The unconscious mind and collective consciousness
Evil is not created. The stick is a lack of carrot. Our suffering is solely due to our actions. Nature created balance, and we ourselves bring all the bad things when, due to the erroneous individual consciousness, we come into conflict with the interests of the species.
Fragment of the summary of the Second level on the topic "The fate of the universe in the tension between sound and smell"
We are how we manifest ourselves. Feeling our own oneness, we contradict the whole. And if we realize ourselves among people, then we do not contradict the species. We must learn to do this. Start with at least emotional empathy for your neighbor.
Either we choose to feel ourselves part of the species, or we are pushed: by loss, suffering - in a sparing mode. There is always freedom to go not from the whip (suffering), but to prove yourself with your choice. Nature preserves us. We don't understand nature, but it's time to understand it!
All we can do is extrovert ourselves as much as possible outward. Freedom of choice is the realization of one's desires, not for the benefit of one selfish particular, but for the benefit of the whole human species. We are how we manifest ourselves. We create actions ourselves. Our fate depends on our actions.
We are now unmistakably living in the collective unconscious. We are not given a collective consciousness so that we do not do bad things. You can't give a small child strength, like daddy. Let's do this! Therefore, consciousness is individual - and it is erroneous. We have problems because each individual consciousness has its own contradiction to the collective unconscious.
The child feels distress when his mother takes care that he does not get sick, and does not give ice cream in the cold. So we go through the stage of growing up of mankind, not understanding what can harm us. And nature does not allow us to do this, preserves us.

Evil is not created. The stick is a lack of carrot. Our suffering is solely due to our actions. Nature created balance, and we ourselves bring all the bad things when, due to the erroneous individual consciousness, we come into conflict with the interests of the species.
With your consciousness it is necessary to fit into the development of the species, and not contradict it. Maximize yourself among other people. It is important to understand that we cannot do anything only for ourselves. Realization happens exclusively among other people. Even if I am a brilliant artist, but no one has ever seen it, I am not a realized person.
With our body we cannot feel the integrity of the species, with our soul we can. This is done by awareness, focusing on something else. As we move into the urethral phase, we will begin to collectively acquire some elements of collective consciousness. It will expand further. Unity of thought. Collective decision. Collective Consciousness.
Collective consciousness is the conscious inclusion of another in oneself through the realization of his mental nature.
The ability to recognize the internal mental characteristics of another person is what the training "System-vector psychology" gives us. Including the psychic of the other in ourselves, we lose the feeling of our own oneness. And just as we are incapable of harming ourselves, we become incapable of harming him, because he is included in us. He is not him. He is a part of me that I cannot harm, because I am created so that I cannot harm myself.
Our destiny does not depend on mom, dad and bad neighbors. We live one life. At a time when freedom of choice became possible …
Continued abstract Offline
Volume understanding of this and other topics made up on full oral training Yuri Burlan "System-vector psychology"
Recorded by Elena Tsyganova. November 11, 2013