On the threshold of Infinity in the kingdom of the Snow Queen
Hans Christian Anderson managed to literally reflect the meaning of the entire universe, the struggle for the future, free will, great desire and love in a short fairy tale, written in simple language.
Writers, people with visual and sound vectors, have a talent for describing the world around them systematically. Take any work of a talented writer - everywhere there are real, not far-fetched descriptions that reflect reality in one form or another.
The visual vector provides such people with creative peripheral vision, which we often call intuition, creative flair. They have a brilliant intellect and the ability to empathize, to experience empathy, love for other people.
The sound vector gives a sense of the syllable, the ability to immense concentration of thought and its output on paper in the form of an exact word. As a result, we receive and enjoy a work of art that allows us to feel the characters and get inspiration.
Hans Christian Anderson managed to literally reflect the meaning of the entire universe in a short story written in simple language. His "Snow Queen" in psychology reflects the struggle for the future, free will, great desire and love.
The main characters of the work - Gerda, Kai and the Snow Queen - play a huge role in building the future in a fairy tale. And everything that happens to them reflects the processes taking place in society - not fabulous, but the present.
Through the character of Gerda, the writer expressed a version of the bright future of all mankind, and through the character of the Robber - his dead-end branch, the lack of development. Urethral Gerda saves the skin-visual Kai from the sound Snow Queen, locked in her own egocentrism, in whose kingdom there is no time, but only a static, sleepy apathetic space and cold. She pulls Kai into the "black hole" of her sound, frozen in development, and he will have to work hard to find another, new world.

Systematically about the fairy tale "THE SNOW QUEEN". Kai's character
Kai, a fairly developed skin-visual boy, finds himself at a crossroads, between life and death, between Gerda and the Snow Queen. Carried away by self-admiration and arrogance, Kai went for the pleasures that the Snow Queen had promised him. And she promised him the whole world, only not real, but false - locked inside her ice kingdom. It is not surprising that Kai fell for the temptation, because the skin vector is the most ambitious and aspiring to possession. Sensual and gentle skin-visual boy Kai himself did not notice how the Snow Queen took him away from real life, freezing his heart. He was almost blackened from the cold, his body was numb, he looked like lifeless.
This is exactly what the visual followers of sound sects look like - immersed in themselves, not seeing anyone, as if inanimate, not feeling. The sick, locked in egocentrism, the sound vector takes them far from why they were born - from the development of feelings and the transmission of moral and ethical values to the whole world. Leads to a dead end, from which it is difficult to get out.
Such skin-visual boys as Kai, gentle, sensual, with tears close to their eyes, began to survive not so long ago. With a life program that has not yet been worked out, they move unsteadily along the path laid by skin-visual women - the creators of the culture known to us, the culture of the female type. The script of the skin-visual woman has been worked out for centuries, she has developed and realized completely. And only dermal-visual boys weave at the end of the caravan of human development, being the last link in the development of culture and the basis for the development of a spiritual man.
Who is the SNOW QUEEN?
The Snow Queen is anti-development, mistaken branch, dead end. The bearer of the sound vector, the only one of the eight, which does not have desires for the material, but possesses a desire to cognize the spiritual, the meaning of everything that happens, she refuses this development for the sake of her own egocentrism. The queen is in her own snowy kingdom, the kingdom of emptiness and cold, she has no connection with the outside world, does not bring anything into this world, does not fulfill her task.
The sound vector defines the role of the pack's night guard, whose function is to listen to the darkness of the savannah in order to warn the pack of danger. He sits among the silence of absolute silence with closed eyes, concentrating on sounds from outside and inside himself, and thus develops thought. A wooden face, a poker face, a sound person with a frozen look inward makes the impression that he is looking through you. The peculiarity of the soundman's worldview is that he does not separate the world inside and the world outside, the physical world and the immaterial world. For him, what is reality for other vectors feels like an illusion.
The quality of the states of sound desire determines how deeply it goes into itself. Apathy, depression, loss of interest in life - the deeper, the more difficult the condition is, up to the final loss of connection with the outside world.

