This is a terrible word for deadline. How to do everything on time and without hassle
To get rid of a problem, you need to understand its cause. To determine the cause, you need to observe yourself - what thoughts appear in your head when this terrible deadline comes up ahead? Thoughts are signals from the unconscious, codes that we need to decipher.
I was always shuddered by strict deadlines, especially under the "vital" label. The terrible word deadline, which in translation means "death line", frightened with its doom. It seemed that if I did not complete the work on time, my life would end there.
Moreover, this fear did not obey any logic. Being a responsible person, I never put things on the back burner, I did the work even in advance. And I knew that I could do it efficiently.
But as soon as I was given a deadline, my mood deteriorated and my thoughts were occupied only with the fact that something very unpleasant had to be done. I began to fuss, worry, get annoyed with those around me that they would not let me start doing an important thing, they would come in with their questions. As a result, I was on time, but I didn't do the job as well as I would like.
It wasn't the work itself that exhausted me, but the timing. Of course, after completing the work, I felt a euphoric state of relief from the burden of debt. But I was not at all happy with such an emotional swing. I wanted to work calmly and stably.
The training "System-vector psychology" by Yuri Burlan helped me to understand this issue and get rid of stress. I will share here observations that may be close to you.
Swan, Cancer and Pike
To get rid of a problem, you need to understand its cause. To determine the cause, you need to observe yourself - what thoughts pop into your head when this terrible deadline comes up ahead? Thoughts are signals from the unconscious, codes that we need to decipher.
Maybe you are afraid to do the work of poor quality, dishonor, let down, lose the respect of customers or colleagues? Do you like to do everything slowly, thoroughly, stage by stage, but are you rushed and urged on? Do you want to do everything in the best possible way, but are not confident in your abilities? You are doing the job for the first time and have no idea how to approach it? Is the deadline for you like an exam that will test all your knowledge and skills, and you can't get lost in the face? Then the reason for your dread of the timing in the anal vector.
Or maybe you're struggling to get the job done on time because you're afraid of losing your job and livelihood? But instead of concentrating on the task, organizing the process of solving it, you start to fuss, get annoyed, in a hurry, want to finish as soon as possible, and do the task? Then the skin vector drives you in not the best conditions.
When you have both vectors, it often creates tension in the work. The anal vector sets the desire for high-quality, and therefore unhurried work, and the skin vector sets the desire to quickly complete the task and move on to the next. It turns out that no one needs to urge a person - he urges himself. But this also prevents you from performing the task thoroughly.
It also happens that fear is irrational. You are simply afraid of something, but you will not understand why. Maybe the anger of people who will be unhappy if you don't meet the deadline. Or it may be that you will be fired, you will have nothing to eat and you will die of hunger. In the visual vector, the fear of death is root. If the viewer does not realize his violent emotions, they will necessarily manifest in the form of fears - any, even the deadline. The normal work situation swells to the size of a tragedy. That's it, the end of life!
Three vectors mainly define our fear of the deadline. And the solution to this problem will be to put things in order in our head. Let each vector do its part in the right direction.

Do not hurry. Considering the properties of the anal vector, do not take on emergency work. Anyone who is in a hurry to get an instant result from you, most likely, already has problems, since he has brought it to the state of "everything is on fire." Why would you burn with him? Agree to real terms for you.
Improve your professionalism. The fear of doing something new can play into your hands - constantly improve your professionalism, then you will not be afraid of self-confidence.
Do as you can, grind later. To overcome the fear in the anal vector to make a mistake or get an insufficiently perfect result, first complete the task as it turns out - imperfectly, with mistakes. When you have the skeleton of a future project, you will already be calmer. Grind and details later. Then there is a chance to deliver an excellent job by the deadline.
Organize the process. You have the properties of the skin vector, which means that you can take the initiative and organize the process yourself. Set yourself a deadline a little earlier than the appointed deadline, estimate the amount of work. Break the big goal down into milestones and make an action plan that you follow closely. Now that you know that you have time and everything is under control, you are less nervous and fidgety.
When you understand yourself, it is easier to prioritize and sort tasks - where speed is more important, and where quality is.
Emote elsewhere. Finally, attach your emotions where they really need it. Chat, watch a soulful movie, go to the theater, celebrate. Love, sympathize, empathize with those who are lonely, who have lost loved ones, who are sick and desperate. Support with a warm word, cry with them. And then emotions will not spill out where they are completely out of place.
The most important advice. If you know this way to get rid of your fear of deadlines, you won't need the rest. Think about the needs of whoever you are doing this work for. How to do it to bring him maximum benefit? Shift attention from yourself to work and its result due to greater inclusion in the solution of the task at hand. Fear disappears when the essence of the matter is more important than the assessment.
But this is already aerobatics, which can also be learned.
Watch a video clip of the training on resistance to stress, which helps to overcome any challenges in life: