Paulo Coelho: “We Say The Most Important Words In Our Life In Silence”

Paulo Coelho: “We Say The Most Important Words In Our Life In Silence”
Paulo Coelho: “We Say The Most Important Words In Our Life In Silence”

Paulo Coelho: “We say the most important words in our life in silence”

Trying to live a "normal" life several times, Coelho was convinced each time that he was missing something important, that it was someone else's life, someone else's desires, someone else's fate. He expresses this very feeling in his work, reminding the reader that “to achieve the embodiment of his destiny is the only true duty of a person” …

Sometimes you have to die to start living

The life of Paulo Coelho is a non-stop path to a dream through all the obstacles that not everyone would have enough strength to overcome. Dreaming of being a writer since childhood, he repeatedly stumbles over the lack of understanding of the closest people - his parents, but still does not stop.

Coelho never perceived his desire to write as entertainment or a hobby - exclusively as a vocation, a life's work, a favorite profession. And it is not surprising: the needs of the dominant sound vector cannot be relegated to the background - this is simply impossible. The sound search for the meaning of one's life, the longed-for answers to internal questions, the continuous work of the abstract intellect find their realization in the creation of thought forms - the written word, being an excellent realization of the psychological properties of Paulo Coelho.

The needs and desires of the sound vector are so far from the desires of the other vectors that they cause sincere misunderstanding and even rejection in the parents of young Coelho. Considering the strange, in their opinion, behavior of the son, incomprehensible desires and delusional, from their point of view, life values, the father and mother put him on compulsory treatment in a psychiatric hospital, where he is given the "usual" diagnosis for a sound specialist - schizophrenia, and treated with electric shock …

However, it is not possible to cure a person from himself, so even after three courses of such treatment, Coelho's priorities remain the same, which makes parents come to terms with the choice of their son.

He travels a lot, tries himself as an author of songs, poems, stories, newspaper articles. In the desire for novelty, flexibility and high adaptability, the properties of the entrepreneurial skin vector of the writer manifest themselves.

The growing sound desires for self-knowledge are pushing Coelho to new experiments with changing consciousness: occultism, black magic, drugs, esotericism. He even publishes a magazine where he covers issues of human spirituality.

The hippie movement fashionable in the 60s, promoting the right of any person to self-expression, pacifism, free love and the end of wars, could not fail to find a response in the desires of Coelho's emotional visual vector. Having joined the movement, he travels a lot in Mexico, Bolivia, Peru, North Africa and Europe, writes sensual songs for popular Brazilian performers and even embarks on sexual experiments.

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Then, being a member of the "Alternative Society" organization, which the Brazilian authorities considered dangerous, Coelho, along with his wife, goes to prison, where he is even tortured. During interrogation, he denies any connection with the conspirators. When his wife was led down the corridor, she saw him through the bars and called, but he did not answer, as he was very afraid that for this he would be tortured again. The visual fear of death in that terrible situation reaches its apogee, forcing the writer to act unworthily - to remain silent in response to his wife's requests to tell her something. For many years, Coelho could not recover from the horrors experienced then.

Subsequently, years later, it was visual desires and the ability to compassion that prompted the already world famous Coelho to create and finance a charitable foundation to help children in need.

Trying to live a "normal" life several times, Coelho was convinced each time that he was missing something important, that it was someone else's life, someone else's desires, someone else's fate. He expresses this very feeling in his work, reminding the reader that "to achieve the embodiment of his destiny is the only true duty of a person."

Life is always waiting for the hour when the future depends only on your decisive actions

The real creative breakthrough and the turning point in the life of Paulo Coelho is associated with two events in his life. The first is the fourth, but, as it turned out, the most successful marriage of the writer with Christina Oitisia, and the acquaintance with a man whom he considers his spiritual mentor and mentions in the "Diary of a Magician" and "Valkyries".

Under the influence of a Catholic mentor, the sonic Coelho realizes his spiritual search in immersion in Christianity. It is this mentor who advises him to make a pilgrimage along the medieval Way of Santiago in Spain, on which he could not decide for a long time.

In this adventure, Coelho's wife Cristina played an important role, who inspired the writer and practically made him go on a trip by giving him a plane ticket.

The influence of a woman on the level of a man's realization is difficult to overestimate - the Coelho couple confirms this immutable truth. The writer's potential was only fully revealed in marriage with the woman who was able to make him believe in herself and decide to live in a way that brings him the greatest pleasure.

Coelho describes his journey in the first book "The Diary of a Magician", but real recognition comes to him after the release of "The Alchemist". This book, which has become a bestseller in many countries, has been translated into 67 languages and is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the best selling book in Brazil.

The only thing that makes a dream come true is the fear of failure

The parable about a dreamer who has traveled half the world in search of his dream and found it on his doorstep found a response in the hearts of millions of readers. However, the very first edition of "The Alchemist" was not so successful, and Coelho and his wife themselves began to promote their book, attracting with all their might the public interest in the work. Entrepreneurship, adaptability and work for a result - this is how the properties of the writer's skin vector showed themselves. The same vector manifests itself in dedication, discipline and the ability to organize their activities both in writing books and in an advertising campaign for their creativity.

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The books of the Brazilian writer are a sound search expressed in visual images. In his works, spirituality, the desire to comprehend the Higher Power are intertwined with love for people, with simple earthly joys and pleasure from life itself. Subtly describing the emotional state of his characters as a developed visual person, Paulo Coelho conveys the incredible pleasure from the spiritual comprehension of a sound person, embodying them in the thought form of the written word.

The life path of the writer towards his own dream may have been quite thorny and difficult, but “if you want something, the whole Universe will help to make your wish come true”, and the pleasure from the realization of psychological properties, led by a dominant sound vector overshadows all past life vicissitudes.

Paulo Coelho is an example of the harmonious personality of a modern writer, whose work has the widest audience in the person of sound and visual readers around the world.
