Eight-dimensionality and holographic reality
In almost all theories about the psyche, space, space-time, etc., two patterns can be traced: holographic and eight-dimensional.
Everything in the world is bound by an imperishable chain.
Everything is included in one cycle:
Pluck a flower, and somewhere in the universe
At that moment, the star will explode - and die …
"Cycle", L. Kuklin

Not so long ago, some 14 billion years ago, something interesting happened. Someone calls it a big bang, someone inflation, some talk about a "collision of worlds" - collision of branes … But this is not as important as what appeared a couple of nanoseconds later - the known, but unknown Universe with its own laws and its "chaos of the existence of matter."
Many years have passed since then, but this event remains a cornerstone in science. All scientists are trying to find out by what laws the Universe, man, matter, atoms are built … This led to the emergence of many theories about the psyche, space, space-time, etc., and each subsequent one more and more hit mysticism. The most interesting thing is that in all (almost all) of these theories, two patterns can be traced: holographic and eight-dimensional.
So, first things first. Let's start with the first principle - holographic. The principle of holographicity, discovered by David Bohm in the 30s of the 20th century, says that the entire Universe is inherently a hologram, that is, any part of an object (the Universe) contains all information about the entire object. He came to this conclusion while investigating two paradoxes of quantum physics - particle-wave dualism (CVD) and the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox (EPR).
HPC shows that, depending on the design of the experiment, photons exhibit the properties of either a wave or a particle. The EPR paradox is caused by the so-called "entangled states", its essence is briefly as follows: if you take two photons in an entangled state and change the spin (angular momentum) of one photon, then the second photon will change its spin to the opposite one in zero time, regardless of the distance (in theory, indefinitely).
D. Bohm put forward the assumption that there is no separation into particles, and what the observer sees is the collapse of the same wave function, and the world as we know it is a manifestation of "explicit order" based on one information matrix (hologram), where time and space cannot be separated. This served as the basis for the theory of nonlocal interactions, which is that information, according to the principle of a hologram, does not have a localization, it exists everywhere and at once.
In de Broglie-Bohm's theory, consciousness and matter are an integral part of the "unfolded order", and they are inextricably linked at the non-local level (the level of implicit "hidden" order). And according to the same principle of the hologram everything in the Universe is connected.
Take the solar system. At the level of "explicit order" we have a center (the Sun) around which planets and other celestial bodies revolve. Take the "planet-satellite" system - the same thing. The same happens with galaxies: in the center is a supermassive black hole and stars with their systems of planets and asteroids revolve around it. It's the same with the entire Universe: all galaxies move relative to the center. Now about the "atom" system: there is also a center-nucleus around which electrons move, therefore the atomic model is called "planetary".
But the principle of holography had one big flaw: when separating a part from the entire hologram, small details were lost, and as a result, the hologram became less detailed. Because of this, the question arose about the possibility of comparing the principles of the macrocosm with the principles of the microcosm. Benoit Mandelbrot was able to eliminate this apparent disagreement by developing the principles of fractal geometry and thereby providing a mathematical basis for holographicity.
A fractal is a geometric figure with self-similarity at all levels. Thus, zooming in on a particular part of the fractal, we will see a figure similar to the original one. The difference between a fractal and a hologram is that it is infinite, since it is a purely mathematical construction, and in mathematics there is no limit to integers or fractional numbers, and the dynamics of a fractal allows it to change over time depending on changes in input parameters. This is the secret of morphogenesis (but more on that later).
Everything in nature has a fractal structure, for example, leaf veins repeat the shape of a tree, venules and arterioles repeat the shape of veins and arteries, etc. All objects of animate and inanimate nature have a fractal structure.
To illustrate, here are some pictures:

