Sex Education For Adolescents: When And How To Talk About It Right

Sex Education For Adolescents: When And How To Talk About It Right
Sex Education For Adolescents: When And How To Talk About It Right

Sex education for adolescents: when and how to talk about it right

Adolescence is the most difficult period in a person's life. This is the time when the child becomes an adult, takes responsibility for his life. It is not surprising that at this time there are many problem situations, to which parents are very negative.

Children grow up faster than their parents want. More recently, they played in the sandbox, cried over a broken toy, and the lost bear was the biggest problem in their lives. But then adolescence comes, and with it the problem of sex education for girls and boys. Parents are at a standstill, how and when is it right to talk about this rather sensitive topic with children?


Adolescence is the most difficult period in a person's life. This is the time when the child becomes an adult, takes responsibility for his life. It is not surprising that at this time there are many problem situations, to which parents are very negative.

Parents are especially uncomfortable with the first sexual questions that teenagers have. After all, it is in adolescence that a person first feels attracted to the opposite sex, and parents perfectly understand that due to immaturity, a child can make a mistake that will affect his whole life. An early pregnancy, for example, completely changes plans for the future and often forces a teenage girl into her real adult life too early. What can we say about the threat of catching an unpleasant sexually transmitted disease or AIDS. The worst thing is that a teenager can get into all this, performing an action out of simple curiosity. And naturally, any parent wants to protect him from this. But how to do it so that:

  1. Don't become your teen's enemy number one;
  2. For the teenager to understand, and not just wave his head back.

Sex education for children and adolescents

Sex education takes place in two stages. As a rule, parents do not pay much attention to the first stage. At the age of 6-7, children begin to ask questions about where children come from, how girls and boys differ, and so on. Parents, to the best of their abilities and skills, tell their children about it. Soon, children cease to be interested in sexual issues - they learned the answers to all their questions on the street, in the yard, from their peers. This is a wonderful psychological phenomenon that all children of the world go through - they learn what sex is through a child with an oral vector. Parents do not have to worry about the sex education of preschool children - the child himself will find the answers to his questions. And after this age, he will have an initial idea of sexuality, so the question "how to tell a child about sex"should not disturb parents at this age.


But in adolescence - everything is different. Sex education for children depends on society as a whole. The fact is that adolescent children always have a desire to be like everyone else, not to differ from the group. This is a normal desire for them. If the whole group begins to experiment with sexual relationships early, then all the children in it will follow it. And here it is the task of adults to prevent problems that may arise in connection with this.

Sex education for adolescents is not about telling about human anatomy and what to do during sex, but about preventing negative consequences of the first sexual experience, for example, early pregnancy or illness. It is important not to intimidate the child, but to warn and most importantly not just prohibit, but explain why this or that prohibition exists.

Parents often think about how to tell their child about sex as a teenager, but this is quite problematic. The same applies to the sex education of girls and boys in general - it will not be possible to break into a teenager's room and start talking about sex, this will be too inadequate action that will be unpleasant for the child. And there are children who are very shy about any mention of sex, for them such a conversation is too shameful. What can we achieve by violent sex education for such a teenager? Rather, it will cause more stress than it will be beneficial.

Sex education for children in schools and centers

Today the state is increasingly taking on the function of sexually educating children and adolescents. We go to the children with books, brochures and stories. Experts show children human physiology, distribute condoms, teach hygiene rules. But, despite this, we still have many problems: the number of early pregnancies is not decreasing, and adolescents are infected with sexually transmitted diseases. Why is this happening? Because not adults should come to children with training, but on the contrary, children should come to adults with questions. And this can only be achieved by developing a trusting relationship with the child.

For example, in the West there are many centers and telephone hotlines, where anyone can anonymously ask a question about sex and get an intelligible answer.

Take care not only of the child's sexual education, but also that the child can expect to receive an answer to his questions from you, the parent. And without reproaches or negative emotions.

Building trust with your child is not an easy task for parents. Sex education for girls and boys is only a small margin. Having learned how to get along with a child, you can help him solve all the problems in life - and the choice of the right profession, and relationships with the opposite sex, and becoming in society. This can be done only by understanding his desires and aspirations. The system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan will help in this. Already at the first, free lectures, you can understand a lot about your children.
