Why Is It Either A Rush Job, Or Doing Nothing? Ragged Rhythm Of Self-management In Russian

Why Is It Either A Rush Job, Or Doing Nothing? Ragged Rhythm Of Self-management In Russian
Why Is It Either A Rush Job, Or Doing Nothing? Ragged Rhythm Of Self-management In Russian

Why is it either a rush job, or doing nothing? Ragged rhythm of self-management in Russian

Work in the mode "It was necessary to pass it yesterday, and if we do not do it - all the khan!" gives the Russian person a keen sense of taste for life. But is it possible and necessary to live in such a regime always?

The stories of successful people about overcoming themselves and circumstances inspire you only to pour a stronger coffee. You still only know two methods of work: either riding a chair around the office, or “Guys, akhtung! Everything is on fire!"

After another crunch, when I had to spend the night in the office in order to complete the monthly volume of work by the morning, you are lying to yourself from the bottom of your heart: "I will never push it to the extreme again!"

Common sense dictates: despite the fact that in an emergency mode you can work with 200% efficiency, in the analysis of a long period - the performance is miserable. Why can't you work evenly? And is there anything that can be done about this addiction?

To do this, it is worth unraveling the mysterious Russian soul, and everything becomes clear and understandable …

A habit that's almost a thousand years old

According to the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan, mentality is a single worldview of a group of people living in the same climatic conditions. The Russian world has a unique urethral-muscular mentality.

It was formed in the same unique climatic conditions. Endless steppes and impenetrable forests, heat and cold - nature has never been particularly favorable to us. With a lot of effort in cultivating the land, we could get … nothing. Drought or flood, pest infestation or early severe frosts - as a result, a harvest that is completely unequal to the effort invested.

Such natural conditions have formed a communal collectivist mentality among the peoples of this vast territory. We have, as they say, in our blood the notion that it is possible to survive only collectively. Today we help the neighboring village, tomorrow they help us.

Hence, the indestructible confidence of a person with a urethral-muscular mentality comes from that it is possible not to solve problems - people will definitely help.

A person with a urethral-muscular mentality is characterized by the priority of the general over the particular. Under such climatic conditions, the problem of survival can only be solved together, preserving the whole and oneself included in it.

True, today values have shifted. Few thinks about general well-being. Under the influence of the cutaneous phase of development, many live according to the principle "my house is on the edge." And this behavior in the spirit of the times, but contrary to our nature, negatively affects the life scenario.

Russian God - maybe, I suppose, somehow

The community-collectivist way of survival on the landscape is not the only consequence of life in harsh natural conditions. The inability to predict the quality of the harvest, and hence the likelihood of survival, influenced the emergence of belief in "maybe" among the Russian people. The hope that the trouble will bypass, and if it does catch up, not so much, and if it is strong, then somehow we will be able to get out.

Today, despite the lack of dependence on the harvest, the Russian maybe still influences the style of work. We, as in early times, hope that it will "carry it through": the chief will not come, the inspection will not come …

But this, according to Yuri Burlan's system-vector psychology, is far from the only feature of “self-management in Russian”, the root causes of which are hidden deep in the unconscious.

Avral or doing nothing
Avral or doing nothing

What a Russian is a job, a German is death

People with a urethral-muscular mentality have a special attitude to work. The reason, in principle, is the same, natural. Our mental laziness comes from the same times when a person, having worked on the ground for a whole season, could not ensure even the minimum - survival.

I worked hard for myself and became "wealthy" - this is not our story.

To this day, we do not associate the amount of our own invested efforts with personally received benefits. It was only possible to survive in such climatic conditions as part of a team. Therefore, on an unconscious level, the Russian person is not inspired by individualistic goals, only general ones.

An emergency is urgent work performed by the entire team at the same time. Whatever role the person plays in the group, everyone, from the cleaning lady to the general manager, joins the general madness to solve a daunting task in a short period of time. In this state, a person with a urethral-muscular mentality is more than ever close to a comfortable one: the struggle for survival in association with others. At this moment, according to the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan, we are inspired by the fact that we realize ourselves according to the mental superstructure of the psyche, and do not go against nature. Therefore, gradual, measured work for personal well-being in most cases is not about us.

Working as a "single organism" inspires more, especially if the team is united by one goal for all.

What is capable of mobilizing a Russian man besides all hands on earth?

The mentality is a single worldview, which means that the same values for all. In the Russian world, this is mercy and justice. The essence of the urethral vector is a return on shortages. The owners of the mentality also have this inner reference point, although today they are disoriented by the general skin values of individualism.

In the work, the significance of this principle is manifested in a peculiar way. When a colleague comes and says: "Vasya, we are in trouble - we are on fire!", Then, acutely feeling the lack of our team, we are inspired for a breakthrough and feat.

In addition to uniting in the face of the threat to the survival of a person with a urethral mentality, it is inspiring to be responsible for their “flock”. This feeling - "if not me, then who?" - sharpens the mind and heart. Together with the emergency mode, this allows even an ordinary worker to perform a labor feat in the name of the whole.

There is one more peculiarity: an orientation to the future can wake up the inmate on the stove with an urethral mentality. Working to bring an idea to life is in tune with the urethral spirit.

The fever of office workers yesterday, today, tomorrow

Work in the mode "It was necessary to pass it yesterday, and if we do not do it - all the khan!" gives the Russian person a keen sense of taste for life. But is it possible and necessary to live in such a regime always?

Despite all the mental characteristics of "self-management in Russian", you can work at an acceptable pace and get a satisfactory result. Here, knowledge of the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan will be very useful. Understanding how a person's unconscious works helps to solve a number of difficulties, which are simply impossible to overcome in another way.

Avral or doing nothing - self-management in Russian
Avral or doing nothing - self-management in Russian

First of all, a mathematically accurate understanding of one's desires is vital. Not imposed, not generally accepted, not far-fetched, but their own, vector-conditioned. Because only for the fulfillment of such desires - for the realization of his specific role - a person always has the strength.

It is also important not only to find your own business, but also to choose the right level of load. Realizing a species role never tires. On the contrary, energy is in full swing, there is a desire to act more and more, and all this is due to the fact that agreement with one's inner nature brings pleasure to a person. You should not save your life, because feeling courage from self-realization is much more pleasant than fading from boredom.

But knowing yourself is not enough. It is imperative to understand what is happening around: both in the work collective and in the world as a whole. So the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan reveals in detail why the cutaneous phase of development, the reference point of which is to live today only for oneself, in general contradicts the urethral-muscular worldview and how to fit into these conditions as comfortably as possible.

The main result of mastering systemic thinking is the removal of internal contradictions. They are the reason for psychological stress, difficult conditions, joyless life, unwillingness to act. There are many such contradictions: between mentality and the phase of development, between oneself and other people, within one person. Each arena has its own struggle of desires, and without knowing the rules of the game, the chance of winning tends to zero.

Hunger has long ceased to bother the inhabitants of endless steppes and dense forests. The skin phase of development dictates its own rules: increase your personal efficiency for the sake of your own enrichment. Does such work give us a chance to experience courage, intoxication from a sense of self-realization? Would you like to?

If yes, then do not hesitate, register for free online lectures on systemic vector psychology by Yuri Burlan to find out how to reveal and realize the potential of happiness that is inherent in each of us.
