Dirty IMHO ─ A Roof For Slander And Slander

Dirty IMHO ─ A Roof For Slander And Slander
Dirty IMHO ─ A Roof For Slander And Slander

Dirty IMHO ─ a roof for slander and slander

Subjective opinion stems from the interests and needs of the individual, his system of values. It is important to remember this when we hear or read the judgments of certain people. Expressing his IMHO, a person first of all demonstrates his own internal states.

Interesting, however, thoughts

come to mind when you are not thinking about anything …

Subjective opinion (IMHO) is today the most fashionable trend in human self-expression. If you want to be modern and advanced, your subjective opinion should always be on you. After all, then on any occasion and occasion you can demonstrate yourself in it - the entire completeness and content of your inner world. Recently, we have seen how IMHO fills the information space, displacing the culture of thought and public expression, the desire for accurate and reliable knowledge, respect for the interlocutor, adequate perception of the world. It is possible to explain the reasons for the growth of "opinion" popularity and IMHO's transformation into a phenomenon of mass order if you understand the psychological state of modern society and man.



An opinion is a manifestation of consciousness in the form of a judgment expressing a subjective attitude or assessment. Subjective opinion stems from the interests and needs of the individual, his system of values. It is important to remember this when we hear or read the judgments of certain people. In his subjective opinion - IMHO - a person expresses what he thinks, that is, “it seems”, “it seems”, “it is seen”. To him, right now. Expressing his IMHO, a person first of all demonstrates his own internal states.

It is entirely possible that what is being said contains a "grain of truth," objective knowledge. And so it happens when a person has knowledge of the subject, when he is competent in what he says, his judgment is reasoned. Otherwise, we are dealing with a "gustatory" statement, with a "point of view", with a subjective opinion that does not pretend to be right and objective. Opinion is a natural form of realization of consciousness, driven by unconscious motives. And in the worldview, it takes its necessary place. Today we observe how gustatory, personal, situational perception - a subjective opinion, IMHO - claims the status of a universal, fundamental, true way of characterizing the reality of what is happening.

We can separate the grains of knowledge from the sham of the imaginary, the mental reaction from the real state of affairs, imagining from the one who knows, we can only understand the internal mechanisms that the unconscious spins in a person. System-vector psychology is an accurate tool for such understanding (it has been repeatedly confirmed, tested and can be considered objective). Thanks to systemic psychoanalysis, it is possible to objectively (and not through oneself) evaluate the mental manifestations of a person, relying on an integral eight-dimensional matrix of the structure of the psyche.

Subjective opinion is formulated spontaneously, situationally and is a way of expressing a person's state as a reaction to one or another external factor. At the same time, it can be noted that the external stimulus has a secondary role: the basis for the formation of a subjective opinion is the internal state of a person. Therefore, regardless of the situation, the nature and form of expression of subjective opinion may remain unchanged. We often observe this on the Internet: a socially or sexually frustrated person for any reason, in an article on any topic, to any image will express his state of dissatisfaction, that is, a subjective opinion: not comment, but criticize, for example, or literally throw mud at him. Why? Because this is his state, his “subjective opinion”.


By the way, I remembered one parable from the network. Here she is…

One man came to Socrates and asked:

- Do you know what they told me about your friend?

- Wait, - Socrates stopped him, - first sift what you are going to say through three sieves.

- Three sieves?

- The first is a sieve of truth. Are you sure what you say is true?

- Not. I just heard …

- Very good. So you don't know if it's true or not. Then we sift through the second sieve - the sieve of kindness. Do you want to say something good about my friend?

- Not! On the contrary!

“So,” Socrates continued, “you’re going to say something bad about him, but you’re not even sure if it’s true.” Let's try the third sieve - the sieve of benefit. Do I really need to hear what you want to tell?

- No, this is not necessary.

- So, - concluded Socrates, - in what you want to say, there is neither kindness, nor truth, nor necessity. Why then speak?


