When Everything Is There, But There Is No Happiness. What Is The Sense Of Life?

When Everything Is There, But There Is No Happiness. What Is The Sense Of Life?
When Everything Is There, But There Is No Happiness. What Is The Sense Of Life?

When everything is there, but there is no happiness. What is the sense of life?

“I've been striving for something all my life,” says such a person. - I have achieved a lot in life. He studied, got married, gave birth to children, raised and raised them. I realized myself in the profession, achieved a high level in it. An indicator of this is my material well-being. There is a house, a car, a good income. Traveling. In the summer I rest at the sea, in the winter - in the mountains. I have everything. There is only one thing - happiness. I don't know why I live. I am not happy with what I have. And I don't know what else I want from life …

Human life consists of certain stages through which everyone goes through to one degree or another. Born, went to kindergarten, then to school, then to the university … I fell in love, got married, gave birth to children. Achieved some success in the profession, retired. Raised grandchildren. In between cases, he was friends, talked, had fun, traveled. The hour has come - gone into another world. And it's all?

Is the meaning of life in life itself?

For most people, the meaning of life is simply living through these stages. Yuri Burlan at the training "System-Vector Psychology" calls this a sensory comprehension of the meaning of life. For some, it is about family and children. He created a family, raised and raised children - there was a feeling that life was not lived in vain, that it had meaning. From such a life, satisfaction is experienced and, as a result, a good mental state, fulfillment appears.

For another, the meaning of life is in love. Falling in love and the accompanying heat of emotions - this is what such a person needs to feel all the time in order to be happy, to feel the meaningfulness of life. Or sympathize, empathize, live in the state of another person, cry and rejoice with him.

And yet a man must definitely get to know a woman, continue himself in time, and a woman must give birth to a child in order to comprehend her life. Thus, the sensory comprehension of life occurs as a result of receiving pleasure. When we enjoy ourselves as much as possible, we feel that life has meaning.

When just living is not enough. Need to know

However, there is a category of people for whom it is not enough just to live their lives. They are not satisfied with the statement that the meaning of life is in life itself, that you just need to live, work, continue yourself in time through offspring. Such people do not receive pleasure, fulfillment from the realization of these simple human desires, therefore they feel the meaninglessness of life.

“I've been striving for something all my life,” says such a person. - I have achieved a lot in life. He studied, got married, gave birth to children, raised and raised them. I realized myself in the profession, achieved a high level in it. An indicator of this is my material well-being. There is a house, a car, a good income. Traveling. In the summer I rest at the sea, in the winter - in the mountains. I have everything. There is only one thing - happiness. I don't know why I live. I am not happy with what I have. And I don't know what else I want from life."

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"System-vector psychology", which describes eight groups of desires, properties, value attitudes as eight vectors of the psychic, refers such people to the sound vector. This is the only vector for which it is not enough to sensibly comprehend life. The carrier of this vector must consciously answer the question about the meaning of life. He must know why he came into this life!

Soundman in search of meaning

It is necessary to distinguish this situation from the one when at certain age lines people ask themselves the following questions: “Did I live my life this way? Have I done everything I had to do? What have I achieved in this life? If his desires are not fully realized due to ignorance of his true aspirations, following the wrong path, or insufficient efforts, he may feel disappointed in life. But the realization of one's true desires and their fulfillment immediately gives an incomparable experience of the meaningfulness of life.

It's another matter when such a question is asked by a person with a sound vector. If the sound engineer is filled with pleasure from the realization of his desire to comprehend life, he does not ask the question "What is the meaning of life?" And when not filled, his inner emptiness forces him to answer that life has no meaning, because he is not able to see beyond the physical world. When emptiness reaches its critical mass, suffering can push it out the window. Why live if life has no meaning? Earthly meanings do not suit him, but it is difficult for him to realize what is his lack.

Cognition of the psychic is what any sound person unconsciously strives for. Humanity is proud of its achievements: medicine, technology, science, but does not know itself at all. And it is precisely the path to self-knowledge that is laid by people with a sound vector. Search for the meaning of life and the question "Who am I?" pushes them into philosophy, psychology, various esoteric and spiritual teachings, where they strive to get a sensory experience of knowing the meaning of life. But they never get a conscious answer to their question.

What is the sense of life?

Yuri Burlan's training "System-Vector Psychology" allows you to answer this question consciously. A person feels himself separate from others, realizes only himself, his oneness in this life. When the question is posed “What is the meaning of MY life?”, The person is initially doomed to the wrong answer.

Man is a social, unified form of life, so you need to ask this: "What is the meaning of human life?" And the answer will be - cognition of the eight-dimensional matrix of mental humanity. Disclosure of the hidden. Realizing himself, a person must realize the human species in himself. These are truly spiritual aspirations. This is “Love your neighbor as yourself”, only in the sound sense: cognize him, include him in yourself, feel his desires as your own. And only this is able to fill a person with a sound vector and let him know the true meaning of life.

Maybe it seems too complicated and out of touch with life? It is possible that while this sounds incomprehensible, because the sound is at the very beginning of its development. But already now he has the opportunity, with the help of knowledge about the matrix of the psychic, that is, about that unconscious, which is hidden in the depths of the general psyche of the human species, to open new horizons of his evolution, on which the evolution of all mankind depends. The collective sound has grandiose, global tasks, in comparison with which an arranged personal life with all its comfort and benefits will seem insignificant and illusory, like yesterday's dream.

And the incomprehensible painful feeling of a life lived in vain will go away. An aspiration to the future will appear, an ever-increasing desire to comprehend the hidden, as yet unconscious, revealing in it all the new facets of the "Psychic Universe". And this task is quite consistent with the huge scale of sound consciousness. Want to try? Start with Yuri Burlan's free online lectures "System Vector Psychology". Registration here:
