We were taught to dance defiantly and get naked. We have replaced the experience of feelings with the search for light pleasures. Sincere emotional impulses - by calculation. And thus deprived of the opportunity to create a happy relationship in a couple and society. An intimate, sensual pair relationship between a man and a woman is the crown of creation, the greatest pleasure that is given to a person in this world. Emotionally close, sincere relationships with other people are the next greatest pleasure, which gives us joy and happiness from life in society.
I will never forget how on May 9 one of the classes decided to dance the cancan. A young trainee, a future teacher of literature, could not understand what was so embarrassing to me. There was something wild about these unbridled dances on the day when sad songs are sung and tears are shed in memory of the war. Then it was difficult for me to understand and formulate it.
The women of my generation are like this class. We were taught to dance defiantly and get naked. We have replaced the experience of feelings with the search for light pleasures. Sincere emotional impulses - by calculation. And thus deprived of the opportunity to create a happy relationship in a couple and society.
Generation Next
Early 2000s. Children born after the collapse of the USSR grew up and grew up in the weeds of victorious capitalism. TVs, VCRs, computers. First TV series, Hollywood blockbusters, online games, deafening discos. Available pornography, drugs, alcohol, ubiquitous swearing.
We read little and watched TV a lot, studied little and “tried” a lot of things. Out of ten classmates of my not the most prosperous class, five took place in life. And those are not that very …
The task of destroying the country and the state was solved at the level of the methodical destruction of a generation. We were assiduously instilled in "Western values" and seduced by life abroad. Most of my peers dreamed of moving to Europe in order to live a happy life there. Some have done it.
The main task - to destroy the cultural layer - was solved masterly. Through one, my classmates lived in dysfunctional families, when my father drank (without surviving the collapse of the 90s), and my mother worked. Upbringing within the family was paralyzed or impossible - too much parental time was spent on survival.
The school has degraded. I was lucky to find Soviet Teachers with a capital letter. Not everyone was lucky. Education quickly slipped into profanation, when form became more important than content. Learn a song in a foreign language by transcription, not understanding the words, in order to put a tick about the concert. Prepare for literature in order to pass a well-known test and report on progress, and not write a heartfelt and thoughtful essay …
We grew up like the wind in a field, "watched" by the TV, which cascaded films encouraging gloating and hostility, sexual licentiousness, consumerism towards people. Multiple consequences everyone cleans up their whole life. Only now, thanks to System-Vector Psychology, it is possible to put the head in place and pull out the psychological trauma that has been driven into the body for living.

Human in human
At the training System-Vector Psychology, Yuri Burlan shows in detail how the human species progressively moves from animal to human. How in our psyche, one after another, desires that are not characteristic of animals are revealed, how we learn to deal with these desires and apply for the benefit of the species.
Just as the human embryo, in the process of intrauterine maturation, goes through the entire evolutionary path of the human body (in 9 months), so a person goes through the entire evolutionary path of the human psyche (in the first 15-17 years) in the process of mental maturation. Eight measures - eight vectors - eight directions of development.
Crossing the threshold of puberty (15-17 years), each of us, as it were, is born to live in society. Now we independently live in this world, using fully formed (developed or underdeveloped) mental properties.
The highest form of pleasure
An intimate, sensual pair relationship between a man and a woman is the crown of creation, the greatest pleasure that is given to a person in this world. Emotionally close, sincere relationships with other people are the next greatest pleasure, which gives us joy and happiness from life in society.
When we incorrectly go through the stage of development of the cultural layer, education of feelings, we find ourselves deprived of these pleasures. This means that we do not live, we suffer.
Sexuality is human
A person becomes mentally more complex in relation to animals, he has additional desires, which one after another tear him away from the animal.
One of these increased desires is an additional desire for intercourse. In the process of sexual intimacy, a woman receives a sense of security and safety (female orgasm is a new phenomenon), and a man receives the highest pleasure (orgasm). We strive for intercourse not only for the sake of reproduction (like animals), but for pleasure.
At the same time, our additional desire is limited. This is a large and versatile topic, here lie the roots of the emergence of female modesty, male social shame, the roots of monogamy, and many other fundamental aspects of human life. In the meantime, we need to understand that we, unlike cats and dogs, do not do "this" in public and do not do "this" with everyone. Human sexuality becomes intimate.
Another additional desire and limitation on it is born in the visual vector. This process is understood in detail in the training System-vector psychology. It was the visual woman who, at the moment of intimacy with the man, began to experience a special kind of experience - when her fear completely disappeared and turned into the first rudiments of an emotional connection, love. And the man, in response, began to experience something special when intimate with this particular woman and tried to experience it again. This is how the second component of our sexuality appeared - emotional, sensual.

