First time in a scary class. School essays
September 1 is a special day, especially for those children who crossed the school threshold for the first time. Next to smart boys in suits and girls in bows, their parents are immediately identified on the line. With flowers in hand. Alarmed, worried.
“First grader, first grader, you have a holiday today. He is wonderful, he is funny - the first meeting with the school!"
Soon, school lines will be held throughout the country, the first bells will ring. Pupils will sit at their desks. A new school year will begin.
September 1 is a special day, especially for those children who crossed the school threshold for the first time. Next to smart boys in suits and girls in bows, their parents are immediately identified on the line. With flowers in hand. Alarmed, worried.
The worries of the parents of first graders are understandable: a new period in the life of their child begins.
How can we help him to adapt in the best way to new learning conditions, create comfortable conditions for the disclosure of his abilities?
The answer will help us find the training of Yuri Burlan "System-vector psychology".
The changes in the child's life are obvious:
- the daily routine is changing;
- teaching load increases;
- you need to build relationships in a new team and with a teacher.
In addition, the social demand for a child is growing - the first grader is considered more independent and responsible.

These changes are understandable to everyone, but what happens in the mental state of a first grader often remains behind the scenes. Until it turns into serious problems. The problem is much easier to prevent than to suffer with its consequences later. Here we need professional and timely help from a psychologist.
Child with skin vector. Dexterous, fast, nimble. Loves competitions, as well as winning them. The teacher does not have time to ask a question to the end, but he is already pulling his hand, therefore, frequent complaints about skin first-graders are: "Naughty, inattentive, upstart!"
The fact is that responsibility, discipline in children with a skin vector must be brought up. They are naturally limiting. It is important for them to establish a regime and observe it. Punish for breaking the rules. Adequately restrict the small skin.
He will excel in mathematics, sports - where an inventive mind is needed. Leadership inclinations can be developed, for example, by instructing him to lead some direction in the activities of the class (to be responsible for the cleanliness of the board, check removable shoes, mark absent). He will organize and control everything perfectly.

It is important that he does not get bored with study, discipline! The skin vector rewards its owners with mobility, logical thinking, the ability to quickly adapt to life changes and the need for new experiences. Accordingly, it is necessary to diversify the forms of lessons, apply various methods of checking homework.
Parents of skin boys should be encouraged for striving to study according to the principle: "Don't teach how to live - help financially." Of course, you don't have to pay money for good grades. It is enough to buy at the end of a quarter or a year something useful and necessary for a child, for example, a bicycle, and also to motivate a trip to a circus, a park, and allow him to walk with friends longer. The teacher can stimulate interest in learning through adversarial, competition - leatherworkers love to be first - and grades.
In no case should we financially support the interest in the education of girls with a skin vector. Otherwise, in the future she will build relationships with men on the basis of the principle "You are for me - I am for you."
It should be borne in mind that the skin child steals in stress. Theft is included in the archetypal (which means, not adapted to the realities of the modern world) program of the skin vector. It is launched when, for example, parents like to use a belt as a "teacher". Physical punishment drives the skinner into stress (the skin is a sensitive area), and the vicious practice of strapping leads to addiction and pleasure from pain. In the future, a beaten leatherman will receive at least masochistic desires, and at most a scenario for failure. School theft will seem like flowers.
Gentle boy
The skin-visual boy needs a special approach, who stands out among other children for his cute appearance. He, as a rule, has expressive eyes, in addition to velvety, delicate skin. The visual vector rewards the skin child with a vulnerable, sensitive psyche, therefore, possible pain points in the first grade for skin-visual boys are:
- tense relations with classmates (ridiculed for communicating more with girls, cannot stand up for themselves);
- the teacher may complain about the restlessness of such a child, haste, tearfulness.

