How To Let Go Of The Past And Start Living In The Present - Psychology

How To Let Go Of The Past And Start Living In The Present - Psychology
How To Let Go Of The Past And Start Living In The Present - Psychology

How to get rid of the past and live in the present

Human memory is a delicate and individual thing. We do not choose what to remember and what to ruthlessly delete. It happens that we remember events that did not even happen to us, but those with whom they happened have already been forgotten for a long time. So what can be done? To suffer all your life, or what? A couple more such memories, and it seems my heart will not stand it. Is there at least one effective way in the world to somehow forget the past?

Why can't the memory be erased? I would give everything that I have just to stop living the same moment day after day. A word of the interlocutor, a familiar scent - and I again return to that moment of my life that I dream of forgetting. How to get rid of the burden of the past and start living in the present, here and now? After all, I understand that this burden pulls me into a funnel of pain and suffering. I can't do this anymore!"

How to stop living in the past when the past does not go away?

Human memory is a delicate and individual thing. We do not choose what to remember and what to ruthlessly delete. Sometimes memory plays a cruel joke with us: we accumulate not good memories, but bad ones. And we remember them so vividly that it seems as if this is happening right now. That is why we blush, turn pale, suffocate, we cannot find a place for ourselves, our hearts are pounding, our legs give way, or, conversely, we are bursting with anger.

We understand that we cannot turn back the past, that nothing can be replayed, but anyway we either torment ourselves for mistakes, or constantly revive the old resentment. And so I want to say: “what happened is gone”, but for some reason it does not work out. After all, it did not pass. And time does not help, and sedatives are powerless.

One thing is strange - not everyone is so killed. Why? It happens that we remember events that did not even happen to us, but those with whom they happened have already been forgotten for a long time. So what can be done? To suffer all your life, or what? A couple more such memories, and it seems my heart will not stand it. Is there at least one effective way in the world to somehow forget the past?

Yuri Burlan's training "System-Vector Psychology" clearly shows what is. The whole secret is that you need to know the psyche and learn to live in accordance with your properties. And now about everything in order.

Is a good memory a gift or a curse?

Of all the multitude of people on the planet, only about 20% tend to get stuck in unpleasant moments from the past. These people are the owners of the anal vector. Their psyche is designed in such a way as to memorize as much information as possible. Moreover, in detail and in detail. Therefore, they remember what hairstyle the first teacher had on the last call, what a friend said when they asked him for help for the first time in their lives, how many minutes the train was late on November 10, 1998, etc. And just as clearly and in detail they remember all their mistakes, and not only theirs.

It seems that nature has unfairly endowed us, the owners of the anal vector, with such a terrible gift. Now, when the heart is beating in convulsions in the chest, it cannot be called a gift, but rather a curse. But in fact, it really is a gift. We just haven't learned to use it. It's like a grand piano - it is beautiful in its grandeur and can give a real aesthetic pleasure, but when we start playing an out of tune instrument, we hear a cacophony.

So it is with memory: we could "archive" huge layers of information in the brain, memorize texts and complex schemes. Instead, we remember only personal stories and try to fight our own past, somehow let it go, forget it.

How to forget the past picture
How to forget the past picture

Flawless memory for implementation

A person is born completely "empty" and is filled with knowledge from absolute zero. If you look around, you can clearly see that not everyone is able to transfer knowledge and skills. This can only be done by those who thoroughly know the subject and can patiently, consistently and fully provide information: first the basics, then the subtleties, and then the depth. These people are carriers of the anal vector.

People with an anal vector are the connection of humanity with the wisdom of their ancestors. Their gaze is turned to the past, which is a value. These are people who honor traditions, are interested in history, archeology and “prefer vinyl”.

The owners of the anal vector strive for perfection - they are perfectionists. They want to know the subject perfectly well - in detail, deeply. They are not afraid to ask questions and inquisitively investigate everything they undertake. Such desires require a good memory, which is what they are naturally endowed with.

But sometimes these same qualities bring suffering to a person - it is impossible to somehow forget past relationships, past grievances or erase from memory the moments of "shame".

This happens if, for some reason, we cannot share our talents with society, but we begin to use them for ourselves.

By focusing on ourselves, we do not remember information for transmission to others, but only the events of our own past. Thus, our innate properties find their application and, as we see, not to our advantage. A person without realization becomes a hostage of his talent. In our case, this manifests itself as:

Memories of bad experiences

Perfection must be perfect, but how can we be perfect if we make mistakes? Only one such incident can poison our lives. We remember it in the smallest detail and endlessly scroll it in our heads, feeling ashamed. Even if this mistake was insignificant, but having experienced a terrible awkwardness, we can fix it for a long time - for life.

Pain from resentment

If your friend in a verbal dispute, Could hurt you, It is bitter, but this is not grief, You then forgive him all the same.

Eduard Asadov

But how to forgive? It hurts us just as much, if not even more, to think about it every time. The offender's remarks are literally recorded in memory. And we can't stop thinking about the past, and no matter how hard we try, it only gets worse. One question in my head: "How could he do that?" … This injustice gnaws at us from the inside and is never forgotten. You can read more about this phenomenon in the article "How to forgive insult and let go of pain."

So how do you let go of the past and start living in the present?

To begin with, you need to realize your nature, understand what properties we have and what they are needed for. Then - learn how to apply them correctly. When we realize our talents in society, we are filled with great pleasure, our innate qualities are involved in the most favorable form, and there is no longer any room for the accumulation of negative experience.

At the training "System-vector psychology" by Yuri Burlan, our perception of reality and attitude to the world involuntarily change. Of course, we do not forget the episodes of our life, but we already treat them differently - it no longer hurts to remember the past, and we break out of its fetters. Hundreds of people who have completed the training speak about this:

You can learn how not to think about the past and stop living with memories at the free online training "System-vector psychology" by Yuri Burlan, where the first acquaintance with the topic "Anal vector" takes place.
