Reminiscences of Nazism: Ukrainian version
The sunny morning of June 22, 1941 did not promise anything but a long-awaited rest after a week of work. Guests came to summer cottages, someone was going fishing, to football, someone was in a hurry for the first date. The happiest were, of course, the tenth graders. The final exams are behind, today, at last, the school ball, and tomorrow …
On June 22, at
exactly four o'clock, Kiev was bombed, they announced to us that the
war had begun.
(Boris Kovynev, 1941)
The sunny morning of June 22, 1941 did not promise anything but a long-awaited rest after a week of work. Guests came to summer cottages, someone was going fishing, to football, someone was in a hurry for the first date. The happiest were, of course, the tenth graders. Behind the final exams, today, at last, the school ball, and tomorrow … It was breathtaking tomorrow - the whole life ahead! Do where you want, work as you please, benefit the Motherland and be happy. What can a man of seventeen be afraid of in a country of endless possibilities for anyone who wants to give himself for the good of all? That's right - nothing. And if tomorrow is a war, "Let's take new rifles, we will use flags on the bayonet" and we will defend our native land from any invaders. Like before. As always.
O black mountain, Eclipsed - the whole world! (M. Tsvetaeva)
The personal plans of each have sunk into a black abyss - one for all. Personal destinies painfully merged into a single one - "War …" Listening to the speaker's plate, in the voice of the Commissar Molotov, grinding this terrible word, millions of "ear holes" tried to hear the meaning in the immeasurable, incomprehensible, universal shame of German Nazism. Attacks were expected. But still. Germany - and "they bombed our cities from their planes - Zhitomir, Kiev, Sevastopol"?.. They refused to believe. After all, we learned from them to build airplanes, after all, after all, a non-aggression pact … A week, well, a month - that's all. The world order will be restored. We are people. We are normal people. “It’s a pity, we will not have time to fight,” the boys who had not yet reached draft age grieved.

Will be in time. Both the graduates of 1941, and the high school students following them, boys and girls, fearlessly ascribing years to themselves, just to have time, to have time to put their short lives on the other side of the unknown main scales from the "bedlam of non-humans". Twenty-six million unlived happy lives of Soviet people without discounts for gender and age, without distinctions in nationality and social. origin will be devoured by the sound madness of the Germanic "astral souls". Tens of millions of unselfish bestowals into the abyss of animal reception. It would seem - enough? But it is never enough.
I would not have believed that Hitler died, even if I heard it from him. (J. Schacht)
Nationalist delirium is indestructible. Locked for the time being in the musty cellars of the mental unconscious, locked in by the sticky fear of another world shame, Nazism is swarming like an old rat in every frustrated anal soul: no, no, let it carry a sweetish corpse hatred for strangers, all whose fault is a different skin color, a different language, other views.
It is pleasant to dream before going to bed, as they are lifted up on a gilyaku by a usih Zhid, Muscovites and Pindos. It will be fun, it will be square. In the meager mind of a Nazi, the world of God in all its diversity does not fit, there is a small hut on the edge, the desire to feel greatness, to try on the independence of uber alles, whatever the cost. Moreover, when it costs nothing. Forced servants with short thoughts, who buy uniforms for pennies, and who scorching for civilians for the phantom of independence pay for the gentlemen's "fitting". They pay with their souls, nothing else.
When I got busy on the Maidan, normal (= complacent) people, as then, in the distant summer of 1941, did not take it seriously. Well, people will jump, burn the tires, the police will come and arrest the hooligans. But the police did not come. Hooligans broke into power. And they started hooliganism at a different level. Nationalistic glands swelled, filthy throats filled with oral oblique falsehood. The virus of nationalism, competently fueled by the advice of outsiders, rapidly gained momentum and assumed the scale of an epidemic.
Nationalists cannot be satisfied until they find someone to offend them. (V. Weidner)
Not love for the native land (otherwise they would never have stooped to the burning of people, culture would have kept from the barbarism of genocide - Lesya, Kobzar, Gogol, Skovoroda and other sound-visual geniuses in love with their land and their people) - fierce anger towards the neighboring country, strangled by who knows who and when the feeling of their own inferiority - that's what fueled this disease.

Russia, which at one time singled out Ukraine as a separate state, gave it a place among the nations united by the post-war triumph, gave the Ukrainian language the status of the UN language, has become enemy number one for the abnormal, suggesting that Russia be excluded from the UN! Everything is turned upside down in the national delusional thoughtlessness. Laugh at them, but the horror that the robbers create freezes the blood.
In order to preserve themselves, the human flock opposes the sick egocentric sound with the olfactory policy of survival of all, at all costs. There is no sense of smell at the proper level of development, there is no systemically arranged, co-dependent whole - a flock, a country. There is a territory inhabited by separate individuals, open to any, rarely beneficial, outside influences. Individual, not co-dependent, therefore, doomed to extinction (extermination). A person survives only in a flock. The more co-dependent a community (flock), the more it is politically aligned and united, the more opportunities each member has to move into the future. Without the slightest idea about politics, deprived of an olfactory political instinct, idiots in power are exterminating their flock, clearing territories for the needs of Western "friends".
A wretched little man, having nothing to be proud of, grabs the only thing possible and is proud of the nation to which he belongs. (A. Schopenhauer)
Eternal wretched henchmen of all the mighty of this world, Ukrainian bad guys in power are trying to pass for good boys, curry favor with dogs and barracks. Only nature cannot be deceived, it takes away the human appearance from those who do not correspond to a person in the psychic, from those, for example, who enjoy (!) The painful death of people. So the selected units of the Nazis ran wild at the sight of the innocent murdered. Yesterday's regular officers of the Reich, the flower of the nation, at once turned into rabble. Because he who tore a woman to pieces, smashed the head of a child, burned living people, is no longer a warrior - a carrion, a flayer, a murderer.
Those who do not remember kinship are deprived of the human prerogative of historical memory. In nationalistic paroxysms, they imagine something of their own, musty-delusional, naphthalene-wretched, which I don't want to talk about in view of the mournful date - June 22. As if there was no defeat of the fascist robbers for the rootless savages, as if we did not resist the whole world in the difficult years of the post-war devastation, did not restore Donbass, Dneproges, Stalingrad, so as to rise together and rise in a single powerful alliance, causing amazement to other peoples and states.