And what's more interesting, in all these fractals, all parts are related as 1: 1.6, or 1: 1.62, which is very close to the 1: 1.618 ratio - the golden ratio. Now it is not a secret for anyone that everything in nature has similar proportions: the human body, leaves, branches and roots of trees, the shell of mollusks, etc. Of course, there are small deviations in everything, but this is rather the result of ontogeny (individual development) and the influence of the environment.
And now about morphogenesis. Morphogenesis (shape formation) is a blind spot in biology. Scientists, based on the theory of molecular interactions, cannot give an answer why the shape of all living things is exactly the same, why it more or less corresponds to the proportion of the golden ratio. Why does a person have exactly two arms and two legs, and why they are formed exactly where they should, by what principle is the migration of cells in the embryo, etc.
The answer to this question was given by Petr Gariaev, who revealed such properties of DNA as linguistic, holographic and quantum nonlocality. Holography and quantum nonlocality as a consequence of holography were discussed above. And linguistic is, in fact, the program according to which information is read from DNA and protein molecules are built.
Previously, the function of genes not coding for proteins was unknown, so they were called "junk DNA", or "selfish genes." Garyaev was the first to discover that these genes (and there are 99% of all DNA) contain the programs by which all processes occur from morphogenesis to the formation of the character and type of psyche, they determine which genes will participate in protein synthesis and which will "Silent", etc. (I wrote about this in another article).
Another example of a hologram is the consolidation and reconsolidation of engrams (memory). Karl Pribram, in experiments with mice, showed that memory is not localized in any part of the brain, but is recorded in the entire brain as an interference pattern of nerve impulses (superposition of some signals on others), and the intensity of memories depends on the total number of active neurons.
Let me give you another example of holography - the phantom leaf effect. The essence of the experiment is that you can take any part of the sheet and place it together with a photographic film between two plates of electrodes, to which a high frequency current is applied for a short time. An image of a whole sheet will appear on the film. Here is a photo:

So, combining the above, we get that everything in the Universe is arranged according to the principle of a hologram, and information about this is immediately and everywhere (I already wrote about morphogenetic fields), and, as physics shows, this information is unchanging and can be expressed in mathematical formulas …
Now we know that all systems have self-similarity at different levels, but what is this similarity? Now we can move on to the second principle - the principle of eight dimensions, or "7 + 1".
Let's take the "Universe" system. The universe consists of galaxies moving around the center and receding to the periphery. For the first time, the eight-dimensional classification of galaxies was proposed by Gerard Henri de Vaucouleur, changing the Edwin Hubble system, since he considered it incomplete and unfounded. He identified 7 types of galaxies depending on their shape: one irregular type of galaxies and one mixed type, which combined all the features. Later, William Morgan also identified 8 forms of galaxies, one of which was incorrect.
Next is the "galaxy" system. It consists of stars and other celestial bodies. Stars in the modern classification according to the emission spectrum are also distinguished "7 + 1" types: 7 spectra from blue to red and 1 type with "Hawking radiation" - black holes. Most modern astrophysicists also distinguish 8 luminosity classes. It is impossible to classify other celestial bodies (planets, satellites, asteroids), since modern equipment does not allow collecting the required amount of data.
A similar (and we already know about self-similarity) occurs in the microcosm. By the end of the 20th century, physicists were faced with a problem called the particle zoo. With the help of the Hadron Collider, nuclear physicists have discovered a large number of particles and antiparticles. In this regard, the need arose for their classification.
First they were divided into particles and antiparticles, and then into generations. It turned out 8 particles (4 particles and 4 antiparticles) in three generations. This model has been called standard. By 2010, 226 particles had been detected, many of which defied classification within the Standard Model. Then Anthony Garrett Lisi and James Owen Wetherell proposed a unified geometric theory, the essence of which is the unification of geometry and physics of elementary particles. If we rank all the known particles in accordance with the charge, then we get 7 + 1 types of particles and 7 + 1 types of antiparticles (1.2 / 3.1 / 3.0, -1 / 3, -2 / 3, -1 and boson Higgs). By arranging all these particles in eight dimensions, we get this model:

This model of charges in eight dimensions is called E8. If you rotate it in eight-dimensional space, then you can get all types of interactions between elementary particles and predict the appearance of new particles (theoretical particles are circled in red in the figure, which should behave like a force of weak nuclear interaction). One part of this model can be used to describe curved spacetime (gravity) from Einstein's general theory of relativity and, together with quantum mechanics, can describe how the universe works.
By the same principle, they classify bosons (a particle with an integer charge), fermions (a particle with a fractional charge), and particle spins. Here's a diagram:

