How To Enjoy Life And Live Happily - Questions Of Psychology

How To Enjoy Life And Live Happily - Questions Of Psychology
How To Enjoy Life And Live Happily - Questions Of Psychology

How to learn to enjoy life

You cannot feel joy, you cannot smell it, you cannot put it in your pocket. Managing your fortune usually works - not very well. The disseminated advice of psychologists, tailored according to the pattern "we must be happy, we must not strain", do not help. It is necessary to figure out how it is to receive joy, why sometimes I feel happiness, but it happens that under the same external circumstances it is very bad? That is, you need to understand how the psyche is structured - it contains the keys to all the internal states of a person …

Every moment we want to be happy and enjoy life. To experience such a burst of energy when on a new day you rush to a jump: “Forward! To new ideas, achievements, victories! When every little thing pleases: the breeze, the sun's rays, the aroma of delicious food. When you feel alive and you know exactly why you live in this world.

How many such days have you had in your life? But while we are in despondency, our life just … passes.

How to learn to enjoy life and find your place in it? How to live every moment with pleasure?

Why doesn't it come out to live happily and enjoy life

You cannot feel joy, you cannot smell it, you cannot put it in your pocket. Managing your fortune usually works - not very well. The disseminated advice of psychologists, tailored according to the pattern "we must be happy, we must not strain", do not help. There are good reasons for this:

Our senses are not subject to conscious attitudes. We cannot bring ourselves to enjoy life no matter what

Maybe I would like to live happily and rejoice every day - but there is anxiety in my heart. Or fear. Or melancholy. And bad thoughts come into my head, for example, about the child: “Why doesn't he call? Something happened? Are you sick? Something is wrong … "Or about her husband:" Why still not at home? Maybe he has an affair on the side? " Or loneliness fell so that tears from my eyes.

It turns out that we have absolutely no control over our feelings. Do they just arise? Then how can you learn to enjoy life?

It is necessary to figure out how it is to receive joy, why sometimes I feel happiness, but it happens that under the same external circumstances it is very bad? That is, you need to understand how the psyche works - it contains the keys to all the internal states of a person.

How the joy generator works

We experience a feeling of joy and happiness when the innermost desires of the heart are realized. This is easy to see with simple examples. You have long wanted a promotion at work, worked hard for this and - hurray! The wish came true - you are the head of the department. And life is good, and life is good! Overwhelmed with joy, happiness, pleasure. But not for long. We always want more and more.

You can learn to enjoy life picture
You can learn to enjoy life picture

The already achieved happiness over time becomes habitual, natural. And there is a desire for an even greater order - for example, to become a director of a company. This is how our psyche is arranged: each fulfilled desire gives birth to a new one, of even greater volume.

How to learn to enjoy life picture
How to learn to enjoy life picture

Desires are very different, they may not be associated with material goods at all. Each of us is driven by different aspirations given by nature from birth (vectors).

  • For carriers of the anal vector, overvalues are family and children, respect and honor in society. …
  • The visual vector comprehends life in love and sensual experiences.
  • The owners of the sound vector are not interested in the material world at all: they are attracted by metaphysical questions - the meaning of life, the reasons for everything that happens.

The eight vectors are eight different perceptions of what it means to be happy.

I want it means I can

By nature, our desires are fully provided with the opportunity for their realization. For instance:

  • A person with a visual vector wants love and vivid emotions and for this he has a huge sensory range. Able to tune in to the state of another person, to feel that he lives. No one else is able to build such a deep sensual connection, so strongly and vividly experience love, as the owner of the visual vector. …
  • The bearer of the anal vector not only wants family and children, respect and honor - he has all the talents to achieve this. Natural care and attention to detail make him a high-class professional - such a person is always respected by colleagues at work. Caring for and attention to loved ones, faithfulness in marriage, golden hands in housework make him the best family man. In each vector, nature has given everything to achieve what you want, enjoy and enjoy life every day. But in practice, not everyone succeeds. Why?

Malfunctions in an ideal mechanism

There are various obstacles that prevent us from realizing our desires:

False attitudes with which modern society is overwhelmed.

For example, the common question of how to learn to live for yourself, and calls to love yourself lead a person in the opposite direction from the ability to be happy.

We cannot live without other people. We can realize ourselves in a couple, at work, and in the role of father and mother only among other people. We get both pain and joy from our interaction.

Not understanding how to build relationships with others, why they act one way or another and what to expect from them, we are very unhappy and unable to achieve goals.

Yuri Burlan's training provides a deep knowledge of all the features of the psyche of people. You will understand the other person and know exactly how to build a flawless relationship with him.

Psychological anchors and traumas, sometimes received in childhood, forgotten, repressed from memory.

For example, an emotional owner of a visual vector wants love, but it doesn't work out. The fixed fear in childhood does not allow her sensuality to unfold in full, to take place in love, to enjoy life.

The owner of the skin vector, consciously striving for success, cannot achieve it if he has a life scenario for failure. And no matter how hard he makes efforts, he cannot achieve his ambitious goals.

How many things still prevent us from being happy - phobias, addictions, the syndrome of delayed life … How to enjoy life if it brings only suffering?

When we are constantly unable to fulfill our desires, over time they fade away. The psyche mercifully reduces them - so as not to experience constant torment. And now apathy, lethargy rolls over. I don't want anything, and there is no joy.

At the training of Yuri Burlan, the extinct desires of the psyche are revealed, again you want to live and act. And you won't have to gain bad experience anymore. When you understand the reasons why something in life did not work out, the past traumas cease to control you.

When something is missing … the main thing

Seven of the eight vectors have quite understandable desires, and a person can explain what he lacks for a good mood, joy and happiness - not everything is going smoothly in the family, there is not enough money, pair relationships do not work out. But there are people whose desires are beyond what you can see or touch. It happens that a person feels bad, and what exactly is missing, he cannot even explain. These states occur only in the owners of the sound vector.

The natural desire of the sound man is the desire for knowledge. I would like to understand: is everything that happens around it just a series of ridiculous accidents or is there some sense in it, a plan? Then where is my place and role in it? What can I do in this world that is meaningful, really important? Even if there are all possible benefits in the life of a sound engineer (income, love, family, status), but there are no answers for what he lives in the world, he can experience difficult conditions.

Not finding the answer to internal questions - what is the meaning of life? - the sound engineer pronounces the first suicidologies: life has no meaning. The desire to escape from this dull, tasteless life falls into sleep - you just want to sleep around the clock. No strength to live, no energy. How to start enjoying life if you experience this?

When a person reveals his inner desires, a huge resource of energy is released. There is a desire to create and create. And most importantly, there is an exact understanding of how and where to apply your talents.

Anyone who has completed Yuri Burlan's training finds a deep inner answer to any questions about how to live and enjoy life correctly. The ability to fully realize oneself among other people appears, with great pleasure to live every moment of your life.

Proofreader: Natalia Konovalova
