Moral education, or How to teach freedom
The tasks of moral education of children can be defined quite clearly: a child must grow up to be honest, decent, merciful, tolerant of the shortcomings of others. At what age and in what way should the child's understanding of culture and moral sense be developed?
Moral education in an era of moral decline
When we talk about the development of a child in accordance with age, first of all, we mean his physical and intellectual development. There are specially designed tests to determine the correspondence. If the results are disappointing, we try to fill in the gaps with enhanced nutrition, gymnastics, and intellectual games. We are upset when our efforts do not bring the desired results, and we are proud if a child demonstrates outstanding abilities in mathematics, art or sports.

Modern life requires increased adaptation to constantly changing conditions, and caring parents strive to accordingly “pack” the child into adulthood, rightly believing that the larger and more diverse the store of knowledge and skills, the wider the individual's adaptive capabilities. As for spiritual and moral education, the opinions of the parent audience differ. Some believe that the upbringing of a culture of behavior in children occurs by itself by analogy with the culture of the environment, but moral upbringing, if necessary, then “within reasonable limits”, morality fetters a person’s freedom, driving him into the framework of “principles”.
We will talk about the moral education of preschool children, as well as the influence of morality and culture on human freedom, in this article.
Prohibit cannot be allowed
There are no rigid criteria for the level of moral education, and the lack of morality is very noticeable. It is worth talking to a person for some time to understand that he is deceitful, selfish or dishonest. The tasks of moral education of children can be defined quite clearly: a child must grow up to be honest, decent, merciful, tolerant of the shortcomings of others. At what age and in what way should a child's understanding of culture and moral sense be developed? There is no definite answer to this question. Many people believe that childhood should not be overshadowed by prohibitions, that if it grows up, it still has time to be obliged to everyone.
Is it possible to achieve the effectiveness of cultural education without resorting to prohibitions? It is often possible to observe a situation when the response to external control is completely correct behavior, while the internal state of children is not affected, and at the first opportunity the restrained nature breaks out through lies, callousness, irresponsibility, licentiousness and spiritual emptiness.

The program of moral education of children, no doubt, should be based on a deep understanding of the structure of the mental unconscious, only then the education of a culture of behavior will be supported in children by an inner spiritual, moral feeling - conscience, about which Academician D. S. Likhachev wrote: “Conscience is not only an angel - the guardian of human honor is the helm of his freedom, she makes sure that freedom does not turn into arbitrariness, but shows a person his true path in the confused circumstances of life, especially modern”. You can't do without bans.
Secrets of raising a polite child
Although politeness is not yet an indicator of deep inner culture, it is difficult to imagine a cultured person to be ignorant. Teaching a child a culture of behavior and politeness is necessary from an early age, and the success of this colossal work entirely depends on the parents' understanding of what kind of latent mental life the child lives - restless skin, recalcitrant urethra, solid anality or powerful muscle.
System-vector psychoanalysis teaches to determine the structure of the mental from a very early age. By the age of two, we can confidently say that a child has one or two lower vectors, by the age of three or four, the upper vectors become obvious. A systemically thinking parent clearly knows how to develop these vectors so that the child feels adequate and is kindly received in the circle of his own kind.
Long before ranking in the flock of peers, kids realize their place in the primary social cell - the family, where they receive the first lessons in social and moral education, which are necessary for the further adaptation of children in society. At first, the basis of such upbringing is an understanding of the prohibition on certain actions of a spontaneous nature, that is, the development of voluntary behavior. Cultural education of children is a purposeful work on the child's awareness of the prohibitions necessary for the comfortable coexistence of all family members; it must be started from an early age.
A two-year-old child is quite capable of understanding what to eat with his hands, shouting loudly, pushing and fighting badly. Nevertheless, many parents, having stumbled upon children's resistance to an incorrect (unmotivated, from a child's point of view) prohibition, prefer to allow their children absolutely everything. They justify themselves by the "freedom of personality" of the child and by the fact that he is still small and does not understand. Such children are a real hell not only for those around them, but also for themselves.

