Death of music or music of death
We played and played, invented new instruments, new genres, sang, wrote poetry! You need a special mindset to create poetry. Poems are the same music, only sounding in words … We wrote, and admired our songs, poems. So life would go on and on …
Once we were pianists, violinists … We listened to the music of the spheres and created the melodies of Life itself, making it sound exactly as it appeared before us: sad, revitalizing, eccentric, fading, bubbling. Our music was loved by others, especially sensual visual intellectuals: “Oh, how well it plays, the soul sings! . Among ordinary people, music was a part of any holiday and important event. Music united people with a powerful stream of a single mood, the state of Nature, which it carried in itself, which overwhelmed and forced everyone around to live in unison in these states.
We played and played, invented new instruments, new genres, sang, wrote poetry! You need a special mindset to create poetry. Poems are the same music, only sounding in words.
We wrote, and admired our songs and poems. So life would go on and on …
We are sound specialists
The sound vector is the only vector whose task is to comprehend the immaterial nature. Such people have an innate desire to focus on their "I", on their internal states, and also have the ability and ability to express their comprehensions. Since ancient times and throughout history, sound people have composed music and invented musical instruments, with the help of which they expressed states that cannot be seen or touched by hands. These non-random sets of sounds were born in the head of the sound engineer, all that remained was to express them. And, of course, the sound engineer did this, thereby obtaining a harmonious state of mind, the enjoyment of his desires.

The sound desire grew and grew … It was already becoming insufficient to express the inner sensations of the World and Nature, philosophical ideas appeared as a desire to designate the nature of things with an exact word. They were followed by ideas of social transformations, capturing the minds of entire nations, attempts to explain the universe through exact sciences, forcing the whole world to talk about the relativity of time and space …
By the end of the 20th century, the sound desire has grown even more - today's sound engineers are not filled with music, philosophy, all kinds of religions, or helpless methods of self-knowledge. A pressing desire to know oneself, finding no way out, is expressed by depression, and this severe suffering cannot be compensated for by any material benefits.
Gray-black tones, tousled hair, bitten nails … In a wide room, a man with a guitar sits on a stool. On the floor are torn pieces of paper with scores … a failed piece. Not a masterpiece. Nonsense … Our desire has become enormous, and today we want to squeeze the impossible out of music, extract everything from it, but it does not fit into all the sounds of this world. We rip the strings and break the keys in a fanatical frenzy … Is the well empty? Where is our Life? It is no more … But desire thirsts, it demands !!! Now we have no time to delight our ears with the play of words and sounds. At least to drown out the suffering with the roar of electric guitars, metal grinding, the rumble of bass: destroy, kill, barricade the auditory canal of perception, burn this bridge between your skull and the outside world, stop hearing it altogether!With deafening vocals, squeeze out a note that knocks out the brain - burn a nerve. And for a short while, even for a moment, feel relief.
Stop. Where did that joyful crowd that once had fun and walked to our music go? Now we are surrounded by other people. Not funny at all … Our state has changed, and our audience has changed. We were left alone with our “I”, screaming from suffering, now we bring these states out, to the needs of the same as we do. This music has become the quintessence of our PAIN. We share depression, suicidal thoughts, scary fantasies with those who gratefully accept it. Not only with the sounds muffled by depression, but also with spectators stuck in the darkness of primal fear, lovers to shake themselves with the horror of death, unknown evil and the afterlife. Spectators, vainly hiding in the labyrinths of their main self-deception - to become the object of their own fears, to pretend to be evil and evil,deceive her with the props of the external entourage. And so they smear their lips with shoe polish, cover their faces with long mournful bangs, dress up in black clothes … And even go - it's scary to imagine! - at the cemetery, so as not to be "afraid" of death there to the sounds of deathmetal. What an irony …
Unlike sound specialists, people with a visual vector do not have an innate desire for concentration, the ability to abstract thought and musical hearing, but they have a rich emotional amplitude: from the lower experiences of animal fear of death to the higher experiences of the euphoria of love. The visual vector at the level of social phenomena closely interacts with the sound vector. Many manifestations of the visual vector are in one way or another the "earthly" transfer of imperceptible sound states. For example, visual stage and sound classics. Visual belief in evil spirits, omens, fortune-telling as a flat reflection of those "signs of fate" that the mystifying sound engineer sees and tries to unravel in everything. Visual hippies with soft drugs and sound rockers with hard ones. Finally, there is a culture developing in the wake of a philosophical idea.
The people around us look at us with fear and rejection. They move away from our darkness, they do not want something to darken their holiday. We are rejected as a sick cage festering with drugs, shiza, black shroud of clothes and darkness of souls.

Okay, okay, all is not lost. Let's go to our elite colleagues - violinists and cellists, pianists, conductors of the Conservatory. They are beautiful and sophisticated, they have everything at the highest level, as well as the statistics of suicides among themselves …
Music, in our true, sound understanding, has died, and only a few can still draw sufficient content from it. These are those who got the dubious but comfortable happiness of having a low temperament, a weak sound desire, not enough to pour out the screaming pain of questions to which there is no answer.
For the majority of sound specialists of the latest generations, it is ALL or nothing, FREEDOM or death, a choice in favor of comprehending the depths of one's Self, because there is no choice in death.
It is impossible to come to terms and think again, "to be like everyone else", there is no movement back. Stop playing not on the strings of a sick soul! Give rest to a tired heart - everyone who has not yet stepped on the path of the false charm of heavy music. And choose a global Future for yourself. Each of us. For the first time. Unprecedented. Capable. Realize. Yourself.