What Is Falling In Love And How Does It Differ From Love

What Is Falling In Love And How Does It Differ From Love
What Is Falling In Love And How Does It Differ From Love

How to tell love from falling in love

What we feel for a partner, what is happening in our soul at the moment of attraction, depends on the innate properties and state of a person. After all, we also differ in the structure of the sensory sphere. Let's try to answer the question: what attracted you most to your partner at the very beginning? How to distinguish between falling in love and love?

Sometimes we get lost when it comes to feelings. Especially about that mysterious, intimate thread that connects a man and a woman. How do you know how your partner really feels about you? How to distinguish true love from falling in love, sympathy, attraction on his part?

It can be difficult to understand even yourself. Understand those elusive, contradictory feelings that arise in the soul for another person. What is this - a romantic flair that will flicker like smoke after a while? Or the first signs of a real, deep feeling, that very one longed-for love for life?

The training "System-vector psychology" will help you to understand yourself and deeply understand your partner's feelings.

First meeting: what can you understand?

Let's try to answer the question: what attracted you most to your partner at the very beginning? His intelligence, sense of humor, beautiful figure. Maybe caring and kindness? In fact, our mind is looking for all these rational explanations. And that "gray eminence" remains hidden, which really controls our attraction to each other. It is a smell that is consciously indistinguishable - the pheromones of the human body.

Under the influence of pheromones, people with different psychological properties are attracted to a couple. This is how nature works so that the couple (and hence the future offspring) is sufficiently stable in any life situation.

For example, a mobile and active woman is attracted to a detailed, unhurried, attentive man. If a man and a woman are suitable for each other, then under the influence of pheromones, feelings and emotions are aroused. At first, it's just sympathy, interest, a desire to be closer to each other. Then you want more, and even more … And now, from attraction, the man loses his head, and the woman simply melts in his arms. Nature gives a signal - if there is attraction between you, then in general you fit together.

This state can last only as long as nature retains the attraction based on smell. Alas, this is a short period. On average, up to three years (a period sufficient for a couple to conceive and give birth to children is the main goal of nature). Then you “sniff”, and the old smell no longer arouses such a strong attraction and crazy feelings. What does it mean - there was no love?

Attraction is just the beginning, the natural base of pair relationships

How to tell love from falling in love picture
How to tell love from falling in love picture

When the attraction to smells begins to subside, our differences come to the fore. It becomes clear that some other partner is not like you at all. Usually it is at this moment that the first questions arise: how to recognize love in a partner? Does he really love me as I love him, or does he just want sex? Or does he receive some other benefit for himself in this relationship?

There is only one reason for doubting a partner's feelings: we try to assess what he is going through, but we judge by ourselves. According to the feelings that we are experiencing ourselves. And here colossal mistakes can arise.

For example, an emotional, sensual woman with a visual vector is often drawn to a man with a sound vector. He is a natural introvert, uncommunicative, reserved. It’s hard to tell what he’s feeling from his face. To the question "Do you love me?" - the sound engineer can answer quietly, in one word: "Yes". And under the tip of this iceberg there may be a huge avalanche of feelings: "You are the meaning of my life, my world revolves around you!" It's just that the flowery words are not strong.

What we feel for a partner, what is happening in our soul at the moment of attraction, depends on the innate properties and state of a person. After all, we also differ in the structure of the sensory sphere.

What is falling in love and how does this state arise

A visual person experiences any emotions more vividly than any other. When his senses are aroused by the action of the smell, there is just a firework of experiences with him! Every word of a loved one makes you tremble. Every touch - to goosebumps. His every look is like a portal to endless happiness!..

We are not looking for the difference between love and falling in love when emotions are so off scale. And yet, many visual people know from themselves that after a while all this extravaganza of feelings can evaporate. We can only wonder: what did I find in this person before? And how in the future to distinguish falling in love from true love?

In fact, falling in love, which a visual person can experience many times in life, is the excitation of his special, receptive emotional sphere.

For the owner of the visual vector, the main thing is emotions. And they can be to anyone - and to a teddy bear, and to a grandmother, and to a disabled person, and to a cat, and to a man, and to an actor who lived in the last century. Emotions color life, make it bright. The experience of the senses is a great pleasure to which the visual person seeks. How to distinguish between falling in love and love?

What is love picture
What is love picture

Love is a deeper feeling. This is not just an emotional swing, it is a desire to give feelings to a loved one, and not wait for them from him, to do something to please him, to let his desires, feelings, states grow in him, to be with him on the same wavelength, as a single whole. To love means to let a person into your heart, to share intimate things with him and to be imbued with what you hear in response.

Talent to love

The first is the woman who can stretch the thread of the soul connection to her beloved. Despite the contradictions, try to listen and understand what exactly is going on in his soul. When this succeeds, the first embryo of true love and understanding appears in a couple. But he needs constant care to develop. Unfortunately, not everyone knows how to cultivate love. And there is only one reason - we do not understand ourselves or the properties of a partner.

It happens that a visual person also addresses questions to himself: how to understand the differences between love and being in love with oneself? How serious am I about this person? Do we have a future? Oftentimes, there is frustration in past relationships behind this. Possessing a rich imagination, an emotional visual person can add to the image of a loved one those qualities that he did not have at all. And then he suffers heavily about unfulfilled dreams. After severe mental pain, fear settles in the soul. After all, not only euphoria, but also pain, the owner of the visual vector experiences much more acutely. Because of this, it does not come out to the end to open up in new relationships, and the embryo of love is withering away in the bud.

The knowledge that is given at the training "System-Vector Psychology" will allow you to see and feel with absolute accuracy what prospects your relationship has. What scenario awaits you in the future and how to develop the deepest feelings between you.

Any questions will disappear - how does love differ from falling in love and how to build real happiness. Fear will go away, because instead of illusions and hopes, you will receive exact knowledge: with whom your romantic fairy tale can come true and how to achieve it.
