The Husband Does Not Love His Wife: Signs Of Cooling And How To Return Feelings

The Husband Does Not Love His Wife: Signs Of Cooling And How To Return Feelings
The Husband Does Not Love His Wife: Signs Of Cooling And How To Return Feelings

My husband doesn't love me: what to do?

What we just do not do to return love and passion to relationships … New hairstyle, stylish makeup, expensive perfume, sexy lingerie. A romantic candlelit dinner and special recipes: seafood, spices, chocolate and other aphrodisiacs. Special positions, sex in unusual places …

At first, all this still gives a faint surge of feelings and desires in a man. But after a while this becomes ineffective.

It is difficult to entrust this pain even to a mother or best friend: “My husband does not love me, does not want me, he does not need me …” The words become a lump in the throat: they sound like a cruel, undeserved sentence to your female nature.

There is no more that loved one who longed for you at the beginning of the relationship. Whispering sweet words in my ear. I did everything to make you happy. How did an indifferent person come to be in his place and what happened to the family? What should a woman do if there are signs that her husband has stopped loving?

The reasons for our drives and feelings are hidden in the human psyche. How to reveal this hidden in the unconscious and rekindle love - we will tell in this article.

Where does love go?

What we just do not do to return love and passion to relationships … New hairstyle, stylish makeup, expensive perfume, sexy lingerie. A romantic candlelit dinner and special recipes: seafood, spices, chocolate and other aphrodisiacs. Special positions, sex in unusual places …

At first, all this still gives a faint surge of feelings and desire in a man. But after a while this becomes ineffective. The maximum is short sex, which he needs to discharge. And you are left alone with your despair. You feel empty, unloved, unnecessary, rejected. If a man stopped loving, how does he behave? Probably so. But don't jump to conclusions.

Husband doesn't like pictures
Husband doesn't like pictures

Fading away attraction and emotional decline are experienced by many couples. Overcoming this and returning happiness to the family is possible.

The fact is that nature attracts two people into a pair based on pheromones - unconscious body odors. Do you remember how it was in the beginning? His head is spinning, your legs are giving way. A storm of feelings, emotions, mutual desire! This happens under the influence of pheromones.

Such a fantastic attraction does not last long - just enough for a couple to conceive and give birth to a child. That is, from one to three years. After all, nature is concerned primarily with procreation. Then you “sniff”, and the old smell does not work as it used to, and the emotional peak subsides. We often perceive this decline in attraction and feelings as a sign that the husband no longer loves his wife.

In fact, this does not always mean that the husband does not love. It's just that a new period in a relationship makes us build connections of a different kind. Sensual: learning to feel the soul of a partner, all his experiences. And conscious: learn to deeply understand the reasons for his behavior and actions.

If you manage to create such connections, they are able to rekindle a faded attraction, even in those couples that have been together for more than a dozen years. This is fully succeeded by everyone who undergoes Yuri Burlan's training.

How to build a foundation for happiness

Where to start a new round in a relationship and what prevents you from building happiness?

  1. The good news is that the sensual connection in a pair is in your sensitive female hands. It is the woman who first stretches the thread of emotional connection to her husband, reveals her soul to him. Your experiences and feelings. This causes his response and desire to open up his soul to meet you. But it happens that there is interference in this. For example, false prohibitions on the expression of feelings, which are difficult for a woman to overcome. Or the experience of severe pain - when she trusted and opened up, and then she just received blows to the very heart. What if my husband himself said that he does not love me? This pain and disappointment makes you close your soul, takes away the ability to trust your beloved. But it is possible to get rid of bad experiences, false attitudes and other obstacles - by revealing unconscious processes using system-vector psychology.
  2. Another good news: today it is possible to understand the thoughts and reasons for a man's actions (that is, to build a conscious connection with him) with mathematical precision. The fact is that psychological opposites are attracted to a couple. But we do not distinguish either our properties of the psyche or the properties of another person. Conflicts, everyday incompatibility are a consequence of the fact that we do not understand each other, do not understand the desires hidden in the psyche. For example, an emotional, sensual woman with a visual vector is drawn to a man who has a sound vector. He is not at all like her mentally: he is a natural introvert, withdrawn and even sometimes unsociable. Love alone is not enough for him - he is always internally looking for the meaning of life, trying to understand why he lives. And not finding answers, he goes deep into himself, moves away even from his loved ones. Reacts very painfully to loud,emotional outbursts of his wife - his supersensitive ear is in great pain. At such moments in his hearts, he can say: "I hate my wife with her eternal tantrums!" But in fact, the idea that the husband does not love his wife has nothing to do with it. When a person experiences unbearable stress and loss of the meaning of life, then in his reactions to the people around him, there can be detachment, coldness and even hatred.

When understanding the psyche of any person and its differences from your own, there are no more questions - how to understand that your husband has stopped loving. Any reasons for his words and actions are visible at a glance.

Way out of the vicious circle

While a woman is suffering, tormented by questions of what to do if her husband does not love her, her condition is reflected through body odor. Yes, yes, our pain, resentment, disappointment and depression - smell. The man catches it through pheromones. And although he does not realize the reason, he is even more distant from his wife. After all, the "smell of misfortune" does not attract anyone.

It turns out a vicious circle: the more you suffer, the more your man moves away. How to break the deadlock?

There is no point in looking for signs of when the husband does not love his wife. To change for the better relations in the family, you need to take concrete steps. After all, everything depends on the internal states of the woman and her knowledge of psychology, her own and her husband. You can get your first result - to ease your inner state and better understand your man - at the free online trainings "System-vector psychology". The man will feel it and respond to your desire to return love.

Proofreader: Natalia Konovalova