Ancient thinkers, separating subjective opinion from true knowledge, noted that opinion, due to its subjectivity and irrationality, distorts the truth. It is akin to, or is, delusion. This is forgotten today by both IMHO spokesmen and those who perceive it. We often think, “Oh! If a person (no matter who) said so, then it really is, people will not chat / write in vain”. We save the mental effort that is necessary to be critical of someone else's subjective opinion, trust other people's words. We ourselves rarely "suffer" from self-criticism.


"Where knowledge ends, opinion begins." Often, subjective opinion turns out to be nothing more than a form of presentation of intellectual weakness.

Failure to understand one's own mistakes and rationalizations leads to a belief in one's own righteousness and, consequently, an increase in self-confidence and an awareness of one's superiority. Often little or no incompetent people, speaking with a subjective "opinion" on a particular occasion, consider themselves professionals, specialists who know and therefore have the right to make verdicts, despite the fact that they lack deep knowledge and real understanding of the subject. However, it is enough to state: “I think so! This is my opinion!”- in order to remove all doubts about the fairness and objectivity of what was said both in oneself and from the recipients.

A subjective opinion expresses a sensory attitude towards something, and therefore the judgment in which it is expressed often does not have sufficient grounds, it cannot be reasonably confirmed or verified. It stems from stereotypes (based on personal or social experience), beliefs, uncritical attitudes. Opinion, including subjective opinion, is associated with a certain worldview position and psychological attitude.


The very first action that will help to assess the real meaningfulness and objectivity of an opinion is to understand the intention that made the person speak. What motivates those who are now here in front of you showing that he has an opinion? Why does he say / write it? What internal states push him to do this? What mental processes unconscious of him govern his words, behavior? What does he say to them?

Subjective opinion is a point of view. One of the possible. By itself, this point may turn out to be completely empty, subjective opinion - worthless. By the way, it often happens. Someone (or maybe no one?) Believes that THIS is HIS opinion, "I think so", "I think so." And he believes that it is precisely this that is the very truth, absolute and indisputable, obtained by independent mental labor, the comprehension that illuminated him. On what grounds? Are these his thoughts and words, what he says or writes? Maybe borrowed, and now he passes them off as his own, insolently appropriating? Can what has been said generally claim to be some kind of objectivity and be knowledge?



We live in a special time in a special society. System-vector psychology calls the present period the "skin phase of the development of society" (the skin measure value systems are dominant in public consciousness). In particular, this time is characterized by the growth of individualism. The level of development of culture is such that each person is proclaimed as something unique, highly valuable. A person has the right to everything that is not limited by law. In the system of values of the modern skin society - freedom, independence. The first is freedom of speech. High technological development gave the world the Internet, which is today, especially in Russia, the main arena where the IMHO parade celebrates itself. In Runet, everyone can say anything, because this is an absolute and self-valuable subjective opinion; many users notethat the network has turned into a big garbage dump, where there is a mass of unreliable, false information and dirt is poured at every step.

In Russia, with its special mentality, the “holiday” of individualism looks especially depressing and sad. This situation is perfectly described by the words of Yuri Burlan: "IMHO, loose from the chain."

Broken off the chain … Everyone, no matter who he is, can feel like the navel of the earth, having to say to the whole world something important and fateful. In this case, do not care about the world itself. What does it matter to him. I am an individual! Me and my IMHO ─ that's what really matters in this life.


Do we want to be consumers of someone's opinions, a dustbin, where everything that someone is not too lazy to express, or do we prefer to have an objective idea of the world? - everyone decides for himself. Of course, there is a reason to think about what kind of judgments I myself am a manufacturer. Do I want to multiply my own emptiness of thoughts, scream with the meaninglessness of words and expose myself to my own frustrations, vainly covering up such a "rich inner world" with my IMHO? The choice is for everyone.

System-vector psychology allows not only to understand the meanings behind each word, but also what the speaker is led by, no matter what rationalizations he may cover up his intellectual weakness. What is hidden under the cover of subjective opinion becomes obvious at first glance.
