Report On The Topic "System-vector Psychology Of Yuri Burlan As An Effective Tool For Assistance And Self-help In Alcohol And Drug Addiction And Codependency" At The 16th

Report On The Topic "System-vector Psychology Of Yuri Burlan As An Effective Tool For Assistance And Self-help In Alcohol And Drug Addiction And Codependency" At The 16th
Report On The Topic "System-vector Psychology Of Yuri Burlan As An Effective Tool For Assistance And Self-help In Alcohol And Drug Addiction And Codependency" At The 16th

Report on the topic "System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan as an effective tool for help and self-help in alcohol and drug addiction and codependency"

at the 16th Scientific and Practical Conference on Rehabilitation "Psychotrauma in War and in Peaceful Life" in Zelenograd on June 7, 2017

On June 7, 2017, candidate of psychological sciences Larisa Peresypkina presented a report on the topic "System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan as an effective tool for helping and self-help in alcohol and drug addiction and codependency" at the 16th Scientific and Practical Conference on Rehabilitation "Psychotrauma in War and peaceful life ". This time, the conference was held in Zelenograd on the initiative of the autonomous non-profit organization "Human WORLD - a rehabilitation community" and the regional public organization of disabled people and parents of disabled children "Family Club" with the support of the Department of Social Protection of the Population of the Zelenograd Administrative District of Moscow and the Zelenograd branch NPO Resource Center. The conference participants received a report on the latest discoveries in systemic vector psychology by Yuri Burlan with great interest.

System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan in helping addicts and codependents
System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan in helping addicts and codependents

Among the conference participants were volunteers, psychologists, social workers, disabled people and war veterans, heads of rehabilitation centers and representatives of the Zelenograd city administration.

15 speakers presented their rehabilitation methods and voiced hot spots that need to be addressed. Many times the words of gratitude to the organizers of the conference and the founder of rehabilitation work with the participants in the wars, V. M. Mikhailovsky, were voiced.

This conference was attended by many people who were able to rise above this pain.

Alcoholism and drug addiction as an attempt to adapt the super stress of war and peaceful life

Larisa Peresypkina, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, spoke on behalf of the portal team on the topic “System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan as an effective tool for helping and self-help in alcohol and drug addiction and codependency”.

In her report, she revealed what methods the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan uses in solving problems with alcohol and drug addiction.

The speaker gave a brief overview of the structure of the unconscious according to the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan and showed the true motives of a person's actions that trigger the process of alcoholism and drug addiction in people with different vectors.

In support of the effectiveness and efficiency of Yuri Burlan's training in systemic vector psychology, the feedback from participants who got rid of drug and alcohol addiction during the training was given.

Traumatizing children in a peaceful life

The conference highlighted another peacetime trauma hotspot - the trauma of children in foster families. Frequent refusals by adoptive parents because they do not like how the child behaves and even how he smells.

The problem of the confusion of foster parents and specialists when they are faced with the theft of children was voiced. Many foster parents, unable to cope with their functions, even send their children to psychiatric hospitals.

On this issue, Larisa Peresypkina took an active part in the discussion and in her speech systematically explained that such behavioral features as theft can only appear in children with a skin vector. She briefly explained the mechanisms of how a skin child survives, and most importantly - WHY he steals. And how could these problems be solved without traumatizing the child, relying on the knowledge of the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan.

Any questions have answers

The competent answers of the speaker from the team of system-vector psychology gave rise to other questions from specialists. There are answers to almost all of them in system-vector psychology.

Concluding her speech, Larisa Peresypkina emphasized that the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan is the most effective tool for overcoming any addiction, since it works with the root of the problem and therefore allows solving the problem of getting rid of addiction both locally, at the level of a specific person, and globally. at the level of society, orders of magnitude more effective than any other direction in the modern sciences of man.

After the report, many participants approached both the speaker and the organizers of the conference, thanked for the unique information, expressed their intention to go to the training.

Professionals unite

The presenter and organizer of the conference, Sofya Mikhailovskaya, supported the speaker that she sees great prospects in the application of the knowledge of system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan.

The main result of the conference is that there is a need to develop ideas to consolidate the efforts of specialists, to increase the level of competence of specialists to change the order of quality of rehabilitation work.

A proposal was made to create a Zelenograd model of a rehabilitation service, look for points of unification for the implementation of rehabilitation projects and use the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan as a methodological basis for implementing these ideas in practice.

Watch the video of the report.