The Snow Queen's egocentric thought that she owns the whole world completely takes over her being and creates the illusion that this is so. She makes others believe in this, namely, skin-visual boys. The visual vector always reaches for the elder brother of the information quartet - sound. Without developing, vision is afraid, cannot go out in love. And the undeveloped sound is happy about it, further removing the visual from the target and freezing his development in false faith as a way to stop being afraid. This is how sects are created.
The Snow Queen and her kingdom are emptiness, cold, silence, lack of feelings, movement, static, there is no time in it and everything is imaginary perfect: ice floes, broken into surprisingly even parts, snowflakes having proportional shapes, she herself, sitting on the mirror of Mind, the best mirror in the world.
The kiss of the Snow Queen made Kai forget Gerda, and his only desire was to be his own master and get new skates. A shard of mirror in Kai's eyes and heart transforms him from a loving, developed visual boy into a smug idol. He becomes callous, heartless, deprived of emotional sensitivity. Metaphorically, the author draws a changed Kai, enjoying the creation of icy - inanimate and unable to experience feelings - images.
The urethral vector, by its nature, is the only one of the eight that initially gives. Other vectors go through the path of development to become bestowing, and the urethral vector is initially directed outward. This is animal altruism, the fountain of life, a great desire to live to the fullest, this is the leader of the pack, leading the group into the future. The urethral vector gives in to lack, it is merciful. Thanks to the decision of the leader, at the request of the skin-visual muse, we became cultured and humane people, that is, we stopped eating skin-visual boys, we gave up cannibalism. Mercy, an innate sense of responsibility, a natural attraction to Kai, the absence of fear erase all possible obstacles on the way to the goal, and the urethral Gerda throws down a daring challenge to the Snow Queen herself.
She is developed, not childishly wise and persistent. Gerda will pass all the tests in order to melt the ice that bound Kai's heart with her hot tears, so that he again feels how his soul trembles and his living heart full of feelings beats. So the urethral Gerda will provide future people with the most important link in the development of mankind - the skin-visual boy.
Little robber
This heroine represents a variant of no future. She lives in a gang of bandits who profit from robbery and hooliganism, who even wanted to eat Gerda and took away everything that the prince and princess gave her.
The little robber asked to save Gerda's life in order to play with her like a toy. She has a deer and pigeons that are locked up, and she entertains herself by stroking their throat with a knife.
The little robber is dark-skinned, broad in shoulders, behaves like a man: seeks to dominate, brandishes a knife, threatens and brags. She is a depressed urethral girl who, due to improper upbringing (suppression by parents), tries to behave like a dominant male.
Urethral vector - natural bestowal, animal altruism, not limited by culture, primary limitations, great vitality, desire to live. Such children mature sexually early, and parents, thinking this is not normal, rudely interrupt early masturbation. Time after time a father with an anal vector, for which his girl must be pure and pure, beats his growing urethral daughter, catching her doing this. On an unconscious level, the urethral girl knows that if she were a boy, her pronounced sexuality would be treated much softer. So she begins to behave like an urethral male, to portray a boy.
The more the suppression, the more the urethral woman becomes masculine, up to the lesbian relationship with the skin-visual female.

The urethral adolescent may even run away from home due to suppression, opposing himself to the adult world. Over time, for him the whole world, the whole society becomes hostile, and he begins to survive, creating his gang of gangsters. Becoming asocial, the urethral vector has a dead-end future, dying not in the battle for the homeland, but on the next bandit "arrow".
The work mixes male and female scenarios of the urethral vector, but nevertheless it is surprisingly accurate. Gerda with a developed, not suppressed urethral vector has a future. She goes in search of Kai, fulfilling her natural species role. The little robber remains in the dead end of her gangster world opposed to society.
The nature of the mirror fragments is the nature of evil, dislike and hatred, which distorts perception. The feeling of dislike has developed in man as an additional desire for food. Animals do not have such a feeling, but humans do. We feel each other, our separateness from others, our separateness with a feeling of hostility. The entire visual culture is aimed at overcoming feelings of dislike, up to humanism and the inability to kill another.
Fragments of dislike of the insidious mirror attracted to the Snow Queen, who sat on the "best mirror" - the mirror of hatred. Only an unfilled sound is able to experience true hatred towards the surrounding world, the desire to freeze everything around itself, to kill, because in the aberrations of sensations this world interferes with the sound of living.
The larger the splinter, the more hostility towards one's neighbor, the more unfulfilled in a person, the greater the hostility.
Freedom of choice - make the effort
Gerda in each scene of the fairy tale makes a free choice in favor of development, a bright future. There were many temptations on her way, each season offered her a different life - without worries, worries, efforts: spring - a beautiful dream, eternal flowering; summer - the best suitors and life in the palace itself; autumn - stay in the gang and live a robber, carefree life. The flowers sang their songs, the seasons told their stories and imposed their opinions, but despite all the temptations, Gerda resisted and remembered Kaya, knew that he was somewhere near, and she defeated herself and the Snow Queen.
Each of us, developing, makes such a choice, overcoming himself (laziness, apathy, prejudices, opinions, hostility to others, etc.). All of humanity is also at the crossroads of worlds, making its choice every second. Ever since the first sound engineer asked, looking at the starry sky in the light of a bright moon while crickets were singing, "Who am I?"
They say that we do not choose anything, everything is inherent in us and predetermined by genes, upbringing, environment. But everything exists according to the principle: "given, but not provided." We provide our own development, we choose - to develop or not. Suffer or receive pleasure, receive or give. Each vector at any level of development.

Fate is given to us, but we also need to take it. We choose personally, by group and by the world. We depend on each other. If we refuse to fulfill ourselves and make efforts, we lose the future.
To be able to make a choice, you need to know the laws of nature, to know how a person is mentally arranged. This system and the laws of development are necessary for people to advance, get off the ground and have a future. This system of knowing oneself, one's desires, the people around us and the world is the training "System-vector psychology" by Yuri Burlan.
Knowing others, we learn to feel the world not only through our own properties, but through the properties of others, we begin to distinguish, understand. Through awareness, dislike becomes a means of acceptance.
Self-awareness is a means for exercising freedom of choice, making which we live our lives, and do not suffer in the scanty world of our opinions and desires.
Only the sound vector really asks the question: "What is the meaning of life?" He wants to know what I am and what is generally going on around, what is with this world, which is somehow unreal. Knowing himself and the Universe, the sound engineer begins to go outside and understand the value of the surrounding world, everything that exists on Earth. This is his task.