership, will certainly be completed on time. That is why his success is not momentary, but lies in a steady upward movement.

Who is more successful?

There is one more irreplaceable trait of a true skin leader. This is his gambling desire to win. The best incentive for the owner of the skin vector is the feeling of a competitive moment, the desire to beat others and come to the finish line, whatever it may be, first.

The desire to win is also not given to everyone. It directs only people with a skin vector, so they are happy to take part in any races and competitions, be it long-distance running or racing with business competitors. Competition spurs and forces thoughts to take shape in such a way as to be faster, more successful, richer.


Why can't you learn leadership?

It seems that everything is simple, give tasks, check performance and punish idlers. But things are completely different. If you, for example, are a person with an anal vector, it means that you are guided by completely different feelings and desires.

The main thing for a person with an anal vector in a team is to be the best among equals. But not at all FIRST, which is the boss. A person with an anal vector does not feel entitled to indicate and give instructions to someone. He can politely ask and expect that his request will be fulfilled conscientiously. Because conscience guides him. So it seems to him that everyone treats the case in the same way as he does.

But this is not always the case. And people have other vectors, and everyone's development is different. And the polite requests of such a would-be boss, the subordinates, as far as possible, will ignore.

The natural hierarchy has put a person with an anal vector on an equal footing with others like him. Therefore, he is not able to stand out (for example, by his position) and use this. It is UNcomfortable for him. And through this feeling do not step over, no matter how much you persuade yourself to learn how to manage people.

Even the very stimulus of the cutaneous vector - material superiority, also either exists or not. A person with an anal vector, of course, wants to live well, but just like everyone else, nothing more, and he prefers to direct his efforts for the benefit of the family, and not the company or firm.

A boss without a skin vector is a vain request to his subordinates to fulfill their duties conscientiously. And constant pains in the heart from the fact that a whole collective of people cannot possess a conscience in principle.