The culture in the collective mental of our ancestors was manifested by a system of prohibitions on primary urges, but if only a prohibition is laid in the basis of the education of a culture of behavior in children, a stable result cannot be achieved. Moreover, in some children, a categorical prohibition can cause a reaction of protest in the form of hysteria, stupor, or absolute disobedience. The reasons for the prohibition need to be conveyed to the child not only in an age-appropriate form. The content of the prohibition must clearly correspond to the mental structure of a particular child.
It is enough to explain to the skin child the benefits of cultural behavior. If you eat with a spoon, not with your hands, you can not waste a lot of time washing your hands and changing clothes, but use it more effectively. Fighting is a less rational way to improve your position in society than, say, inventing a new way to ride a hill. The latter will benefit other guys as well, it will be possible to compete, which is much more interesting than sitting with a sour nose in splendid isolation. For all the restlessness and seeming uncontrollability, skin children are the most disciplined and easily limit themselves for the sake of a goal meaningful to them. To bring this goal beyond the limits of the child's selfish feelings is the task of the parents until puberty.
For an anal baby, the ban seems to be the least traumatic, because these are the most obedient children. But even here any prohibition must be properly substantiated in order to avoid resentment. When there are too many prohibitions, an anal child can become confused and begin to perceive as forbidden even the most harmless, and even necessary actions, which can lead him to a stupor for fear of making a mistake. The easiest way to justify the ban is caring for loved ones. Don't make a noise, daddy is sleeping. Don't get dirty, wash your mom. Anal kids are very caring and will easily accept their first socially significant cultural ban. To bring care for loved ones into caring for a group, class, society is the ultimate task of educating a cultured person with an anal vector.
A muscular kid does not seem to be very understanding. Explanations are not the best choice in this case, you need to show. Do this and that. Negative illustrative examples are best avoided. If we demand from a muscle child to eat with a spoon, but ourselves no, no, but grab the sausage with our hand, the ban on eating with our hands will be incomprehensible and, therefore, violated. Muscular children are the best and most selfless helpers. Having learned to provide adults with all possible help in childhood, such a person is perceived as cultured, even if he does not have a large amount of knowledge. There are no people who do not need help. The sincere desire to help makes muscular people the owners of the rarest quality, which D. S. Likhachev designated as “inner intelligence”.
The most intransigent in terms of prohibitions are urethral children. If your child is a leader, there can be no prohibitions, only the lowest request for responsibility for the common cause: "I'm afraid if you behave like this, we will not make it anywhere." Cultural education of urethral children is the education of responsibility for their behavior. First, at the family level, then at the level of that group of people whom he will make his flock.
Knowing the properties of the child's psyche from the inside, it is not difficult to work out the "weaknesses" of each vector in advance. For example, it is important to teach the skin bouncer and forgetfulness to punctuality, that is, to save not only your own, but also someone else's time. An anal-visual know-it-all is easy to grow up as an asshole. It is very useful to teach such a kid not to turn up his nose, but to share his knowledge with other children, then your knowledge will not be snobbishly “bored” in the first grade, and from a “nerd” will turn into a respected “professor”. We teach a strong muscular kid to measure his strength so that by helping, he does not render disservice. Such adjustments are necessary if we want to educate a person who is not superficially polite, but truly cultural, moral, social.

What is good and what is bad?
The development of culture is based on the development of an arbitrary act, which, as you know, is one of the prerequisites for a moral act. By the age of four or five, the child should have formed ideas about the simplest moral standards, good and evil. The main tool for the moral education of preschool children is the example of loved ones. The empathy of family members for each other, their mutual assistance and care will become the correct moral guidelines for the entire future life of the child. How to ensure that the child not only could, but also wanted to act in accordance with moral norms?
Following the path of least resistance, parents manipulate punishments and rewards, reducing the moral education of children to training. If you did the right thing, you will receive at; if you did something wrong, you would be punished. In a child, especially a skin child, pragmatism and opportunism grows. He does good not from an internal need to do good, but because it is so beneficial, that is, for himself. The value of such "good" is not great, since when the Domocles sword of punishment disappears, the child chooses an involuntary, that is, archetypal model of behavior.
The social and moral education of children involves the development of a child's internal motivation for good. Here again one should proceed from the structure of the mental unconscious. Otherwise, it is impossible to achieve an internal resonance with educational measures; at best, there will be external imitation, and even direct confrontation. By the beginning of preschool age, the upper vectors of the child (sound, visual, oral) are no longer in doubt. Not to the detriment of ranking in the lower vectors, it's time to start working in these areas as well.
Justifying by heart
By bringing the child's visual fears outward into love for those close to him, and then distant ones, we cultivate compassion, empathy in him, and teach him empathy. The example of adults is extremely important here. It is better to keep negative assessments of others to yourself. If the child speaks badly of someone, try with him to find positive traits in this character. Poor and lonely Baba Yaga is no longer so scary.
“Evil in a person is always associated with a misunderstanding of another person, with a painful feeling of envy, with an even more painful feeling of ill will, with dissatisfaction with one's position in society, with eternal anger that eats a person, disappointment in life. An evil person punishes himself with his malice. He plunges himself into darkness, first of all,”wrote DS Likhachev. The way out of negative states in the lower vectors (skin envy and anger, anal resentment and thirst for revenge, muscle rage) is greatly simplified by the developed upper vectors, primarily vision and sound. The habit of justifying others with the heart must be developed in the process of spiritual and moral education of children; this is a powerful protection against destructive thoughts, states and actions.

