Can't Forget Past Love, Or How To Create New Relationships

Can't Forget Past Love, Or How To Create New Relationships
Can't Forget Past Love, Or How To Create New Relationships

Can't Forget Past Love, or How to Create New Relationships

Without love, new relationships do not bring the joy that you so want to experience in life. So I want to shake off the years and go back there, in the past … And in this past something to change. Change the moment when something went wrong in that love relationship. And you understand that nothing can be returned, but the sadder it becomes for you to remember how good it was.

It so happens that in youth you fall in love with all your might, with all the strength of your feelings. You surrender yourself to this feeling to the depths of your soul, with all the passion you are capable of. But this most beautiful love is shattered into smithereens, unable to withstand the collision with reality.

Time passes. Sometimes it is a very long time before you decide to create a new relationship. Yes, they, of course, do not stand next to the love that you experienced in the past. But you agree to them - it seems that age already obliges you to create a couple, and everyone around them nods approvingly that it is necessary. You agree, but you do not experience the feelings that once were.

You make peace with a new partner, you start to respect some qualities in him, you choose a person so that you are comfortable with him. Not for love, but for convenience. This calculation is not always material, although this may take place, but this calculation is at the level of psychological comfort. And, yes, of course, no feelings. After all, all these strong feelings are in the past, and now - as cut off. It seems that you can no longer love.

However, without love, new relationships do not bring the joy that you so want to experience in life. So I want to shake off the years and go back there, in the past … And in this past something to change. Change the moment when something went wrong in that love relationship. And you understand that nothing can be returned, but the sadder it becomes for you to remember how good it was.

In fact, not everyone and not always gets stuck in past relationships, but for those with whom this happened, there is a proven way out and solution.

We are the eternal memory of each other

There is such an expression "monogamous" - a person who falls in love once and for all and carries this love through his entire long life. It's about people having an anal vector in their vector set.

They tend to remember the past and give it a special value. They idealize the past. And this nostalgia can rob them of the joy of the present. Especially when it comes to cordial relationships. Even when the relationship for some reason does not work out, or the partner dies, such people remain faithful to him for a long time, and sometimes they cannot enter into new relationships at all.

It is noteworthy that especially at the moment when relations with a loved one are interrupted and remain in the past, for a person with an anal vector, they acquire additional value and are experienced as the most important thing in his life. Losing relationships, people with an anal vector begin to see with particular acuteness how much good there was in this relationship, although while the partner was around, they could be offended and displeased with their beloved.

Resentment, guilt, and inability to live in the present

There may also be a feeling of guilt in front of a partner - he didn't love enough, didn't care enough. And the feeling of irretrievably gone time - after all, now nothing can be fixed. But more often, on the contrary, instead of guilt, a strong resentment against a partner settles in the heart - it is the partner's fault that our relationship did not work out! How could he do this to me, underestimate or betray? Feelings of resentment and feelings of guilt are diametrically opposite in direction, but both of them firmly hold a person in the past and do not allow him to break out of the vicious circle of psychologically incomplete relationships.

Can't forget past love
Can't forget past love

One of the reasons for such a stuck in the past in a person with an anal vector is a good memory and a desire for justice as an internal reference point. And when this inner subjective justice is violated, either resentment or guilt arises. Violation of inner justice in a relationship torments a person and constantly returns him to the past. And remaining in the past, such a person cannot let anything new into his life, cannot fully build new relationships, because his heart remains busy.

Sexual and emotional addiction

An important factor in people with an anal vector is sexual dependence on the previous partner. They, like no one else, become attached to a loved one. Loyal, with a high libido and an inflexible psyche, they tend to have a hard time adapting to the loss of a sexual partner. They unconsciously push new partners away from themselves, they cannot go for real rapprochement.

People with an anal-visual ligament of vectors can suffer especially pronounced love addiction. The visual vector comprehends life in love. In combination with the fidelity of the anal vector, this gives the feeling that there is and cannot be anything more than the first love. Such a person, who has invested all his feelings and emotions in a relationship, experiences a rupture of an emotional connection with great difficulty, is able to live with past feelings for years, suffering from the hopelessness of his state. After all, he, like no one else, was created for family and marriage, for the birth and education of children - he was given to be the best father or mother, husband or wife.

Open your heart to love

Only by realizing the causes of love addiction, resentment and feelings of guilt, having discovered for yourself all the cause-and-effect relationships of past relationships, can you get out of these states and stop living in the past. Stop suffering from memories and start experiencing bright joy and gratitude to your loved one for what was between you.

At the training "System-vector psychology" you will be able to understand why those relationships did not work out, to understand the reasons for the partner's behavior and your life scenario with this person. You can stop investing in the past that huge emotional charge that you need to live today. You will be ready to open your eyes, perceive reality and experience the feeling of love in the present.

How to open your heart to love
How to open your heart to love

Thanks to Systemic Vector Psychology, you will be able to understand in a new way what love is and how to build relationships with the opposite sex so that both of you are happy. You will be able to remove your armor and reveal yourself to your partner again. Sincerity and trust in a couple are indispensable components of long and faithful love, a passion that does not go away over the years, but inspires you to live in full force.

The knowledge gained at the training of Yuri Burlan helps to open up to a new feeling and build a happy relationship in a couple. The participants of the training talk about how their personal life has changed:

Leave the past in the past and start a new life full of joy and love.
