How To Awaken The Sexuality Of A Sound Woman. Erotica Of The Eardrum

How To Awaken The Sexuality Of A Sound Woman. Erotica Of The Eardrum
How To Awaken The Sexuality Of A Sound Woman. Erotica Of The Eardrum

How to awaken the sexuality of a sound woman. Erotica of the eardrum

Woman and sex - how far can they be from each other?

Can a woman not want a beloved man?

What could be the reason for a cold attitude towards sex - gynecological diseases, physiological disorders, hormonal disorders or psychological problems?

The Snow Queen

Thoughtful and soulful, silent and often detached, she does not suffer too much from the lack of sex, she rarely takes the initiative and does not seek to seduce a man … even the one for whom she has feelings.

A deep and serious look of completely bottomless eyes, a stingy expression of feelings in facial expressions, gestures or voice intonation, a desire for solitude and silence. Strange … it seems, live with her for a thousand years, all the same you will not know what she thinks about, what she wants, what she is worried about.

She is closer to music, poetry, literature, science, art, philosophy, questions of being and the meaning of life. The themes of life and death, God and the soul, the infinity of the universe and the finiteness of human life on Earth are of great interest in it. Millions of thoughts swarm in my head, the internal dialogue does not stop for a moment, there is a continuous search for answers to thousands of questions.

“I have to guess, I have to understand what to do with all this!.. What? Sex? No, this is not interesting, there are no answers. It is primitive, meaningless, mundane and … somehow animal-like. Is it really necessary to do this every day?"

Woman and sex - how far can they be from each other?

Can a woman not want a beloved man?

What could be the reason for such an attitude towards sex - gynecological diseases, physiological disorders, hormonal disorders or psychological problems?

Or perhaps the reason is much simpler: the fading of feelings for a partner, the desire to get rid of an unwanted man, a test for the strength of a relationship or ordinary female whims? Let's figure it out together with the System-Vector Psychology of Yuri Burlan.

Sexuality of asexual vector

Lack of desire for sex in women, coldness in relationships, inability to experience an orgasm - all this becomes the reason for the breakdown of relationships and all kinds of speculation about non-existent diseases, “if she doesn't want, then she doesn't love”, “too smart” and the like.

In fact, a woman's sexuality is determined by her innate psychological properties and directly depends on the degree of their realization. In addition, female sexuality can be revealed, but neither men, nor even women themselves, always understand how to do this. It is this problem that becomes the source of a variety of false attitudes, labels, unfounded conclusions and even sometimes diagnoses.

The desire for sex, as well as for any manifestation of life in general, is determined by the influence of the libido of the lower vectors, while the upper vectors form only some features, shades and semitones of sexual desire.

System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan shows that the desires of only one of the eight vectors - sound - lie outside the physical world. This means that the needs of the physical body, the need to eat, to take care of their body, are perceived by sound experts as burdening their lives, as something distracting and annoying, although necessary for existence.

The sound vector is dominant, so its needs come to the fore when it is necessary to satisfy them. In other words, until the sound is filled, all other vectors have no chance to declare their needs and count on their implementation. Suffering from voids in the sound vector is stronger than all others, this makes us look for ways of filling, first of all, sound properties and only then all the others.

How to awaken the sexuality of a sound woman
How to awaken the sexuality of a sound woman

This is partly due to the periods of complete asexuality of the sound woman.

In addition, it is precisely the sound girls that are distinguished by their relatively late maturation. They begin to feel attraction, interest in the opposite sex later than others.

However, even feeling the attraction to a man in herself, the sound person does not show it with the expression with which emotional visual girls do it. For this reason, she seems to be more reserved or even cold compared to extroverted and demonstrative spectators.

The eroticism of sound

The sound vector is the most distant of all vectors from our animal component, therefore the arousal of sexual desire depends to a large extent on the specific factors of sound eroticism.

What turns the sound on? Sounds! Silence, music, breathing, a low male voice, words spoken in a whisper right in your ear. The sound of a partner's voice for a sound woman is even more important than his appearance.

Of particular importance are the words obscene. The effect can be diametrically opposed - from excitement to extreme confusion, up to disgust. Such a reaction is due to the fact that the essence of all obscene words is sexy, they are all about one thing - about this simple matter. The needs of the dominant sound vector take its owner so far from the mundane process of reproduction that it is difficult for her to “feel the animal in herself” again. Therefore, it is often precisely in order to throw off the shackles of refined intelligence from oneself for a short time and to feel oneself in the body, to awaken sexual desire, to the sound person, and one wants to hear a quiet whisper in the ear in the form of a few obscene words. But only if any traumatic experience is not associated with swearing words, especially in childhood. It is of great importance under what conditions a woman first hears an obscene word.

And what excites the sound speaker the most?

Meanings! Mutual spiritual penetration. Sound intercourse begins with understanding, realizing and accepting the other as yourself. The feeling of a single soul for two gives rise to psychological trust, which means the ability to accept a man. Woman is the power of receiving. For a sound person, spiritual penetration is much more intimate than physical.

Inclusion of your partner in yourself is the awareness of his desires as his own, understanding his thoughts as his own, his needs as the needs of his soul. Concentration of this kind allows you to create spiritual unity, the ability to share the worldview of another person. And your common desires are embodied in physical intimacy. Comprehension of the human soul is realized in the body, giving rise to a fundamentally new pleasure from sex. Intellectual, spiritual, psychological arousal finds its continuation in physiological arousal, finding its peak in the form of orgasm.

How to awaken the sexuality of a sound woman
How to awaken the sexuality of a sound woman

Outwardly cold and detached sounders, when they open up in a relationship, are capable of a new level of intercourse, which begins with the soul, and is embodied in sex, where experiences become unheard of vivid, unusually powerful and surprisingly unique.

The connection, born not on the basis of attraction, but coming from spiritual fusion, is a relationship of a new level, where there are no questions of jealousy, betrayal, insults, reproaches, disappointments and misunderstanding of each other.

It is not easy to wake up the sexuality of an audiophile, but when this happens, it becomes clear that under the ice there is a volcano of passions that can give unheard of pleasure to both.

You can uncover deeper issues of female and male sexuality, understand the features of attraction, the roles of men and women in relationships at the next online training on systemic vector psychology by Yuri Burlan.

Register here for a free online training session and enjoy.
