Obesity: the scary face of a generation
Some 50-100 years ago, obesity was considered a rare disease associated with metabolic or hormonal imbalance. Now, almost every fifth school student in developed countries is overweight or already diagnosed with obesity.
A growing problem
Some 50-100 years ago, obesity was considered a rare disease associated with metabolic or hormonal imbalance. Now, almost every fifth school student in developed countries is overweight or already diagnosed with obesity.
Among the most popular queries on the web are "how to lose weight", "weight loss diets", "how to lose weight", etc.

To determine overweight and obesity, the body mass index (BMI) is used, it is calculated by the formula m (body weight in kg) / h 2 (height in m).
A BMI value of up to 25 is considered the norm; up to 30 is considered overweight, and over 30 is obesity.
Overweight - this terrible face of our reality has manifested itself since 1980 and does not give up its positions to the present. During this period, the number of obese people around the world doubled.
In 2008, more than 1.4 billion people over the age of 20 were overweight, of whom over 200 million were men and nearly 300 million women were obese.
65% of the world's population live in countries where overweight and obesity kill more people than underweight.
In 2010, more than 40 million children under the age of 5 were overweight (WHO Newsletter May 2012).
Why is the problem of obesity not losing its relevance, despite all efforts to popularize a healthy lifestyle, exercise and diet with natural products?

For what reason, this particular disease occurs more often, the higher the standard of living in the country? And what is the secret of those lucky ones who eat everything and still remain slim?
Who is really prone to "obesity"?
People with a slow metabolism are most prone to gaining excess weight - these are representatives of the anal vector. The terrible face of the modern generation knocked them down in the first place. Unhurried by nature, they do everything slowly, but very carefully and efficiently. So their body works slowly, and under stress it practically falls into a stupor. The intestine of an anal person, in anticipation of a stressful situation, reacts with the onset of diarrhea, which is often called "bear disease" by the people, when stress occurs, on the contrary, it stops, which is manifested by constipation.
The more often such a person is in a state of stress, the more often the intestines and the process of digestion are disrupted.

In addition, anal people, worrying about any reason, begin to constantly chew something, so they can eat a lot, not noticeably for themselves. It is the representatives of the anal vector who are big lovers of high-calorie foods, especially sweets, therefore their stressful tendency to snack, combined with a slow metabolism, instantly affects the figure in the form of fat accumulations, mainly in the abdomen.
Fat or fat?
The owners of the muscle vector also look fat, large people, but their fullness is uniform and is represented mainly by muscle tissue. They never eat more than they need to meet their body's needs. A muscular person enjoys physical work, therefore he is always busy and in motion, which ensures the smooth and stable operation of all body systems.
The natural fullness of muscular people is the muscles that ensure the fulfillment of the specific role of a muscular person: for a man - war or peaceful construction, for women - having children.
Lucky people!
Representatives of the skin vector are precisely those lucky ones who are naturally endowed with a slender figure and ideal metabolism. In addition, they are great lovers of sports, healthy eating, these are exactly the people who carefully monitor their health, always take vitamins or dietary supplements and easily adhere to any diet, up to medical fasting.

Vegetarians of any type are representatives of the skin vector in combination with the visual one. Their concern for their health, characteristic of leather workers, is combined with visual sympathy and pity for animals, including agricultural ones.
Fast in themselves, mobile, highly responsive and adaptive, dermal people have a metabolism that ensures the rapid combustion of all consumed nutrients. They react to a stressful situation not with increased appetite, but with flickering - rushing from side to side, drumming their fingers on the table, shifting objects from place to place, itching, straightening clothes and hair. Even if they begin to gnaw something in stress, then, most likely, they will not have the most unhealthy food at hand, but vegetables, fruits or other natural products.
Addiction - yes, guarantee - no!
All of these properties are innate, but it would be wrong to consider them as a guaranteed and inevitable scenario.
The era of skin consumption makes its own adjustments to the lifestyle of every person.
If earlier, in order to provide yourself with food, you had to make every effort, today the problem of hunger in developed countries is not urgent. Even if a person does not have a permanent job, social security guarantees him the opportunity to eat every day.
The availability of the services of restaurant chains, especially fast food, makes eating more a pleasure than a satisfaction.

The temptation to pamper yourself with exotic cuisine or the masterpieces of a professional chef, the higher the wealth of the population.
In pursuit of time, it is easier and faster for us to have a bite to eat at a nearby restaurant than to choose products and cook at home. A large assortment of dishes, marketing moves and trained waiters imperceptibly make our order much larger than the body actually needs in order to satisfy hunger.
A high-calorie morning breakfast (so you don't want to eat during work), a business lunch (more a business meeting than a meal), a hearty dinner with a glass of wine (why not pamper yourself after a busy day) … and so every day, for many years, for many - all life.
Nearly ready-to-cook, time-saving and practically effortless meals are another temptation to grab a quick bite and return to the sofa in front of the TV for better fat cell proliferation.
Service in hotels, delivering breakfasts, lunches, dinners directly to the room, cruises with the all-inclusive service, where the entire restaurant menu presented right on the tables is free for hotel clients - as much as you can eat. No one has yet left there with a slight feeling of hunger - this is exactly what nutritionists recommend to get up from the table.
All spheres of our life during the period of the cutaneous phase of human development have taken on a consumer character, including food intake. This is a big business that creates thousands of temptations, inflates our appetite to incredible proportions and exposes all our weaknesses …
The ability to pleasantly relieve stress against the background of frequent stressful situations creates the prerequisites for accumulating excess weight for people with any vector set.

Even a person with a high level of development and full implementation of all innate vectors, getting into stress, very rarely has the ability to quickly cope with the situation, without resorting to the already standard measures taken in society - how to cook and eat "something tasty" or order it is in one of the delivery services.
Awareness of one's vector nature, innate inclinations and characteristics of the organism makes it possible to choose a full-fledged way of realizing psychological properties and to enjoy all areas of one's life, not being limited to a delicious lunch.
Self-realization and understanding of the true essence of what is happening significantly reduce the desire to have a snack in between times, once again make a coffee break or pamper yourself with an exquisite dinner - such a need simply disappears, more effective and pleasant ways of getting pleasure appear than eating.
In addition, when you understand your vector features, complexes and prejudices regarding your own body pass, there is no need to correspond to fictional standards and stereotypes of an ideal figure - both male and female.
Modern man is not faced with the problem of hunger, but rather a problem of choice. You can choose yourself, understand the origins of your desires and live life to the fullest, making conscious decisions, or you can remain a consumer, day after day, fighting against the growing temptations from the food industry.