Folk Remedies For Depression Or Science? All About The Treatment Of Depression With Folk Remedies

Folk Remedies For Depression Or Science? All About The Treatment Of Depression With Folk Remedies
Folk Remedies For Depression Or Science? All About The Treatment Of Depression With Folk Remedies

Folk remedies for depression and modern science

Proper nutrition or advice on starting a hobby, shopping, getting yourself out of the house, in a word, unwinding - are suitable for those who are sad, lonely, that is, those who call their bad mood depression, as well as those who are experiencing breaking up a relationship or losing a loved one. Only if you are haunted by a feeling of complete meaninglessness of your existence for no apparent reason, if you are devoured by inner pain, if you want to fall asleep and never wake up again, this will not help.

When I got depressed, I stopped going to couples and even leaving the house. Mom sounded the alarm. She believed that folk remedies for depression would help me, so she took me to a famous rural healer …

If you think that a bad mood or a disease of nerves is depression, then you are, to put it mildly, wrong. Our family knows what real depression is. At one time, my father fell ill with it, as a result he had to be treated in a mental hospital. I remember well how he stopped eating and getting out of bed, how friends and neighbors came to our house, and no one could get through to him. Then we did not know anything about alternative treatment of depression, so official medicine helped my father.

Have you ever been to a mental hospital? On the territory where crazy people roam under the supervision of strong nannies, and you try to walk past them so as not to meet anyone's eyes. And when you enter a building to visit a patient, you want to squeeze yourself into the wall from the cacophony of crazy sounds, disgusting smells and an amazing picture.

Therefore, it is not surprising that my mother decided at all costs to protect me, her child, from such an experience and the sad cliché of "being treated in a psychiatric hospital." Yes, and she did not want to add me to antidepressants, after all, there should have been an alternative treatment and some folk remedies for depression. My story is about whether folk remedies can solve the problem of depression.

Depressionfolk remedies

The witch doctor, like a good psychologist, looked into our eyes to understand what we want to hear. In my eyes, she read sarcasm and disbelief, so she communicated directly with my mother.

While the grandmother was "pumping out my spoilage" with an egg, my mother tried to find out everything that interested her, about folk remedies for treating depression, so to speak, firsthand.

The fight against depression with folk methods, as it turned out, is mainly in herbal medicine. The grandmother said that there are herbs and medicines that help with nerve diseases, insomnia, anxiety, irritability, neuroses and help relieve stress during stress. When a person is outwardly doing well, like mine, but inside is a painful black hole, then, according to the healer, this is nothing more than damage.

I do not believe in spoilage and all this nonsense, and my mother completely agrees with me. People are used to disclaiming responsibility, shifting it onto mythical bad people doing corruption, trying to explain the inexplicable in a medieval way. Mom hoped that the treatment of depression with folk remedies involves the use of old recipes, harmless analogues of modern antidepressants, but she was disappointed.

In general, then the treatment of depression with folk remedies did not help me, after a month I felt worse. For me, this was not surprising: the fight against my worsening depression with folk remedies with the help of an egg and mumbling prayers - it even sounds ridiculous. I felt sorry for my mother, and I held on with all my strength for her. I hid from her how unbearably hard it is for me to live, with what joy I think about death and how sorry I am that I cannot leave life right now …

And my mother continued to look for a folk remedy for depression for me, using all sources of information for this, where one could get at least something about how to treat depression with alternative methods.

Folk remedies for depression in the modern world

So, treatment of depression with folk remedies. Mom studied this topic so deeply that she could probably write a scientific work about it.

For example, my mother tried to find out how depression was treated with folk remedies 100-200 years ago. It turned out - in no way, since there was no such illness.

It turned out that depression is a young disease and appeared relatively recently. Then this fact seemed paradoxical to me. Yes, the life of a modern person is not easy and multitasking, it is full of reasons for stress, but can our difficulties be compared with the problems of our ancestors? After all, no one will kill you for an unpaid loan, and even 100 years ago, people literally fought for physical survival, experienced famine, wars, epidemics.

Surely my ancestor 100 years ago did not think about how to get rid of depression using folk remedies, but was glad to winter out the cold winter, harvest, eat a piece of bread. And I, young and healthy, sit in my warm and comfortable apartment on the eighth floor and struggle with my only desire - to jump out of the window.

folk remedies for depression
folk remedies for depression

Suicidal thoughts in depression are a separate topic. My existence has really become incompatible with life. The inner pain pursued me everywhere, it was unbearable, devouring from the inside. “Why do you live, stupid, superstitious people? Why are you suffering? Why am I suffering with you? For what? My world was a real hell, my personal hell, which only I felt.

Even in the books of the classics, there is no mention of depression and folk remedies. And today even children suffer from depression.

Later, this paradox was resolved - my mother found information that helped us to reveal the causal relationships of depression, we found answers on how to get out of this state on our own. But more on that later, first we'll talk about treating depression with folk remedies.

Depression - treatment with folk remedies

Mom searched the forums for reviews of people who wrote about folk remedies for depression, and tried to apply their advice. Although I understood that most of them will not help me in any way.

For example, proper nutrition. This is one of the traditional treatments for depression. Or tips on starting a hobby, shopping, getting yourself out of the house. In a word, unwind - one might say, modern folk remedies for depression. Suitable for those who are sad, lonely, that is, those who call their bad mood depression, as well as those who are experiencing a breakdown in relationships or the loss of a loved one.

In articles on folk remedies for depression, it was also advised to drink plenty of water and consume vitamins and minerals. Well, this is very beneficial to overall health, but I think the person who writes this has no idea what depression is.

