Runet Troubles. How And Why Is Intellectual Labor Devalued?

Runet Troubles. How And Why Is Intellectual Labor Devalued?
Runet Troubles. How And Why Is Intellectual Labor Devalued?

Runet troubles. How and why is intellectual labor devalued?

Runet has no analogues, even Yandex is the only national search engine that surpasses Google locally. There are not so many writers as we have in any country in the world …

Fragment of the lecture summary of the Second Level on the topic "Urethra and Sound":

The Internet is the brainchild of the skin phase of development, and it has an increasing impact on the physical world. Previously, we compared ourselves with other people, focusing only on concepts inherent in the anal phase of development, for example, on traditions. Everything has changed today. We no longer focus on our neighbor on the staircase, but as if we live with him in different worlds thanks to the Internet. Business is moving to the Internet, as are communication, relationships, social connections. Today we focus on information, it sets the direction.

Runet has no analogues, even Yandex is the only national search engine that surpasses Google locally. There are not so many writers as we have in any country in the world. In Russia, a lot of people were educated in 10 grades, people know how to write well, read a lot, have a good mind. But the Runet does not function as a life-creating process. People are afraid and do not want to create anything for two reasons: someone will come and immediately criticize, and someone will come and steal.

Destructive criticism that does not contribute anything, an open expression of hostility is characteristic only of Runet. And they stifle any creative impulses in the bud. The degraded intellectual elite - the offended frustrated anal-visual and anal-sound people who did not survive the collapse of the Union - stand behind the criticism-mud-swarming.

Another scourge of Runet is total theft. Our people are not aimed at producing information, but at stealing it. The mind does not work to create its own. And the one who nevertheless decides to create something soon begins to understand what position he is in: from all sides they shout to him that everything on the Internet should be free, and at the same time he cannot receive payment for his work. Thus, intellectual work is completely devalued on the RuNet.


It never occurs to anyone, for example, to dig a trench for free. But the fruits of intellectual labor, which, among other things, in the modern world is valued much more than physical labor, must certainly be free. For this reason, with all the highest potential of Russian sound engineers, we have far fewer achievements in the field of information technology than in the West. For the same reason, we do not have a movie. They will steal anyway. We do not understand what hole we are digging for ourselves in this way …

We lived in a collective labor society where there was no property. But in this society, nothing was free. For all the benefits that the state gave free of charge, there was collective hard work. From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs. We all worked for one whole and received from the state benefits redistributed in fairness: free medicine, education, and much more. Today we are not ready to invest from ourselves for the common good, we are looking for freebies, but we continue to demand everything for free.

Our brains in the West are people with Soviet education. With the Soviet, not with the Russian. Those people who went there are already Americans and work for America. And the US does such things not only with our brains, but, for example, with Indian ones. And that's good, that's right. If, for example, this scientist could not break through in Russia, because we have a corrupt apparatus, what is wrong that he is being implemented there?

This is not something wrong with the West, something is wrong with us. We cannot create such an environment for the representatives of intellectual labor to find a place for themselves …

Continuation of the abstract on the forum:

Written by Alexander Kuternin. August 4, 2013

A comprehensive understanding of this and other topics is formed on a full oral training in systemic vector psychology.
