Autumn is the time to love
What should the viewer do when melancholy attacks? How to save yourself from the blues? How to start seeing the beauty in everything, regardless of the weather and season? How do you learn to manage your feelings?
Autumn can come to us with the brightest colors, warm weather and pleasant dreams. Then we are the lucky ones, strolling in a dreamy mood along the alleys strewn with yellow and red foliage.
What is autumn for you? Pictures from films or illustrations of poetry collections? A sad reality with winds, cold, bustle and traffic jams? And there seems to be an aching desire in the heart for romantic experiences, but the autumn season definitely does not contribute to them. Dullness crushes, clumsy passers-by irritate, body shivers from cold, and soul - from emotional hunger. Nothing pleases. There is no brightness of perception. It seems that along with the grayness of autumn came the grayness of feelings. Rather, spring, maybe then, under the sun, they will gain strength again …
English spleen and Russian blues
Anyone can be to some extent susceptible to the autumn blues, but the most sensitive here are people with a visual vector.
He, as Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology says, endows its carriers with a huge emotional amplitude and a special innate ability to distinguish the entire gamut of color palette. You may have noticed that not all people perceive colors the same way. Someone distinguishes only the primary colors, while people with a visual vector see in one color a number of subtle shades. That is why the visual person naturally chooses for himself the field of activity in the field of beauty - art, culture, fashion.
A person with a visual vector enjoys the play of light and color. He gets a natural pleasure when he sees how the sun shines, filling the world with bright colors, how flowers playfully scattered on a green meadow, like turquoise sea water gently washes the shiny golden sand. The beauty of the outside world evokes a lot of positive emotions in the viewer.
And suddenly clouds and dullness! The time of vacations has passed, noisy fun and summer serenity flew away with the seagulls. And instead of the bright colors of nature, colorless autumn weekdays come … Returning from vacation, we find a lot of everyday affairs, worries and a bunch of unsolved problems. Time for communication becomes less and less, you have to deal with a boring routine. And the constant dullness, drizzling rain, puddles, slush do not add fun. Then comes emotional depression, melancholy, blues. The person himself does not understand what exactly he wants. There is a feeling of despair and loneliness.
For a person with a visual vector, communication means a lot, and he is afraid to be alone - because then he will have no one to talk to, share his impressions and experiences, feel the joy of mutual communication. Even with a large volume of contacts, but superficial communication, a person with a visual vector will suffer from loneliness and emotional hunger. Against the background of depression, the visual person is inclined to wind himself up with an even more dramatic plot of his loneliness and uselessness, to see everything in gray.
So it turns out: one person simply accepts the fact that autumn has come. And a visual person can live a dramatic plot inside himself: black oncoming clouds will really press on him, the cold air will blow through him, and he will feel like a lonely autumn leaf, limply blown away by powerful gusts of wind.
After all, a person with a visual vector naturally possesses a vivid imaginative intellect. Such people love to read books, watch melodramas, while they live the life of the protagonist as in reality. Possessing a violent imagination, they can invent or think up anything, and believe it themselves.
A good imagination is capable of both helping a person find beauty even where others will not see it, and making them experience avalanches of emotions from scratch, torment and yearning when there is no serious reason for this.
What should the viewer do when melancholy attacks? How to save yourself from the blues? How to start seeing the beauty in everything, regardless of the weather and season? How do you learn to manage your feelings?

Autumn melancholy or love. What will you choose?
As system-vector psychology says, a person with a visual vector is distinguished by a large emotional amplitude. Thus, he experiences feelings: love, empathy, sadness. Some viewers are prone to frequent changes of emotions, violent emotional outbursts. Five minutes ago, he was in euphoria, flew on wings, and now stormy tears, breaking dishes, screaming - so he wasted his emotions on hysterics, emotional swing. On such an emotional swing, the viewer falls from a state of exaltation into a state of deep anguish, which easily covers when he has not learned to realize his feelings, is under stress and, moreover, does not receive sensual fulfillment through bright summer colors and sunlight and communication.
A person with a visual vector needs emotions like air. He always tests them. However, in good conditions, his emotional range ranges from joy and love to light, light sadness, which is used as a pause, rest, which is necessary in order to soar again to bright and strong feelings of all-consuming love and sincere compassion.
And in bad conditions, melancholy, emotional blackmail, and various fears can manifest. After all, fear is the flip side of the strongest emotion of the visual vector - love. Fear is the first human emotion. It originally arose as a fear for one's life. But then, in the course of the evolution of the psyche, it was transformed into an experience for others - into a feeling of love for one's neighbor, which is a source of endless happiness for a person with a visual vector.
Fluttering in the range of states from short-term exaltation to deep hopeless melancholy, the viewer cannot feel the real joy of life. Melancholy, emotional depression - these are all manifestations of suffering in the visual vector from the lack of emotional connections. However, as system-vector psychology asserts, man is not created for suffering. We all came to this world in order to realize our innate properties for mutual joy.
In fact, such a strong emotionality is not given to a person with a visual vector so that he may yearn, languish alone, feel sorry for himself, or throw tantrums. The implementation of the visual vector lies through the expression of their emotions outward in the creation of emotional connections with other people - through empathy and empathy. Being worried not for himself, but for other people, a person with a visual vector finally begins to feel the fullness of life, comprehends his life in helping other people.
From fear to love
It is a person with a visual vector that is naturally the kindest and most empathetic. That is why people with a visual vector find themselves in the field of human communication, for example, in journalism, PR and psychology, many of them have chosen medicine for themselves, since it is human life that is the highest value in the visual vector.
Volunteer work in organizations like the Red Cross, assistance to people with disabilities and orphans is also organized by people with a developed visual vector. Where emotional connections with other people are created, where there is real empathy and sympathy, where there is sincere love for people, there is a field for realizing the properties of the visual vector.
And when this huge potential does not find a way out, a person with a visual vector begins to have internal problems. Instead of helping and loving others, he fixates on himself, pity himself, begins to demand attention from others, thereby becoming unbearable not only for others, but also for himself.

The most unpleasant thing lurks in the fact that in poor states of the visual vector, a person loses the ability to love, and even more so to build a happy pair relationship. And love for a visual person is like life-giving water. The more feelings, compassion and empathy such a person gives to other people, the stronger and brighter he himself is able to love not only his partner, but the whole world!
How our destiny will turn out depends on how much we understand ourselves.
A person with a visual vector was created by nature in order to love. This is how his psyche works, this is how his brain works. Regardless of the season. To love everyone: your soul mate, your loved ones, nature, other people, the world, planet Earth. When a person's heart with a visual vector beats not in fear for himself, but out of love for another, then he feels all the beauty of autumn colors. And even a dull time becomes a charm to the eyes.
After all, the fall of love is not a hindrance. On the contrary, this time is the best time to fall in love. Then the lack of direct initiation of the visual vector through light and play of colors will be compensated by the living of vivid emotions inside. When a person is overwhelmed by a wave of emotions, the world around will shine with bright colors. And if you are already in a relationship, then fall is a great time to deepen your feelings and strengthen your bond as a couple.
Autumn disposes to contemplation and tranquility, when, after the turbulent events of summer, their deep understanding takes place. Autumn allows you to shift the focus of attention from the outside of the relationship to the inner world of your partner and reveal a new depth of your relationship. Cozy gatherings by the fireplace on long autumn evenings with a cup of tea and frank conversations will give you unforgettable moments of true intimacy.
Find out more about how to realize yourself in society and create happy relationships in a couple at free online lectures on systemic vector psychology by Yuri Burlan.