In general, in most of the publics about whether depression can be treated with folk remedies, it was not depression at all that was meant.

After all, if you are haunted by the feeling of complete meaninglessness of your existence for no apparent reason, if you are devoured by inner pain, if you want to fall asleep and never wake up again, this will not help. It makes no sense to treat real depression with folk methods of this kind, since its cause is much deeper.

Contemporary folk remedies for depression: collective psychoanalysis

In an attempt to save me from depression with folk remedies, my mother accidentally made a discovery that put everything in its place.

On one of the forums, a person left a comment that he got rid of long-term chronic depression with the help of Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology. Then we found a lot of such reviews, and from that moment everything began to change. I received answers to all my questions about alternative alternative treatment for depression, about myself, about this world, about humanity and even more.

First, I realized where my father and I got a tendency to depression

I always knew that I was not like everyone else. I was interested in questions that seemed strange to others. Why does humanity exist? Who am I, why was I born, why do I live, what is the point in my life?

And dad was not like everyone else. I read strange books, took little interest in material matters, studied some religions one after another.

It turned out that my dad and I are sound specialists, to be more precise - the owners of the sound vector. There are only 5% of such people, and only people with sound, deep, thoughtful, “out of this world” are prone to depression. The only folk remedy for depression that can help the sound engineer is systemic psychoanalysis, since only he can reveal the cause of this condition.

depression folk remedies
depression folk remedies

Mom was right when she said that a person is sick if he lacks something. She just couldn't know what exactly I was missing. And I lacked knowledge of myself, the meaning of life, the design of the universe. Knowledge of what was hidden in the unconscious, my innate unconscious desires. No folk remedies for depression are able to give this awareness.

Each person is born with his own desires and properties for their realization - vectors. The trouble is, we are not aware of them. Not realizing his desires, a person does not realize them, deficiencies accumulate in his psychic, and therefore he begins to suffer and hurt.

An innate desire in the sound vector is a desire to cognize the metaphysical, to reveal the properties of the human soul, or at least the laws of inanimate nature. Sometimes sound engineers unconsciously find ways of realization - they become writers, composers, scientists, programmers, inventors. And if they do not find it and try to live like everyone else, symptoms of depression appear. Not a bad mood, but a stable and grave condition that accompanies you from day to day, and this depression cannot be overcome by treatment with folk methods - herbs and infusions.

Secondly, it became clear to me why depression appeared only recently, in the modern well-fed and safe world, and why there are no ancient folk remedies for depression

The fact that humanity is in a continuous process of development is an indisputable fact. Each next generation is smarter, more progressive, more talented than the previous one. However, only systemic-vector psychology reveals the fact that this development occurs due to an increase in desires and, at the same time, the potential for the realization of these desires.

That is, if the desires of sound specialists of previous generations were filled by religion, music, literature, poetry, today these desires are too voluminous, deep and do not find appropriate filling. More and more sound professionals suffer from symptoms of depression: insomnia, headaches, feelings of inner emptiness, suicidal thoughts. No folk remedies for depression will help if sound desires are not realized and fulfilled.

Thirdly, my depression went away by itself during the collective psychoanalysis at the training on systemic vector psychology by Yuri Burlan

With each lecture, with each article, it became easier and easier for me - after all, my innate desires were filled on the path of knowledge. All depressive sound professionals who were trained with me received the same result, so I call systemic psychoanalysis the only effective folk remedy for depression.

Folk remedies for the treatment of depression: results

Now, well understanding the causal relationships of depression, I can confidently say about folk remedies for depression and official medicine: neither one nor the other does not eliminate the cause of depression, does not even determine it. Without realizing this reason - your innate desires in the sound vector - you can remain a depressed person for the rest of your life, who was “born, suffered and died”, who never knew the taste of life, its versatility.

But life can be a real adventure, with everyday joyful and happy moments, with problems that are interesting to solve, with dreams and plans. Is the treatment of depression with folk remedies or even antidepressants capable of giving such a result - an extraordinary joy from every day of your life?

Desires in the sound vector, which we are not aware of and do not fill, create a very difficult condition, often incompatible with life - depression, while suppressing desires in other vectors. That is why, when you are depressed, you do not want anything, and neither the children, nor the care of loved ones, nor money, nor comfort make you happy - you want everyone to leave you alone. When the needs of the sound vector are filled, you suddenly come alive for life, you have a great interest in everything, a lot of desires are released that you did not even know about before.

You do not want to sleep all the time, you wake up early in the morning and hurry to plunge into this wonderful life that is in full swing, which yesterday was for you a continuous painful torment.

So, I think that a person who is looking for information about alternative treatment for depression, in fact, just wants to understand how to deal with depression on their own, how to get rid of suffering, how to relieve stress, make your life better, ease your condition, whatever it was not. Even if it's not depression, but irritability, hysteria, apathy or some kind of nerve disease.

Now I understand that any bad condition can turn life into hell. Living in fears and phobias is unbearable, living in chronic stress is painful, living in grievous grievances is hopeless. But depression is the worst condition in existence. Only depression causes obsessive thoughts of suicide. But not only for depression, treatment with folk remedies is absurd.

No matter how bad a person's mental state is, treating him with herbs and poultices or even pills is a stone age, since it is an attempt to deal with the consequences without eliminating the cause.

My life began to change during the training in systemic vector psychology by Yuri Burlan. Systemic psychoanalysis helped me and many people who received training in my group to understand and correct the life scenario. And he will help you get rid of any negative psychological state, no matter how difficult it may be.

I started with free introductory online lectures. And I recommend to you - register here.