Of course, the idea of eight dimensions may seem far-fetched, but these purely mathematical constructions are based on experimental data. So, for example, superstring theory requires at least eleven dimensions to build a coherent mathematical model, and M-theory, based on superstring theory, requires even more. Some theoretical physicists bring the number of measurements to 246, of which only 8 can be substantiated experimentally, and the rest remain only in the minds of theorists.
In physics, the idea of eight-dimensionality was first proposed by Heim Burkhard in the early 50s of the last century. First, he deduced 6 dimensions from general relativity (general theory of relativity), then, to substantiate the paradoxes of quantum physics, he added 2 more. Subsequently, he abandoned these 2 dimensions, since he could not build a model that would not contradict general relativity. But his follower Walter Drescher was able to return the 7th and 8th dimensional theories by constructing an elegant model of the eight-dimensional universe, which is now called the Heim-Drescher space-time model.
Independently of them, another physicist Paul Finsler built his model of space-time based on the Berwald-Moor metric. It also turned out to be eight-dimensional. The Minkowski-Einstein space looked like a face at the intersection of time cones and had a number of contradictions. Two main contradictions (and physicists find them at least two dozen!): Isotropy (homogeneity) of space-time and the statement that the speed of light is the speed limit.
The first is refuted by the distribution of the relict radiation and the escape velocity of galaxies, the second - by quantum nonlocality and the detection of neutrinos that move faster than the speed of light. In Finsler's model, time cones are replaced by tetrahedrons, as a result of which the space formed at their intersection becomes anisotropic and not limited by the speed of light … And eight-dimensional …

On the left - a model of two superposed tetrahedra, on the right - a model of an eight-dimensional Finsler space formed on the verge of intersection of tetrahedra. It should also be noted that time in the Finsler model is also eight-dimensional, if we consider it as a separate system.
And Professor Yu. S. Vladimirov, head of the Department of Theoretical Physics at Moscow State University, showed that the existence of four types of interactions also inevitably implies the eight-dimensionality of space-time, which is fully consistent with Einstein's general relativity.
Now, knowing all this, you can move on to the psychic. Carl Gustav Jung identified 4 parameters of mental functions: sensation, thinking, feelings and intuition, which are directed outward (extraversion) and into the inner space (introversion). He himself considered this classification imperfect and treated it with disdain, considering that it was "nothing more than child's play." He did not associate his activity with any classifications, therefore he did not bother himself much with their construction.
On the basis of Jung's classification, Aushra Augustinavichute developed another classification (model A), highlighting 8 mental functions, which formed the basis of socionics. This classification could not be completely perfect, because the theory of mental functions has not always been confirmed in practice. Nevertheless, the followers of socionics actively use this model.
A more accurate description of the characters was given by Mark Burno - psychiatrist, doctor of medical sciences. As a specialist in the field of the central nervous system (central nervous system), he deduced a classification of 8 types of characters, based not on artificially isolated mental functions, but on physiological data. But there was something missing in his description. He added 3 mixed types of character, thus confirming that there can be no other combinations between types. As a result, this description became inapplicable in practice.
And now Vladimir Ganzen appeared in psychology. Being a physicist by his first education, he was able to bring something new into psychology, namely a systematic description of integral objects (the systems approach was previously used only in physics and mathematics). According to Hansen's concept, four parameters are necessary and sufficient to describe any observable reality - time, space, information and energy. In the graphic version, this is depicted as a square, consisting of 4 parts - quartels, where each parameter has its own quartel.
The so-called Hansen matrix formed the basis of the work of his student Viktor Tolkachev and was transformed into the Hansen-Tolkachev matrix. According to the principle of duality, each of the four parameters was now presented in two different guises. For example, time is the past and the future, space is internal and external, etc. Comparison of this model with the data already known by that time about erogenous zones and associated character traits (recall that it was still about psychology) prompted Tolkachev to search for missing items.
As a result, all 8 elements of the system were found, placed in their places, named vectors, and described at the level of the distribution of species roles and their interaction in the primitive flock.
The complete mechanism of functioning of the eight-dimensional human mental, on the basis of which system-vector psychology was created, was discovered by Yuri Burlan. He introduced the concepts of external and internal parts of quartels, external and internal opposites within each vector and, most importantly, the idea of eight measures, a special case of which are vectors. Yuri Burlan's developments clearly show not only all eight components of the mental person, but also their interaction with each other - at the level of an individual, a couple, a group and the whole society. System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan presents an integral volumetric description of visible reality, taking into account the factors of mutual influence of all its elements.
So, the general mental is formed by 8 vectors, which at the level of the physical body are expressed by the presence or absence of the corresponding erogenous zones: sound, visual, olfactory, oral, cutaneous, muscle, anal and urethral. They make up 4 quartels (information, space, time, energy) in pairs and form their outer and inner parts, that is, one vector is directed outward (extroverted), the other into inner space (introverted). Opponents of system-vector psychology say that such a division is quite true for physics, but for psychology such views are not suitable. Is it so? I will briefly describe the relationship in quartels (more detailed description in the article "Hours and Time").
Let's take a quartel of information and two vectors of this quartel: sound and visual. I will not talk about the fact that the vector determines perception, there are many articles on this topic. The question is what to perceive. Vectors of information quartels perceive time, energy and space through their quartel, for example, for vectors of information quartels, this is not the perception of time (energy, space) in itself, but the perception of information about time (energy, space) through its properties.
There is also a difference in the perception of information. The visual channel of perception is turned outward and perceives what can be seen. Such perception is limited by matter, and the world perceived in this way is finite (what is visible - that exists, and what is not visible - that I cannot know). The opposite is true for sound. The world of the sound engineer is internal information, it is not limited.
The same with the quarter of time: the urethral vector is directed to the future (since its task is to ensure this future), the anal one is to the past (since its task is to transfer the experience accumulated by generations). The future exists outside, since it still exists in potential, and the past is stored inside (memories, books, parchments). Division into quarters is like division into types of perceptual filters.
It's all about what concerns the collective soul (psyche - translation from the Greek "soul"). What about the individual? And here everything is the same. For example, the theory of contours, developed by Timothy Leary, or the eight-dimensional genome. An interesting theory of the functional eight-dimensionality of the "I" was proposed by Ruth Golan. Schematically, it looks like the Star of David (the projection of two superposed tetrahedrons onto a plane), consisting of two triangles - neurotic (functional state) and authentic (individuation).