From primitive times to the present day, the development of the ability to create sensory emotional connections is a matter of visual measure. Culture, upbringing of feelings, the ability to love - what today has become the property of all mankind - not only the owners of the visual vector.
Over the millennia, we have come a long way in the development of this sensory component. From the first owner of the visual vector, who, in the process of intercourse with a man, experienced release from fear, the first glimpse of emotional attachment and desire to be with this particular man again, to the modern level of development of visual measure, when intimacy itself is impossible without a deep feeling of love, emotional closeness, which takes a long time to build.
Sexuality is human in us. Completely different from animal mating. Human sexuality is built on a binary constraint: we enjoy relationships when they are intimate and sensual.
Underdevelopment in the ability to build emotional ties, underdevelopment in culture leads to the inability to build full-fledged relationships, and therefore, to receive the highest pleasure from them.
Development in culture is a process that has its own sequence. This is a transition from the ability to gloat when the other is bad, from wild hostility to another, arising because a person is limited in his ability to satisfy his hunger at the expense of another, - into exactly the opposite ability: to sympathize and compassion when the other is bad, because we have an emotional connection has been built with this other. We are able to feel his pain as our own.
When we watch films and programs that encourage malevolence, encouraging open expression of dislike, when we are surrounded by people who encourage malevolence and dislike, we go through the castration of feelings and feedback is always empty.
Castration of feelings results in the inability to create emotional closeness in a couple. We are losing the essential component of our sexuality - sensual. This means that we do not get pleasure in paired relationships. Without emotional connections, intimacy turns into technical action. Pleasure begins in different forms: we change positions, change partners, look for something and don’t find it.
Another common occurrence is the early loss of a sense of security and safety. When a child is forced to begin to survive on his own earlier than 15-17 years old under the pressure of an external threat. For example, when the father hits the mother. When classmates bully and bully. It’s like a premature birth: our still unripe psyche is forced to adapt the world to the degree of development in which it managed to develop.
For the owners of the visual vector, this turns into an inability to create healthy emotional connections, but only painful ones, to fall into love addictions when we do not love, but "fear" a person when we do not sing out of the happiness of love, but experience relief, relief from fear, when he's around.
Painful addictions in visual people add fuel to the devaluation of feelings. “It's better not to feel anything than to suffer like that. Married by convenience. And sensual underdevelopment turns into an inability to bare the soul (which is the basis for creating emotional closeness) - only with the body. Candid outfits, beautiful body and emotional callousness.
Loss of intimacy and consumer attitudes
Another trend is the loss of intimacy. Here the ubiquitous mat plays a role. We have almost reached the point where the swear word, which is always only about the sexual, is used everywhere.
The person does not do it in public, hides the act of intercourse. Likewise, we do not swear publicly - as it is only about sex. When we swear publicly, it means the elimination of the intimate component of our intimacy.
Aggressive mate inflicts colossal psychological trauma, both women and men. At the same time, the act of intimacy between a man and a woman - incredible pleasure and happiness from the union of two principles - turns into something dirty, vulgar, shameful, something that is punished, something that is insulted.
The trend of the consumer society, when we are completely relieved of the need to think about our daily bread, is the ability to choose. Choose what to eat, where to go, with whom to go. This choice is carried out at a rational level.
When we apply this approach to relationships, we begin to rationally choose a partner, we throw out the baby with water. We begin to choose a partner rationally, not out of love. This is not a close relationship - it is just sex, with someone with whom it is more profitable / better / more useful.
Failure to understand these truths turns into a complete devaluation of the relationship between a man and a woman. We confuse sexual licentiousness: the consumption of another's sexuality, not limited by intimacy and feelings, with sexual freedom: the happiness of intimacy with a loved one, not limited by false shame and false prohibitions.
A new understanding of these processes at the training of Yuri Burlan gives truly amazing results. When your ability to feel, love, receive pleasure from paired relationships unfolds like wings. For the first time in my entire life. When the experienced trauma is realized, they no longer have power over us. When we begin to understand how our psyche is arranged, the relationship between a man and a woman, all false attitudes that prevent love, trust and trust disappear. Training seems to put your head in place, you no longer have to wander and suffer from loneliness.

Training System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan puts everything in its place and returns the lost ability to receive great pleasure from sensual intimacy in a couple. Sign up for a free online training and change your life.