A handy farmer or bespectacled programmer. The past fashion for the man with the hammer and sickle
They are easy without us, but we cannot do without them. Finding yourself in the forest without the benefits of civilization, how long will you hold out? And such a person can easily orient himself, find a way, and if necessary, provide food, water and shelter.
Blue blood
A cultured, educated, intelligent person considers science, culture, art to be a worthy occupation for himself, and, accordingly, his social circle includes people from the same spheres of activity.
It is almost impossible to meet in the same company an institute professor and a handyman from a construction site, an actress of a drama theater and a collective farm milkmaid, a TOP manager and a miner-drifter.
People of physical and mental labor live as if in parallel worlds, occasionally intersecting in everyday situations.
“We are birds of different flight,” we say, representatives of the so-called elite estates, who have lifted themselves onto an ephemeral pedestal. We contemptuously call loaders, bricklayers, carpenters and farmers "cattle" or "a herd of sheep", knowingly considering second-class people.
We communicate with them kindly and politely when we need to make repairs, move furniture or fix pipes, put a fence in the country, cut down a tree or dig a hole. And the rest of the time we behave as if all this should happen by itself, this is stupid, tedious and elementary work that we, of course, could do if we wanted, but we do not have the desire, strength, time, and health, too. In every word we say, there is snobbery and disdain for "these dumbass".
The common people - the very workers and peasants who provide us with warmth and food, give birth to children and resignedly give their lives in war, defending us - are precisely these people that we do not consider equal to ourselves.

Why is this happening?
How did it happen that we, such brilliant, outstanding and talented, and cannot live without them, no matter how we puffed up?
They are easy without us, but we cannot do without them. Finding yourself in the forest without the benefits of civilization, how long will you hold out? And such a person can easily orient himself, find a way, and if necessary, provide food, water and shelter.
What's far to go? Even in the city you cannot survive without their labor. Who works at the neighboring power plant, water supply station, and who brings food to the store next to your house every day? After all, all this does not appear out of thin air.
Who are they, these simple people who understand so much about us - the real ones?
Natural wisdom of simplicity
In our attempts to know ourselves, we are carried away to distant distances - unknown galaxies, the microcosm of atoms, or we turn to religions. And these people, perceiving their community with the same as them, clearly feel that they are an inseparable part of the whole. This is given to them by nature, to which they are closer to any of us. They say about themselves: "We", rarely using the word "I".
"We are simple people, we don't need much."
They are absolutely not conflicting, although they feel all our hostility and snobbery directed at them, even if it is not expressed aloud, but skillfully covered with exquisite phrases. Even killing enemies during the battle, they do not feel hatred for them, but simply do their job.
They have a very special relationship with death. Concentrating all their natural properties on meeting basic needs: eating, drinking, breathing, sleeping - such people consider death to be deliverance, the end of earthly torment, when all desires had to be satisfied themselves. A funeral for them is a very important and solemn moment, they always try to help, to participate in the organization of rituals. Such people always set aside their savings "to death", especially in old age, so that they can be "buried like a human being", because it is important for them.
They do not seek fame, are completely devoid of ambition, are absolutely reckless and unforgiving, do not crave recognition and do not search for the meaning of life, live simply and almost ideally, satisfying all their desires every day.
They are people with a muscle vector, their 38% of the population. The salt of the earth, the foundation of society and the foundation of demography.
We, people from the quartet of information, owners of sound or visual vectors, look at the muscles from top to bottom, drowning in our arrogance and egocentrism. At the same time, muscular people never put anyone below themselves, but only next to them, they call their "we", and strangers - "they", dividing everyone according to the territorial principle, and not according to the ability to calculate logarithms or quote Hamlet.
If the sound and visual vectors are the brain of a nation, then the muscle vector is its body. The share of representatives of the muscle vector in the population of any country is the most numerous. Possessing great physical strength and endurance, desire and ability to give birth to a large number of children, it is the muscles that form the basis of the demography of any country.

He is a builder or a warrior, she is a mother
Muscular men have always been warriors, and in peacetime - builders and hunters, and women - natural mothers for numerous offspring.
Perceiving death as the natural end of life and a return to the mother's womb, where all desires came true by themselves, the muscle warrior easily took other people's lives on the battlefield and just as easily gave his own. The battle is the performance of a muscle warrior of his specific role: he defended his land from enemies, and worked his muscles, and sent a dozen warriors to a better world. Whichever side you look at, I did well. The perfect warrior.

Now war and hunting are a thing of the past, being replaced by novelties of the military-industrial complex and supermarkets. Muscles find the use of their remarkable strength in construction or other specialties associated with hard physical labor, providing us with food, housing, warmth, light, water and other benefits of comfort.
Physical labor for them is joy and pleasure: muscles work, their erogenous zone is initiated. The pleasure comes from the process itself, not its purpose. They do everything just the way they were shown - that is, they have a visual-effective type of thinking. It takes half a day to explain to the muscle what needs to be done, and everything is useless - he will not understand anything. And to show it once - everything will be done, and so skillfully, as if he had been doing this all his life.
Muscular people do not need skin wealth or anal recognition, they are not attracted by visual fame or sound spiritual search, they just want to live, and they know how to be happy without us. And we, with all our confidence in our own superiority, will not be able to grow wheat without them, build houses and raise the country's demography.

Only having a powerful support in the form of a healthy muscle foundation, the intellect and spirituality of our society has a chance for development and realization. Without a strong physical body, Professor Dowell's head becomes just a meaningless experiment.
It is in the understanding of the features of the representatives of the muscle vector that the solution to the problem of a drinking village and high crime in cities lies, but read about this in the following articles.