There are people who are very difficult to transfer. They seem to take up all the space, their constant speaking cannot be stopped. Culturally unrestricted oral "toastmaster" can turn any event into hell. It is necessary to limit the speaking of an oral child, otherwise in the future he will turn into a jester with a complete loss of humor and listeners. Limiting orality is not about hitting the lips or plugging his mouth, from this he will only stutter and lisp, but will not stop talking.
Cultivating a culture of behavior in oral children means teaching them meaningful speaking. Explain to the child how to structure speech, where the main thing is in the statement, and where the secondary one, how to be correct in a conversation, learn to restrain your speech flow for the sake of listening to the child. Observations show that children who do not listen to the interlocutor grow up among adults who hear only themselves.
The emphasis on the development of speech is usually made by parents of laconic children, while it is equally, if not more important, to direct the oral talker in the right direction. Raising a culture of speech is a long-term task, but even here you can start from preschool age. If a child has speech defects by the age of five, it's time to turn to a speech therapist. The rest of the tasks of developing cultural speaking are within the power of any parent with common sense.
An important task of the spiritual and moral education of children is to assess the contribution of other people above their own. Everyone loves praise and praise is definitely a must. It will not be superfluous to teach the child to share his triumph with those who took a significant, but not striking part in it.
- It's great you say "r", who taught you?
- Grandfather…
Duty to the flock, gratitude for the one given to you by others is the best vaccination against distortion of the picture of the world according to the principle “I owe nothing to anyone”. This doesn't happen.
Aesthetic education of preschool children is extremely important for the development of the visual vector. The ability to perceive and understand art prepares spectators for the possibility of creative dedication, teaches them to understand the other and to tolerate other people's opinions. Aesthetic education in vision is an important step towards the formation of that unique complex of mental properties, which we call intelligence in the very Russian sense of the word.
Aesthetic education covers a wide variety of areas of life. This is not only contact with art, literature, poetry, music. Communication with nature is of great importance in fostering a sense of beauty. It is important to teach a child to see the beauty of his native land, to observe the change of seasons, to be sensitive to the state of nature. When walking in a park or forest, be sure to emphasize how important it is not to leave trash behind. The moral and patriotic education of children begins with the education of love and respect for their native nature.
Calm contemplation of the flow of the river, the movement of clouds, enjoying the silence away from the city noise has a beneficial effect not only on the visual, but also on the sound vector, which sets a person his own special spiritual search. Communicating with nature is a proven treatment for autism spectrum disorders. If the child is laconic, loves loneliness and silence, spend time with him in nature. In this case, you have more chances to bring the baby to a conversation and, perhaps, answer the first questions about the structure of the Universe.

