About Sex With Love

About Sex With Love
About Sex With Love

About sex with love

The female orgasm is not a whim, not fashionable trends of our time, but an urgent need. Unlike men, who are guaranteed an orgasm, women acquire this ability gradually. Some women acquire this skill more easily and faster, while others still fail to reach orgasm.

The apartment is tastefully furnished with subdued lights. On the way to the bedroom, clothes are scattered on the floor: a woman's bra, men's trousers, stockings, a shirt … In the bedroom, on a wide bed, two are making love. Her flexible, slender body is buried in silk sheets. He bent down over her and, barely touching his lips, kisses her delicate skin. Suddenly, in a passionate impulse, their bodies rush towards each other, merging into one whole. Graceful, rhythmic, as if in a divine dance, movements … coups … interlacing of legs and arms, merging of lips. At some point, she, being on top, sits on it like a graceful rider. Several smooth, as if in slow motion, movements, and she freezes, arching as if about to take off. He lets out a drawn-out groan and rolls his eyes languidly. Her cheeks burn, her long, slightly matted hair falls beautifully on her chest.

This is what an orgasm usually looks like in a Hollywood movie. Does he look like this in real life? And what is an orgasm anyway?

The nature of orgasm - the forbidden fruit is sweet

This is how Yuri Burlan's Systemic Vector Psychology explains the origin of orgasm.

Our ancient ancestor, in terms of its physical parameters, was the weakest link in the animal kingdom. Its place in the food chain was unenviable. He was first in line to be eaten by predators and last to eat himself. Due to the difficulty of obtaining food, he became so hungry that he began to strive to get many more mammoths than he could eat.

The desire for food and the desire for the female are fundamentally the same desire. This is the desire to preserve your life and continue yourself in time, that is, reproduce offspring. The increased desire (in terms of system-vector psychology - additional desire) "blew up the brain" of our animal ancestor and made a man out of him.

The threat of self-destruction immediately arose. Because there is a struggle for the female in the animal kingdom. To prevent men, driven by insatiable desire, from killing each other, prohibitions arose, such as the taboo on unregulated sex. That is, sex that does not include reproduction. You can’t do "this" with minors, you can’t do it with close blood relatives, you can’t do a man with a man, etc. Violators of taboo in the human flock were severely punished.

Outside, this prohibition expressed itself by covering the genitals. Man is metaphysically “born in cowards,” that is, limited by a system of prohibitions.

The desire for a woman forced a man to be active, to realize his properties. One killed the beast and got food. Another guarded the cave and for this he received his ration in the flock. In fact, the man was supposed to first earn his piece of meat, and then earn the woman's favor by bringing her his share. And only after that he was “admitted to the body”.

Imagine now with what "appetite" he pounced on his woman. The increased desire, tightly limited by the prohibition, could finally be satisfied. Thus, what was a common mating for animals turned into an enchanting sexual experience for a man. This is how the male orgasm arose. The man began to strive for intercourse with a woman for the sake of pleasure.

About sex with love
About sex with love

There was mating for the purpose of reproduction.

It has become a copulation for the sake of pleasure, where reproduction is an effect, not a cause.

The woman initially did not have an orgasm. She received her satisfaction - not as bright as the male orgasm, but more prolonged. Her psyche came to a state of comfort, as she felt that she belonged to a man, and therefore protected and provided for him. This was her satisfaction.

Mutually beneficial exchange

The human psyche grew in volume and developed. We evolved not according to external, physical parameters, like animals, but according to internal, mental ones.

Our ancestor developed consciousness as a tool for serving additional desire. He became an intelligent man. This allowed him to rise to the top of the animal hierarchy and become the head of the food chain.

Man is a social form of life, where each member of society has its own role. In the primitive flock, women were mainly responsible for the birth and feeding of offspring. As for men, they had different species roles, since they had to solve different problems. Who was responsible for what depended on his innate qualities determined by vectors.

A vector is a set of innate mental properties that make a person most suitable for a particular activity. For example, representatives of the skin vector are distinguished by their speed of reaction, they are dexterous, mobile, and accurate. Therefore, they became hunters. And representatives of the anal vector - persistent, diligent, patient, loyal - guarded the cave with women and children from enemies while the hunters were on a long march.

There are 8 vectors in total and, accordingly, 8 species roles. You can learn more about them here.

A man realized himself in society according to his specific role, for which he received a share of the total prey. He carried the earnings to his woman, which gave him the right to intimacy with her.

Several millennia have passed since the man received his first orgasm. The root structure of our psyche has not changed since then, but it has grown significantly in volume and developed.

After all, what is psyche in general? This is the desire for pleasure. And in our desires, we always go up. Each next generation receives a volume of psyche much higher than the previous one.

How love came to our world

The desire for pleasure in our ancestor grew all the time and finally reached such a volume when it threatened to get out of control. Early taboos were about to burst at the seams at any moment.

And then the time came for a special, skin-visual woman. The visual vector, which is possessed by five percent of people, manifested itself due to the urgent need to contain the risks of self-destruction of the human species, which increased along with the growing additional desire and hostility between people.

