Black and Black Microphone, or How to Overcome Fear of Public Speaking
Why is public speaking so hard for some? The training "System-vector psychology" by Yuri Burlan shows in detail how to overcome the exhausting fear …
There is a lump in the throat, the shoulders are under a boulder, the legs are wadded, the head is wooden, the tongue is concreted. In 10 minutes - presentation to the entire management company. Shame is inevitable. Performing for an audience of more than two people is a nightmare.
Run away, hide, and it is better to disappear from the face of the earth, just not to be under the gun of hundreds of eyes, not to look like a laughing stock. Why is public speaking so hard for some? The training "System-vector psychology" by Yuri Burlan shows in detail how to overcome the exhausting fear.
Not afraid when protected - but where is the shield?
The first necessary condition for the development and disclosure of the potential of any person is a sense of security and safety. Let's take school years as an example. When mom and dad love and care, teachers calmly explain and share their experience, classmates are friendly and passionate about learning about the world around them, then the child openly shows his natural curiosity, interest in everything that happens, communicates easily. She is not afraid to share finds and discoveries even from a highchair, even at the blackboard, even from the stage. And if there is such an atmosphere at home or in a team that they will immediately laugh and punish for a hesitation or a hitch, the child tries not to stick out, protecting himself from stress as best he can.
Neither parents, nor teachers, nor colleagues are responsible for the sense of security of an adult. Although sometimes we blame their nagging for our paralyzing fear of public speaking. No matter how much we would like to shift the responsibility onto someone, adult “boys and girls” are not afraid only when we realize our natural abilities in society as accurately as possible and are able to build emotional connections. And not only with this particular audience, but with people in general and on an ongoing basis.
We ourselves form the feeling of comfort in the team, in front of large and small audiences. But there are hindrances under the block of the unconscious.
Horror instead of delight
"No fear. Besides the heart, what to lose? " - the artist sings. Entering the stage, he merges with the image, he carries it to the public. He does not have himself for himself, he gives his entire emotional being to the audience. And this is the secret that he is not afraid.
And he could also be shackled with horror, because most public people of art also have a visual vector. The one that manifests itself in us with a variety of phobias when we ineptly use it.
The nature of the attraction to the speaker is akin to chemistry in a relationship between two. The more you open yourself, the more you trust the other, the stronger the response from the other side. The more constrained and afraid you are, the less able to captivate others.

If the properties of the visual vector are directed towards the audience, listeners, then the speaker will also tremble with excitement. But this is a positive charge of the desire to share with people emotion, discovery, the results of the work of your team. When this succeeds, delight is overwhelmed. It's finished! Now they feel the same as you, they think the same, are captured by the same sensual wave.
When it is in no way possible to defocus oneself from oneself, instead of delight we get horror in front of the stage and stupor on it. “They will see my hands shaking. They will notice how hard I breathe. They will hear a mistake, be sarcastic, and eat it. These thoughts of a frightened child in us do not fall silent, because natural properties require implementation in an adult way. You can learn this by revealing yourself in the training. When he is familiar to himself, it appears that he can give to others without false hesitation.
An indelible trace of childish shame
The teacher criticized you when you stumbled while reciting a verse in first grade. And at work you cannot calmly give a presentation in your thirty plus. The blood rushes to the temples. Everything should be perfect. But once, at a significant moment, everything went awry, and the unconscious of the owner of the anal vector does not allow him to forget, plays this pain again and again, prevents him from moving forward.
A perfectionist by nature, such a person strives to be the best at everything. Failure from distant childhood, especially if there was no proper support from his mother at that moment, settles in his soul for a long time. It is numb, does not allow its own possibilities to straighten.
For years, the haunting fear of disgrace is removed when you unravel the turning points in the labyrinths of your encyclopedic memory and analyze them systematically. Clamps of body and soul cease to interfere with the realization of the natural desire to share their knowledge.
Hundreds of people stopped being afraid and learned to use their potential:
“I felt happy, with pleasure and interest to communicate with people. People say that it is pleasant to communicate with me, that I charge with positive!
Grievances are gone and generally forgot how to be offended), so it should have been and it does not work. Because you know why a person did this. Along with this, the irritation and anger that previously arose disappeared. There is only a smile of recognition)))
The fear of public speaking is gone, now I speak calmly and with pleasure."
Tatiana Shch., Neurologist, Shchelkovo Read the full text of the result

Trusting people, trusting the world, trusting yourself and your abilities - with such an internal base it is not scary to speak in front of any audience. At the training "System-Vector Psychology" by Yuri Burlan, we acquire the ability to draw strength and inspiration from people to work, create and openly share the fruits of our thoughts and feelings. Without fear, with delight and ecstasy from the process.