Rustic Yankees from Connecticut, talking about the Rostov mountains and the Belarusian seas, and their much more educated European partners did then and are doing now their dirty work. Disguising their vigilant concern for the progressive growth of fascist Germany with a policy of non-intervention, the imperialists of the thirties had one goal - the destruction of Soviet Russia, which had barely emerged from the pit of the civil war. Little has changed these days. Look how diligently they “do not notice” the logs of genocide in Ukraine, how they try to “rise above the battle”, leaving these-as-their-Slavs themselves to gnaw each other's throats. Wasn't our recent allies in the anti-Hitler coalition just as unhurriedly opening the second front: well, as Hitler wins, and does not win, he will at least wear down these Russians?
Every nationalist is haunted by the idea that the past can - and should - be changed. (D. Orwell)
Hitler in 1941, bombing Kiev, did not want to seize Ukraine - Russia, he wanted to settle in the Eurasian space of the USSR, using the local, fairly reduced population, like slaves. Having reconstructed the Maidan in Kiev yesterday and tacitly supporting the extermination of the civilian population of the Ukrainian South-East today, our "partners" in political games do not care for Ukraine - they are testing the strength of Russia, which suddenly take, and throw out the knee - Crimea is ours.
Not order. Western puppeteers had a break in the template, according to which Russia, since the collapse of the Union, was supposed to sit and not tweet. The Ukrainian punishers, who have gone berserk with hatred, arrange the Odessa Khatyn (barbecue from Colorado, in their terms), bombing Slavyansk, Kramatorsk, Lugansk. The victims are civilians, women, children. Truce? Humanitarian corridors? What for? There are no people there, only Colorado, Untermensch. Colorada female tore off her legs by explosion - glory to Ukraine!
It is Russia that negotiates with the terrorists, it is Dr. Roshal in a white coat entering negotiations with the bandits on Dubrovka, this is Dr. Liza in Slavyansk helping ALL the wounded on the battlefield. The government of Ukraine does not want to see Russian cities and villages in the country. Agree with quilted jackets, with Colorado? A great-power bo-bo is not capable of this - it will burst. Russian pigs are bombed from the air. As then, in June 41st. Without a declaration of war.
How to live, how to endure if, with the tacit consent of the enlightened world community, with the approval of the countries of the coalition that defeated fascism, the rabid Nazi beast raises its head and not just out there, but in the hero city of Odessa? Have to endure. New time dictates new rules of war, where the battle for minds, for information space is more and more merciless towards intellectually and culturally untenable individuals. The massive transformation of yesterday sane citizens into monsters spitting hatred is proof of this. Excursions into history are useful to everyone, but especially to those whose inglorious "history" began the other day, when they were told that Bandera is the hero of Ukraine.
Finally, we were given the order to advance (V. Vysotsky)
Returning to the tragedy of June 22, 1941, I would like to dwell on a fact that is rarely mentioned in light of the "disorderly flight of the Soviet army." The losses of the German aviation on June 22, 1941 amounted to about 300 aircraft - the largest losses per day for the entire war.

On this day, ramming of fascist aircraft were made by Besarabov N. P., Butelin L. G., Gudimov S. M., Danilov A. S., Eroshin N. P., Ivanov I. I., Ignatiev N. P., Kovtun I. I., Kokorev D. V., Kuzmin P. A., Loboda V. S., Moklyak A. I., Morozov V., Panfilov E. M., Pachin A. I., Rokirov D. V., Ryabtsev P. S., Sivolobov V. I., crews: Malinenko T. S., Katin S. I., Petrov N. D., Protasov A. S., Yarudin A. K. The names of the other heroes of the pilots remained unknown.
From the first day of the war until the victorious June 22, 1944, when, as a result of Operation Bagration, Soviet troops reached the borders of Germany, the peoples of the Soviet Union were confident of complete and unconditional victory over the enemy. We simply have no other historical experience. Russia has never been under someone else's domination, never submitted to anyone. This will not happen in the future. "Invasion of Russia is always a bad idea." This phrase of Field Marshal Montgomery should be remembered by everyone who is planning a direct or indirect invasion of our borders.
Nationalism of any kind is historically doomed. The agony of anal frustrants is a favorite feature of big and small political players. They will win over humanity until the systemic knowledge of psychology and history becomes the property of everyone.