A skin-visual woman naturally did not become pregnant and, accordingly, did not give birth. To this day, such women have problems with conceiving and having children. And then, in an ancient cave, she was a stranger among women giving birth. Men began to take her with them on a hunt, because she had a particularly sensitive, keen eyesight. She saw what the others did not see, and she could be the first to notice the leopard lurking in the bushes.

The skin-visual woman was endowed not only with sensitive vision, but also with excessive emotionality. After noticing a predator, it was vitally important to be very frightened and react violently. In order to thereby warn others of the danger. The root of her emotionality is the fear of death.

Every woman giving birth in the ancient human flock received a sense of security directly from her husband. And no one married the skin-visual one, since there could be no procreation with her. But she, like any other woman, wanted to belong to a man in order to receive protection from him. And this desire pushed the skin-visual woman into intimate relationships with men during military or hunting trips.

At the moment of intercourse, she felt protected, her huge root fear of death for herself and her life receded. He was taken out and transformed into another, extremely pleasant, vivid emotion. This feeling continued even after intercourse. So emotional ties arose, and later - love.

About sex with love
About sex with love

The skin-visual woman was the first to learn to love, and through her the ability to experience emotions spread to everyone else. Thanks to the skin-visual woman, we have become capable of love and compassion. Let not to the extent that it happens with representatives of the visual vector, but sufficient in order to adequately feel oneself in human society.

This is how culture arose as an additional factor in containing our hostility. Culture is what prevented people from exterminating each other.

After the skin-visual woman taught mankind to love, intercourse between a man and a woman reached a new level. Now, in addition to the orgasm in the man and the satisfaction in the woman, in pair relationships, people who do not even have a visual vector are able to feel long-term emotional pleasure from closeness with each other. In the visual vector, real Love is possible. The one for which people are ready to give their lives to this day.

Female orgasm and its meaning today

So, since ancient times, women, in addition to the dermal-visual, took care of the house and gave birth to children, and men provided food and protection for everyone.

The once-arisen additional desire appeared in both men and women. The man had this additional desire for woman and food, and the woman had an additional desire to preserve herself and her offspring.

Today, men are still actively fulfilling themselves in society, while many women are balancing between family and work.

What made a woman leave home and go to work in general? The fact is that the volume of her additional desire has grown so much that it has become impossible to satisfy it as before, that is, indirectly through a man.

About 100 years ago, women began to massively realize themselves in society on the male type, that is, directly. It is for this reason that they have a natural need for orgasm. They are ripe for this. After all, orgasm is not only pleasure. During orgasm, up to 90% of brain cells are activated in a person. Stimulation occurs, contributing to the development of neural connections, which is absolutely necessary for implementation in society.

On average, women still lag behind men in social realization. At the same time, we observe that girls in general study more successfully than boys in school. However, later we see women much less often than men in politics, big business and in other spheres. To catch up with men and fully realize themselves in society, women need orgasm as a direct stimulation of better brain function.

It is obvious that the further development of the human species requires the active participation of both sexes.

As you can see, female orgasm is not a whim, not fashionable trends of our time, but an urgent need. Unlike men, who are guaranteed an orgasm, women acquire this ability gradually. Some women acquire this skill more easily and faster, while others still fail to reach orgasm.

The secret of the female orgasm

Unfortunately, in our days, when sex has become a consumer, we often do not receive even a hundredth of the pleasure that is destined for us. Humanity has come a long way before it rose to the current level of development of sexuality. We are able to “reach heaven”, but because of ignorance, and sometimes because of elementary laziness, we are content with crumbs.

Sex becomes uninteresting if the pleasure from it does not correspond to the volume of desire, which is very great today. Dissatisfaction in paired relationships has become a common misfortune. But most of all, women who do not get an orgasm often feel left out.

There are many techniques, exercises that are designed to help a woman learn to have an orgasm. There have even been developed stimulating pills for women. However, the desired effect is not observed.

Yuri Burlan's "System-Vector Psychology" says that there is the most important and necessary condition that allows a woman to get maximum pleasure from intimacy. The main prerequisite for a woman to have an orgasm is the presence of trust, emotional closeness between partners. This closeness is created on the basis of natural attraction as a superstructure over it. Both are involved in building relationships, but the woman is assigned the main, leading role. It is she who sets the tone in the relationship.

When physical intimacy is accompanied by emotional interpenetration, the likelihood of a female orgasm increases significantly. The pleasure that partners experience from each other is incomparably higher than that of simple sex. This applies equally to both women and men.

Old forms of relationship no longer satisfy anyone. It's time to unleash the full potential that we are capable of as a couple today.

The first step towards a better, deeper relationship is knowing yourself and your partner. This is possible through the prism of our psychological characteristics - vectors.

Sign up for free online lectures "System Vector Psychology" by Yuri Burlan, and you will learn a lot of interesting things about yourself and your partner. You will find out which partner suits you best, what type of sexuality he and you have, what excites you, and what, on the contrary, hinders during intimacy.

Sexual satisfaction significantly improves psychological well-being, and this is reflected in a positive way in all areas of life.

Do you want to reveal the secret of female orgasm and make your intimate life more enjoyable and fulfilling? Register using the link.
