Hearing Impairment Treatment: New Meanings Against Meaninglessness And Deafness

Hearing Impairment Treatment: New Meanings Against Meaninglessness And Deafness
Hearing Impairment Treatment: New Meanings Against Meaninglessness And Deafness

Hearing impairment treatment: new meanings against meaninglessness and deafness

People with a sound vector are more likely to have hearing problems. All over the world, the restoration of hearing without surgery is a huge problem that doctors are fighting over, and there is still no solution. At the same time, quite often hearing loss has not an organic, but a psychosomatic cause. By influencing the psychological component, you can achieve certain success in the correction of hearing loss …

All over the world, restoring hearing without surgery is a huge problem that doctors are fighting over, and there is still no solution. At the same time, quite often hearing loss has not an organic, but a psychosomatic cause. This means that by influencing the psychological component, you can achieve certain success in the correction of hearing loss. One of the results that people get at the training "System-Vector Psychology" by Yuri Burlan is an increase in hearing acuity. More on this below.

Hearing impairment - the tip of the iceberg: psychological problems of the hearing impaired person

People with a sound vector are more likely to have hearing problems. For them, the ear is the most sensitive organ of perception in the world. Only a sound engineer has perfect pitch. This sound engineer often becomes a music lover and knows a lot about music. It is the sound people who become musicians and composers. And it is the sound people who can be affected by the problem of hearing loss. Let us recall, for example, Ludwig Beethoven, who at the end of his life suffered terribly from the fact that he had to compose music in almost complete silence, as a keepsake, not being able to hear what he wrote.

Since the ear is the most sensitive organ of the sound specialist, his hearing suffers most of all when some psychological problems begin. This is manifested either by an heightened perception of sounds (when any rustle makes you startle and subjectively feels like an explosion), or there is a gradual decrease in hearing or the ability to perceive information by ear.

The soundman's ear is designed so that it is able to distinguish the quietest sounds and subjectively perceive them as loud. For example, a sound engineer sometimes cannot sleep because he hears the second hand of a watch moving. Or the spouse's snoring interferes so much that you want to go to another room - this is the only way to fall asleep.

And when an audiophile's hearing falls, he has to work hard to understand what other people are saying, to hear and not miss important information. At the same time, he loses a sense of security and safety, becomes restless and irritable. Due to the fact that he did not hear something, he begins to think out where he received less accurate information from the outside world.

Against this background, he may have obsessive thoughts that someone wants to harm him. It may seem to him that they are talking about him behind his back, discussing him, laughing at him. So in his behavior there is suspicion of people.

Hearing loss treatment picture
Hearing loss treatment picture

Trying to get away from noise and offensive meanings

The soundman is distinguished from other people not only by a sensitive ear, but also by a subtle perception of meanings. The soundman's psyche is shaped by his desire: "I want to find meaning in everything." And this meaning, which the sound specialists are looking for, is expressed by the word - oral and written. Knowledge of the world around and the laws of the world order gives sound people pleasure. It is they who, in search of these meanings, study literature and philosophy, turn to religion and esotericism. They are the ones who move science forward, convey their worldview in written words.

The sound engineer is especially sensitive to meanings spoken aloud. The spoken word has a direct effect on the psyche. So, if a child constantly hears scandals and insults in the family, he has a decrease in the ability to learn through the ear as a defensive reaction to unpleasant sounds and meanings from the outside. After all, he wanted to know this world and hear new meanings, but instead a cacophony of abuse and scandals fell upon him.

In an adult sound engineer, in response to the negative meanings that he receives from the world around him, hearing may begin to decrease: the sensor's sensitivity to information that brings not pleasure, but suffering, decreases. The psyche resists this suffering and wants to come to a comfortable state.

However, man is created with the desire to receive pleasure, not to avoid suffering. And hearing loss prevents you from getting this pleasure at full power. Of course, silence is the greatest delight for an audio engineer who has the ability to subtly distinguish sounds. But not the forced silence of deafening, but that silence that occurs at night, as opposed to the sounds of the day or at the end of the ingenious performance of music before the applause of an enthusiastic audience.

Therefore, hearing loss for a sound engineer is a big catastrophe, impoverishing his perception of reality and depriving him of great pleasure from life.

How Yuri Burlan's training "System-Vector Psychology" helps to restore hearing

The training reveals how the human psyche works, explains the mechanism of hearing loss, and this gives a therapeutic effect.

During the training, a sensual and conscious comprehension of new meanings through the ear takes place, and meanings are what the sound engineer unconsciously strives for, that which quenches his thirst, fills his inner desires. Thus, the sound person involuntarily returns to the "physical world" and is ready to listen and hear it more. It doesn't hurt that much. On the contrary, it becomes interesting!

The sound engineer learns that it is correct to concentrate with the "ear" and thoughts (consciousness) outside, and not inside. He already wants and can focus on the external world, listen to it, perceive. And since the body and psyche are inextricably linked, a change in the state of the sound vector leads to an improvement in the work of its sensitive sensor - the ear.

During the training, childhood traumas and negative experiences of adult life are being worked out, we begin to understand why people shout, insult and hurt each other. By realizing these reasons, we find excuses for other people. And we stop defending ourselves against them, regaining the ability to subtle perception of the world around us.

We begin to understand how to behave in a given situation, and our psyche comes to a balanced state. And then neither loud sounds nor insults are capable of harming us or making us mad.

Improving hearing is becoming a very important and recurring result of training. Many listeners speak about this:

Ears can't hear picture
Ears can't hear picture

The first results in understanding yourself and other people can be obtained already at the free online training System Vector Psychology.