What can the parents of such a son do? It is best to give the dermal-visual boy to additional lessons in music and vocal. Do not interfere with his communication with the girls in the class - let him be a gallant gentleman for them.
Putting him in a fight, in a men's team, means creating a stressful situation that prevents him from revealing his natural potential.
A skin-visual child, just like a skin child, quickly gets used to everything new, including the school routine, but at the same time is very emotional and sensitive. You cannot forbid him to cry, shame him for fears, teach him to "be a man." He is sensitive to art, everything sublime, he has a kind and compassionate heart. Therefore, it is necessary to develop his sensuality, to familiarize him with spiritual and cultural values, to help him move from a state of fear to a state of love - through compassion for other people, helping the sick, the elderly, reading him emotional literary works.
A child with an oral vector is a jester and a joker or a brilliant orator. The whole class, sometimes even the whole school, will immediately know him. He is not afraid of anyone, does not hesitate and speaks incessantly. Find free ears. They are often found right during the lesson.
The teacher, of course, will call the parents, write comments in the diary of the same content: "Speaks in the lesson, does not listen to the teacher."
For an oral child who is endowed with a verbal mind from birth, it is enough to give oral reports, ask him and, as a punishment for conversations in the lesson, do not pay attention to him, put him in isolation, listen to him only when he speaks on the case. The oral child will become the best singer and host of matinees and events, only you need to entrust him with this responsible business.
Hurricane child
A student with a urethral vector is hard to miss. Active, energetic, with a burning gaze, after which, for some unknown reason, the whole team rushes headlong. Teachers complain to parents about his disobedience, explosive nature, non-compliance with established rules.
Teachers often do not understand that they are dealing with the leader, and try to pull the blanket over themselves, compete with him for power over the class and receive resistance and conflict in response. The best option would be to recognize the status of the urethral child in the class, not to lower him in rank, turning from top to bottom, but, on the contrary, to turn to natural responsibility: “If not you, Vasya, then who? We cannot do without you here. Such an approach will help to find a common language with the natural leader, develop his inclinations and use his potential for the development of the entire class.

Parents need to remember that nature does not tolerate emptiness and the urethral child should be sent to team sports, to encourage participation in the extracurricular life of the school. At the same time, he does not need praise, "thank you" that can be put in his pocket. He wants admiration for his actions and brilliant results, and our task is to create a foothold for him so that he can show himself in all his glory.
Baby with anal vector. Home child. Calm, assiduous, diligent. Problems with adaptation, because he is afraid of changes, everything new. In addition, his native fear is the fear of disgrace. It is extremely difficult for him to adapt to the new landscape.
Mom is his support, the guarantor of security in the world. Her kind word can stimulate the anal child to learn, as well as the teacher's praise. Such children really have something to praise for: excellent memory, the desire to get to the bottom of everything, obedient, executive, conscientious. To avoid difficulties in adaptation in the first grade, a child with an anal vector must be sent to kindergarten, it is advisable to acquaint with classmates in advance, to lead to preparatory courses at school.

Preparation is the best way to get things done. This principle most accurately reflects the approach to teaching a child with an anal vector. He will not be able to learn “on the fly”, to be an excellent student with frequent school changes. The goal is to make school a second home for him, then he will feel like a fish in water in it and develop the properties set from birth.
“On his own mind, constantly hovering in the clouds, inhibited” - such “epithets” from the primary school teacher will be heard more than once by the child's parents with a sound vector. At its core, the sound engineer loves silence, his attention is directed to his own inner world. He's not here all the time. He needs time to lose his temper and extrovert (and if, for example, besides the sound vector he has only an anal vector, then the child is an absolute introvert). It is he who asks older questions like: “Where did this world come from? Are we alone in this world?"
The school, with all its noise, din creates an additional load on the sensitive ears of the sound child. And if in the lesson the teacher shouts at him, at home the parents yell, scold, he completely withdraws into himself, withdraws. Often children with a sound vector are diagnosed with mental and mental retardation, although in fact sound abstract intelligence is the most powerful of the existing ones, capable of comprehending incredible things, for example, creating the theory of relativity or the periodic table.

Parents of sound children need to create a calm environment at home, without yelling and swearing. The teacher, after he asked a question, needs to give the speaker time for an oral answer. The answer will amaze with seriousness, thoughtfulness of reasoning, moreover, excellent command of the word.
Quiet genius - if you can see a student with a sound vector and create conditions for him to develop.
* * *
At the end of a short excursion about what is changing in the inner world of first-graders, I would like to note that the cause of all the problems voiced by parents and teachers, first of all, in themselves: in the absence of understanding what kind of child they are raising, and in a lack of understanding of themselves.
Parents with a visual vector in fear are able to "drown" a first grader with their own experiences and fears, "hang" stereotypes and personal ideas about the school, and negative ones. Parents with an anal vector will begin to remember their experiences and how grandparents studied, they will want the child to follow in their footsteps. Parents with a skin vector will push their first grader towards leadership, wanting him to be the first in everything.
The ideas of parents and teachers do not always coincide with the needs of the child, which leads to children's emotional breakdowns, loss of interest in learning, aggression, depression and an unsuccessful life scenario in the future.
Only a conscious and differentiated approach, both on the part of parents and on the part of teachers, will allow each child to find his place in school and in subsequent adult life.