My first teacher
Visual culture, the bearer of which has been the skin-visual woman since prehistoric times, has been and remains the only guarantee of human survival on the landscape. The best skin-visual educators are still the main ones in the education of a culture of behavior in children. It is they who introduce kids to the beauty of the world around them, reveal to children the best examples of literature and art, and teach creativity.
The skin-visual educator is not edifying, she is all in love for her little pets. From the outside it sometimes seems that she is frivolous, not solid. This is not true. The sensory sphere of a developed skin-visual woman is so strong that in old age she feels the world just as in childhood, she fully shares the feelings of her pupils and can give them colossal ethical development, which they will subsequently fill with knowledge, skills, experience and creativity.
The skin-visual educator rarely makes a ban out in the form of a demand. She doesn't need it. By her appearance she calls for restraint in archetypal manifestations, she herself is a ban on rudeness, untidiness, lies and self-interest. It is pointless to hide their tricks from such a woman, for some reason the children are sure that she will recognize everything … by her eyes!
Many people check their whole lives against such first teachers, educators, mentally imagining how she would evaluate one or another of their actions, how she would behave in this or that situation. Even without having colossal knowledge of art or music, such a woman sensually chooses what is really needed for the spiritual and moral education of children. Happy is the one who met on his way a developed skin-visual woman.
Learn to use freedom
Limiting hostility, visual culture for the first time indicated in the human psychic direction upward, into the spiritual space. Having realized the evil in himself, that is, having understood his inner psychic structure through the prism of the eight-dimensional psychic, a person is also aware of the freedom of choice between the animal and the spiritual principle, between good and evil. The purpose of the spiritual and moral education of children is to teach them to use this freedom, that is, to choose good and leave the control of evil.
The first step towards the exercise of freedom of choice is the formation of voluntary behavior, when the child makes a conscious choice of an action not in accordance with the primary urge of the archetype, but by volitional effort, even if the vector is not developed at the required level yet. Developing the vectorial preoccupation of the child, the parents strengthen for him the possibility of freedom of choice in order to let go of external parental control, which is replaced by the control of the collective - morality, and its internal projection - social shame, morality, conscience.
Urethral responsibility, skin duty, anal care for one's neighbor, muscular unity in general, visual compassion and love for humanity, sound filling oneself with the desires of all - these are the goals of the development of the eight-dimensional cubic matrix of the human psyche. The spiritual education of children involves the creation of conditions for achieving the goal of development in each vector of the mental unconscious, in order to enable a person to exercise freedom of choice, that is, to put good above evil, and the whole above its part.

Is it spiritual or religious education?
Often, the spiritual education of children is understood as religious education. This happens out of habit. Once upon a time, Christianity really played an outstanding role in the spiritual and cultural development of mankind. Not knowing at least in general terms the history of Christianity, not having an idea of the biblical legends, means not knowing and not understanding European culture, being outside of civilization. For 2000 years of Christianity, the visual series of sound spiritual search have been imprinted in the collective psychic of all mankind. Many people still accept religious dogma as the basis of spirituality, and the church makes a titanic effort to maintain its position as a spiritual leader.
After a long and wide controversy in the 2012-2013 academic year, the schedule of the capital's schools was nevertheless replenished with a new subject "Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics."
Grades are not given in the classroom, and the purpose of this course was defined by the experts vaguely as "expanding the horizons of children." Despite this, the Russian Orthodox Church expresses its dissatisfaction with the fact that only 23.4% of students chose the module "Foundations of Orthodox Culture" for study. The Church persistently seeks influence at school and tries to use all the possibilities for this, rationalizing its actions by the lack of spiritual and moral education of children in the country.
The concern about falling morals is understandable. But is it worth rebuilding the spiritual education of children in religion? Civilization has long gone beyond the confines of religions and religious cultures, which every year more and more recede into the past. Religion does not unite peoples, "temples of all religions" nevertheless presuppose prayer in its limit. The preservation of an individual staircase to heaven for each nation is absurd both in the light of scientific discoveries and in terms of true spiritual search.
The acuteness of religious contradictions, the bloody wars of recent times convincingly prove that religions are in agony. But this does not mean that the sound spiritual search is no longer relevant. On the contrary, sound comprehensions ceased to be the prerogative of the prophets.
Today, any person who has a desire to know the world in himself and himself in the world can get what he is looking for at the training in system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan. This is not a religion. You won't have to believe. Accurate knowledge of the structure and laws of development of the eight-dimensional matrix of the mental unconscious is only the beginning of endless comprehension of oneself and others as oneself. Much attention in the trainings is paid to the spiritual and moral education of children. Only knowing your child from the inside of the mental unconscious can you avoid mistakes in upbringing and raise a truly happy person.