These triangles work alternately and with “varying degrees of success,” this, according to Golan, determines the change in the manifestations of “it” and “super-ego” in conventional reality.
Thus, we see how the principle of holography and eight-dimensionality (more precisely "7 + 1") is applicable to any system.
The “7 + 1” principle is so named because in all cases 7 components of the system have obvious differences and are easily classified, and one is difficult to classify. This can include the wrong types of galaxies, black holes, the Higgs boson in the Lisi-Owen model, bosons of new interactions in the boson system, neutrinos in the fermion system, an additional time dimension, one of the properties in each of the vectors falling out of the octal paradigm in SVP, Jung's subordinate function, "It" in Gollan's model, etc.
What they have in common is that they cannot be separated from the system and "taken apart". We can only observe them by the parameters of their action. For example, the same Higgs boson is the result of interaction (mass of particles), but we cannot find the boson itself. Or also bosons of new interactions show the result (weak interactions), and even a theory has not been developed for them. Black holes - the result is visible (gravity), but they are not visible through a telescope, and so on with everyone else.
I would also like to mention the eight-dimensionality ("7 + 1") in the context of the organization of the material world: waves, particles, atoms, molecules, matter, matter, objects, macro-objects (galaxies, etc.). Also "7 + 1", since waves can be determined only by a set of parameters. A similar analogy can be distinguished in the levels of organization of living systems.
Well, one more example of fractality and eight-dimensional time is Chizhevsky's cycles. Actually this is a cycle of 8 (from 7 to 8.5-9) years. These are cycles of solar activity, and global cataclysms, wars, revolutions, etc. One of the largest cycles of 102-104 years is 13 eight-year cycles. Well, a couple of facts from biology: for every eighth year of life, all cells of the body are completely replaced with new ones. And the half-life of the phantom DNA is 8-9 days, and the complete disappearance of the phantom DNA is 40 days (5 eight-day cycles). The term for the formation of new conditioned reflexes (and the action program too) is 40 days.

There are many more examples of how different scientists in different fields of knowledge have identified similar principles, but, unfortunately, it will not be possible to talk about this within the framework of one article.